
Reincarnated in Naruto without cheats

This is a naruto fanfiction about Asahi which will try to get strong in the Naruto Universe without any cheats to protect his love ones and to be prepared for what is to come in the future . --------------------------------------------------------------------- It is my first time writing a novel and english is just my second language so you can expect some grammer mistakes which i am sorry about. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I would love some critique but please no hate. I try to upload twice a week and each chapter with 1500-2000 words. I wish you a lot of fun reading this book. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ***I do not claim to own anything written in this fic except my OC characters.***

Luzero · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 8: Training

"Danzo-sama, we got you what you wanted.", says a ninja with a mask over his and the normal anbu armor as he hands over a stack of paper to the man named Danzo, which sits behind a desk in a lage dark room where no sunlight can be seen.

"Asahi Hirai, son of Akari Hirai and Haruto Agawa. Akari Hirai, was born into a poor family and also never awakened her chakra which made her unable to become a ninja. She works at a cloth shop and designs the cloth for the shop and is paid pretty good.

Akari Hirai… This name says something to me. He was an orphan but awakened his chakra at the age of 5 and got into the ninja academy. In the ninja academy it was quickly discovered that he had a good talent and would be a jounin ninja if trained correctly. At the age of 13 he was a chunin and at the age of 15 a jounin. At the age of 19 he was sent on a mission and never came back, after one week of waiting he was declared as dead. Four months after his death was his son, Asahi Hirai born.

Asahi Hirai, 12 years old and defeated 3 low-chunin ninja, which from Shikaku's information were on the edge between high.genin and low-chunin level. Two from the three were defeated from a surprise attack and one was defeated in a fight. This makes him at least a low-chunin ninja at the age of 13.

Hmph… It is not something that impressive that I would want him at all cost, but I want someone to keep an eye on this kid and when he shows that his talent is at least that of his father, then I will recruit him to the root.

Good job, you can leave.", says Danzo to his ninja. He lays the papers on his desks, closes his eye and starts to think about how he will get the jinchuuriki to join the root and how he can convince Hiruzen do let him have him.

# 3rd Person POV#

As Asahi open my eyes, he can see the sunlight shine through his window in his room and right in his face.

When he saw that he thought: (Time for training, I will use the weights for the first time today and I am pretty excited about how much more difficult it will be with them to do my normal morning workout. After I am them with that, I will eat something and train with my sword for at least 2 hours, since I still have to practice my Art of Sword Drawing more. I noticed it in the mission that I was not to one-hundred percent confident in it so I will need to train it. Then I will need to rest a bit for my body to regenerate and after that I will train my jutsus more that I can use them even more effective. The last thing I will do is training my wind release with the same training Naruto did when he started his training in his wind release.)

After he got up from the bed, he goes into the bathroom the clean himself and get dressed up for his training in his normal Ninja outfit. When he finished dressing up, he goes into the kitchen and makes a breakfast. Finished eating his breakfast he goes to get his weights from his room and starts wear them.

Arrived at the training ground his team always uses, he already noticed the difference with weights and without weights. The walk to the training ground which never was demanding on him got him a little tired.

Two hours later Asahi finished his morning workout and he lays on the grass out of breath. The training he has done the last few weeks could not compare at hoe tiered he was feeling right now. All his muscles aches and he can't even move a finger, but this was what he wanted when he brought the weights.

He saw that he made less and less progress the last few weeks and that his training doesn't tire him out as much as before, so he longed after the feeling were his muscle ache all over his body. (No, he is not a masochist. Or is he? ….)

Done resting his body for five minutes he stands up and thinks about what to eat. (Should I go to Ichirakru's Ramen or should I eat dango? I want to eat both I can't decide what I should eat… I just throw a coin and when he lands on tails, I go to Ichiraku Ramen and when he lands on head, I go eat dango.)

Finishing one of the most imported decisions he will have to do all his live. He takes out a coin and flips it in the air. The coin rotates in the air and starts to fall down to the ground. The coin hits the ground and bounces of it and rotates itself again in the air. Asahi closes his eyes and waits for the coin to finally land on the ground.

After what felt for him like a eternity he starts to open his eyes and looks at the coin and sees ...…. the head! (Then dango it is.), he thinks and starts going to the dango shop to eat his well-earned lunch.

Finishing his lunch, he goes out of the shop and goes back to the training ground and starts to practice his Art of Sword Drawing. Right now, he only has one technique for this Art of Sword Drawing, the "Art of Sword Drawing: Quick Cut", it is a technique where he puts chakra in his legs to move at a very fast pace and in his sword to make it sharper.

The only problem is, that only 80% of the time he hits the target which he wants to hit when he uses this technique over a long distance. He wants to train this technique more so that he can use it with a 100% chance to hit his target at any distance. Asahi also already knows how he will upgrade this technique.

When he trainied his wind and lighting release he will put lighting chakra in his body and wind chakra in his sword. The lighting chakra will make his body go even faster and the wind chakra will make his blade even sharper and deadlier.

Finished with thinking about how he wants his technique to be in the future he starts with training the basic "Art of Sword Drawing: Quick Cut", since he first needs to fully master the basic form to even think about evolving it.

After finishing his 3-hour session sword training, he starts to train his jutsus, but only after resting his body for some time. He will train his body flicker technique for 1 hour and the other ones he will train equally after that for 2 hours.

Why does he train his body flicker technique the most? Because Asahi thinks that training this movement technique is the best. Not only can he kill his opponents easier if he is faster then them, but this technique is also important to retread if you encounter an enemy where you now that you can't beat him in a fight.

Another reason is, that his other jutsus are just C-Rank and aren't really that strong. Of course, the jutsus are not weak and can be really useful in a fight, as he realized in the fight against the low chunin opponent he fought in his mission. So, he realized that he needed to train them more to use them even more efficient and he hoped that he could reduce the hand-seals even more, but he noticed that it got increasingly harder to reduce the hand-seals.

The reason was, that you could only reduce the hand-seals when you have really good chakra control and with each hand-seal less the required chakra control is sky rocking. Asahi has a really good chakra control, which is why he could degrease the hand-seals in the first place. That was also the reason why he just couldn't get one-handed-seal forming done. The chakra control which is required for it is something which Asahi doesn't have right now, but he gets better at it and he fells that it will not be long till he can use one-handed-seal-forming for the academy jutsus at least.

After finishing his jutsu training he lays himself on the grass and waits for his chakra to regenerate to start training his wind release. Finished waiting for his chakra to regenerate enough to start training again, he stands up and goes to a tree to get some leaves from it.

For training his wind release he needs a leave and sandwich it between the palms. After that he needs to cut the leave with only his chakra straight in the middle. Sounds easy but is really hard to do.

Finished collecting leaves he sits on the ground and sandwich the leave between his palms. He starts to try to cut the leave with just his chakra. 30min later, he looks at the leave in his palm and sees not only one cut in it.

(Well, I should have known that this will be hard, I don't even have the shadow clone jutsu to train faster. Wait, I can ask Sensei if he can give me the shadow clone jutsu, if have it I will make more progress in the same amount of time, since the experience what the shadow clone has will get transferred back to the original after realizing it, so if I have only one shadow clone, I can train my wind release two-times as fast then before which is already a big time safer.)

After another 3 hours of trying to get a cut in the leave he finally has a cut but it is so small, that you can barely see it with your eye. Finishing his training he goes up from the ground and gets ready to leave the training ground.

Leaving the training ground, he goes to Ichiraku Ramen, since his mother needs to work late today and he doesn't want to cook himself something. Arrived at Ichiraku's Ramen, he sits in one of the free chairs and sees Ayame coming to him.

"Do you want the same as always Asahi-kun?"

"Yes, please Ayame-san.", he answers her with a smile. The both of them may not be friends but they also don't hate each other. Ayame is only 2 years older than Asahi so they both speak more like friends then strangers. One of the reasons is, that Asahi goes often to Ichirakus Ramen which makes him see Ayame often, since she always helps her father with the shop.

"Here is your Miso-Ramen Asahi-kun." "Thank you, Ayame-san."

Staring down at his bowl of Ramen, his saliva runs out on the sides of his mouth by just remembering how delecius this Ramen is. Not wanting to torture himself any longer he starts to eat his bowl of Ramen in record time.

After finishing his Ramen, he goes up and starts going home and thinks about what to do tomorrow.

(Sensei said that I should come to his house tomorrow to go get the jutsus which I asked him for. I can ask him about the shadow clone jutsu and if he can teach me it. Tomorrow I will repeat the same training I have done today.)

Finishing his plans for tomorrow he stands for his home, goes in and lays himself on his bad and falls asleep quickly, since he trained his body really hard today.

Hello guys I am back!!!

Did you guys miss me? :D

I hope you like this chapter.

I try to upload next week another chapter but i dont know if I can. I still have some problems but I hope I get enough time to write a chapter.

I wish you all a good day.

Luzerocreators' thoughts