
Reincarnated in Naruto without cheats

This is a naruto fanfiction about Asahi which will try to get strong in the Naruto Universe without any cheats to protect his love ones and to be prepared for what is to come in the future . --------------------------------------------------------------------- It is my first time writing a novel and english is just my second language so you can expect some grammer mistakes which i am sorry about. --------------------------------------------------------------------- I would love some critique but please no hate. I try to upload twice a week and each chapter with 1500-2000 words. I wish you a lot of fun reading this book. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ***I do not claim to own anything written in this fic except my OC characters.***

Luzero · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 7 Back in Konoha


Hey Author here, (this will be a long text) first I am sorry for not updating a chapter last week and then I wanted to ask you something. Was the last mission too hard for the first C-Rank mission? Yes, the mission turned to at least a B-Rank if not a A-Rank mission, but it was by no mean harder then the first C-Rank mission from the Team 7 (Naruto, Sasuke, Useless (Sakura)).

Yes, they needed to fight against some chunin level ninja but there were all pretty low level and since Hina and Sora are both trained by their clan and trained with Shikaku I think it is realistic that they can hold off a mid-rank chunin level (only hold not, not being able to kill him) And the MC is already a mid-rank chunin level ninja in strength so he can easily beat a low-rank chunin. Yes, there were two NORMAL jonin-rank ninjas but I think Shikaku is strong enough to hold is ground against normal jonin ninja.

When you compare it with the first C-Rank mission from team 7, they needed to fight Haku which is I think at least a mid-rank chunin if not high-rank chunin level ninja, so much stronger then the ones which the team from the MC fight against. And Zabuza is by a mile stronger than two normal jonin-rank ninjas (which you can see, because Kakashi had a pretty rough time beating him). So, the mission from team 7 is in my opinion much harder or dangerous then the one from the MC.

They had three options from when they were first attacked, 1. Going to the Land of Iron which was just 7 days away and writing a letter to the village to sent backup. 2. Go back to Konoha, which is going to take 2 weeks (because they needed 3 weeks to get there) and 3. Wait for the backup to arrive. You can please write which is the option you would choose and why.

Please write your feedback so that I can get better at writing since it is just my first story. :D

Next week I will try to upload 2 chapters (which I wanted to do the last few weeks :/ ) since I have no exams next week. When I will upload them, I don't know, you will just have to wait.

Then I wish you fun to read this chapter Author out.


As we are standing in front of the door of the hokage room I was thinking about the last few weeks and about what happened. A C-Rank mission suddenly turned into a B-Rank if not A-Rank mission.

I and my team fought against chunin and jonin level ninjas, well Sensei fought against the two jonin ninja but you know what I mean. Since the mission was a higher then thought at the start, Suzuki gave us my sword as a reward for still finishing the mission and protecting him. When we waited for the backup to come to get us back to the village I started to train and get familiar with my new weapon.

And I was really surprised at how perfect the sword laid in my hand and how it had the perfect weight, not to light and not to heavy. I can now put chakra easier and also more chakra in general in the blade since it is of chakra metal which I am really thankful for.

I also thought about what it is the most important to train for me when I come back to Konoha. First, I need to train my body more since the body is the foundation of everything. But I feel that my body is improving slower than before so I need weights to further improve my body. Why did I not use weights right at the start to train? Because I wanted to improve my body to its limit without any weights to have a good foundation on which I could build on.

Second, I need to train my wind and lighting attributes more so that I can infuse them in my sword style and can create more jutsus with them. I know how to improve my wind attributes but I don't know how to improve my lightning attributes. I will need to ask Sensei if he knows someone which can help me.

As I was still in my thoughts about how to train for the next few weeks I hear and the voice of the 3rd Hokage say: "Team 12 you can come in.". When we heard him, our Sensei opened the door and lead us in the room. The room looks like the first time I saw it. In the middle a desk with many piles of papers. Behind the papers sit an old man, the 3rd Hokage.

When he looks in my eyes, I can see that he looks at me with interest. (Well, seems like he already read through the reports from our Sensei and is now a little interested in me. But nothing too much, a 13-year-old genin which can kill a chunin is something impressive but not something which was never achieved and it isn't even that rare.) I think as I stare back in his eyes.

He looks away and begins to talk to my Sensei "Good Work Shikaku-san. Your team finished a mission which was at least B-Rank as their first real mission. I am really proud to have you all as a ninja for this village.", with his grandpa smile, "You will have a vacation from 3 weeks to recover from this mission. Your rewards were already sent to your home. I was really astonished when I read to report saying that a genin of my village killed not one but four chunin ninja. I am really impressed Asahi-kun."

"Thank you, Hokage-sama. But it was most just luck, I killed two from the three with a surprise attack which they couldn't dodge and the last one underestimated me because I am a child. If he would have fought me seriously, I don't think I could have beat him and needed to wait for my Sensei or my teammates to arrive to help me. And the last one was focused on Sora and Hina, and didn't expect me to attack him which made it easy to kill him.", I answer to him.

"You are a humble one, aren't you? No need to be so humble about this achievement you killed three chunin level ninja when you are just a genin. The way you killed them doesn't matter.", he says to me.

"Thank you for the praise, Hokage-sama. I understand, I will be proud about my achievement but will not be overconfident because of it." He just nods at what I said and begins to talk to my teammates.

"Hina and Sora-kun you two did well too. To hold off chunin level ninjas at your level is also an impressive feed." The two just stare at the Hokage and begin too and begin to grin because of the praise. "Thank you, Hokage-sama."

"Now if you would excuse me, I need to have an important talk with your Sensei and will need you to leave this room. I hope to see you again Team 12.", we bow to him and turn around to leave the room.

Before we got out of the room our Sensei says:" I want to meet you all on our training ground at 10am." "Yes, Sensei.", after we answer him, we go out of the room.

# 3rd Person POV #

"Shikaku-san why do you think my former student would try to steal from a blacksmith from the Land of Iron", asks Hiruzen.

"I think he needs it to forge weapon and armor for his ninjas. I heard that the Sound Village which was build from him get more and more ninja which would lead to that the recourses may be too small for the growing population."

"You are possibly right Shikaku-san, but I have a really bad feeling about it. I now my former student would never to something which is not important for his gain. We need to investigate the growing population of this place and we need more information from the Sound Village.", says Hiruzen.

"I will send some of our people to do this job Hokage-sama and you don't need to worry, a Village which was just build can't be of danger for our village for the next few years. The only way they could try something against us is with the help of the other great Villages.", answers Shikaku.

"Ok I will leave you with finding the right people for this mission. You are dismissed." Shikaku bows to Hiruzen and turns around to leave to room, but before he leaves the room, he hears Hiruzen say:" And train Asahi-kun in your team. He may have not such a big talent than Kakashi or Itachi but he is still a talented ninja which will be of use for the village."

When Shikaku exits the room, Hiruzen turns around in his chair, looks out of the window and whispers to himself:" What are you planning Orochimaru, my former student. I hope you don't try anything against to Konoha. I will defeat you even if it will cost my life.

# Protagonist POV #

When I open the door and go in my house I shout: „MOM, I AM BACK!". After my shout I hear something fell on the ground and shattered. Just after that I can see my mom running at me with open arms and giving me a strong and long hug.

"You are finally back. You said you were only away for 4 weeks. You came nearly a week later! Do you know how much I worried about you?", she says to me as she looks into my eyes. All I can see is in my mothers' eyes is how worried she was for me and when I saw that my chest begun the feel warm.

"I am sorry mom, some things happened which delayed our journey but it was nothing dangerous. Next time please don't worry so much about me mom, you need to look after your health.", I say to her as she slowly releases me from her hug. "Come in I will start cooking dinner and you will help me young boy for worrying me.", my mother says to me and starts going to the kitchen.

We talked the whole evening about my mission, she would ask questions and I will answer her, of course leaving the dangerous things which happened out. No need to make her more worried that she already is. She also told me what she did the last 5 weeks and I was just happy at being home and talking to my mother after such a long mission.

At that moment I feel once again that I need to protect my family, but for that I will need to get even stronger.

After the talk we each went to our rooms to sleep for the night, but bevor I went to sleep I made a list of things I need to do tomorrow. First, buy weights to train my body more. Second ask Sensei for an instructor for my lightning element so I can get better at it and ask for some more jutsus. Third make a plan with how I will divide my days with my training. Since I want to do the most out of the three weeks which I now have free.

When I finished planning which things, I need to do tomorrow I go to my soft bed which I missed and drifted in my sleep. It was the first time I dreamed in a long time, and then it was a dream about my past life, to be exact about my childhood. After I woke up, I had tears streaming down my face, but I couldn't remember what I dreamed exactly about and what made me cry.

I stopped thinking about it since it was just a waste of time, maybe I will dream about it again and then I can remember or I just will remember it over time. No need to waste time because of a dream about my last life.

Without wasting time, I got out of bed and into the bath to clean my teeth and take a shower. After I was done, I chose what I should wear, I decided for a black pants, a black t-shirt and above it a wine-red jacked. i woke up early today so I can go shopping for my weights before

When I was done, I started to go out of the house and toward my next destination. I opened the door of the store and go in I see lots of things, weapons, armors and weights. After looking around a little bit I started my search for my weights. I first want to start low and slowly increase the weight. So, I decided to get 8kg weights for both my legs and 3kg weights for both my arms which is in total 22 kg weights. After paying for the weights, I first brought them back home since I don't want to runaround with 22kg weights.

Then I go to the training ground even though I am way too early. 30min later I can see the other from my team coming, Sora, Hina and Shikaku-Sensei.

When all arrived Shikaku-Sensei starts to talk:" I want to say to you that I am really proud of you guys. It is not everyday where a genin team can finish such a mission and because of that I will give you all one week free where you don't need to train since I can image that this mission most have strained you guys a lot. But, after this one free week we will start our training again.". We three all nodded.

"Sensei can I ask you something?" "Go ahead Asahi-kun.", he answers.

"I want to ask if I could get more jutsus from you? I already learned all of the past ones and I want to have more jutsus at my arsenal.", I ask him. "Yes, you can have some new jutsus, it will not be a problem for me. What else do you want to ask about?"

"Do you know someone which can instructed me with my training in the lightning attribute? I know how I can train in my wind attribute since my father also had wind attribute and wrote some of his trainings down but I don't know how to train my lighting attribute."

"Well, I know someone which is good with the lighting attribute, he is the best for the lightning attribute after the Hokage in this village but it will be a drag to ask him about it."

"Who is he Sensei?", I ask him.

"His name is Kakashi Hatake, I don't know if you know him, but he is one of the best lightning attribute users in this village and will be the best instructor for you. It is just a drag to ask him about it since he changed much after a past event.", answers my Sensei.

Hello Guys Author here, i hope you enjoyed this chapter.

I will try to upload a second chapter this week since i couldnt upload one last week.

If you see any mistakes please write them so i can correct them, thank you very much.

I wish you all a good morning/day/evening/night.

Luzerocreators' thoughts