
Reincarnated in Naruto with the Blood of the Starscourge

"Fark this GAME!! All you do is enemy spam!" Levin had had enough playing his current addiction Elden ring for more than 48 hours straight. He wasn't particularly good at it but he kept trying. This was until he met a particular set of bosses who thrived on overwhelming the MC with attacks and numbers. To keep himself calm throughout, he had played his favorite anime Naruto in the background. After giving up for the night, he fell asleep and woke up to a goddess staring at him. "I'll be quick mortal, you can be reincarnated in Elden Ring or Naruto with...." The goddess began. "NARUTO!!!!" Levin yelled out instinctually. *Elden Ring Naruto Crossover *No Harem *Reduction of Alien Presence in the story if you know what I mean. *MC is powerful but definitely defeatable, will lose if he fights an incompatible opponent or fights above his league. *The first portion of the story (10 chapters) is a bit meme heavy and doesn't take itself to seriously. The story starts getting more serious after. The novel has a Ko-fi account now by the way. If you guys like the novel, please consider leaving a review and rating or donating Ko-fi tips to show your support.  https://ko-fi.com/rammyboyz Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from OCs used here.( Cover, Art, characters, or setting. )

RammyBoyz · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Moving to Konoha/"Tutorial" Bounty

*Chapter has been wrewritten to better explain Hoshikage's reasoning

Tora was facing his grandfather inside his house.

"Greetings Hoshikage-sama." Tora bowed politely.

"Hello Tora... how was it?" The hoshikage asked pensively. He was already regretting his decision to send his cute grandson to kill bandits in the surrounding area. Even without the glares from his daughter and son-in-law, he wished he hadn't killed the child's innocence so early. However, he knew that for the village to grow stronger, his grandson needed to grow up soon.

"It was... fine grandfather. I didn't know it would smell so bad." Tora said after some hesitation.

"Ah... yes child. That tends to happen when people are killed. The bowels are released."

Tora nodded.

"Sigh... I'm sorry child, if I was stronger you wouldn't have to do this so young."

"It's alright grandpa. But, what do you mean?"

"We have made an agreement with our allies in Konoha for them to support the development of our village. Hiruzen is an old war friend and with the recent development of our Mystique Peacock, we are finally seen as strong enough to have negotiations with."

Tora kept quiet and waited.

"In return for this support, they wish for us to start a branch house in the hidden leaf and for you and your siblings to undergo your education as a leaf ninja. One of you children will lead the branch house in the future. They are likely doing this to make sure that there will be goodwill between our villages. Admittedly, the shinobi education in Konoha is much better as compared to here for now, I believe this will help the clan become stronger overall." Tora's grandfather continued.

"I see, I have no problems hoshikage."

The hoshikage nodded thoughtfully.

"You are dismissed young one, you will be moving in around a year."

"Yes hoshikage."

Tora then left the hoshikage's house and went home.

When Tora left. The hoshikage pulled out a tobacco pipe ang began smoking. He reminisced about his past experiences. He remembered how he himself went to Uzushiogakure to help defend it when it was destroyed years ago. The hoshikage was powerful and was definitely a kage-level fighter, however he was powerless in the face of the sheer strength of the invaders. The Uzumaki's Village was infinitely stronger than his, and they even had the secret support of Konoha, but in the end they were destroyed and forced to run for their lives like rats across the continent.

It was at this point he realized that if even one of the 5 great villages wished for their minor village to be extinct, they would get their wish no matter how much Hoshikagure resisted. The only reason they were still standing today was the other villages didn't bother with them since Hoshigakure heavily relied on the mystique peacock technique that shortened their lifespan and lowered their long-term threat level.

However, everything changed when his grandson was born. The meteorite was absorbed and the dangerous side-effects of the mystique peacock were fixed. The other villages would no doubt find out about this and begin hostile action. Be it the annihilation of his village, or perhaps the kidnapping of his clansmen for experiments and breeding.

This was the whole reason he was so eager to send his grandchildren and children away. He wished he was wrong and that the other villages would leave Hoshigakure alone. However, in the world of shinobi, naivety will get you killed.

This was something he desperately did not want to do, but he could now only rely on Hiruzen, who promised to protect his clansmen and ensure its survival. Konoha's less generous side was also greedy for different Kekkei Genkai, and would do it's best to protect his clansmen so that they could marry into Konoha and provide new weapons and blood for the village. It was ironic how the possibility of getting stronger was the reason he had to send his own family away because they were too weak.

'If our home truly gets destroyed. I only pray that in the future one of you can rebuild it. Here or in Konoha, I do not care at this point. The weak have no right to choose.' The Hoshikage sighed and exhaled some smoke.

*Tora's house

When Tora arrived, his mother and father were waiting for him at the door and immediately went to hug him tightly.

"How are you my baby boy? Is everything alright?" His mother Yua, was tearing up as she said this.

His father had a complicated look on his face. He too was asked to kill for the village, however it happened at a much later age. He was worried that his son would turn out like the child soldiers from the rain village or the mist village.

"I'm alright mom... If it's okay, can I go to the bathroom... it's an emergency."

Yua realized what his son was implying so she kissed his forehead and let him go inside.

Aka put his hand on Yua's shoulder to comfort her as he looked towards his father-in-law's house.

'My son, I'm sorry this had to happen so soon. In the future, whatever you wish to do, I will wholeheartedly support you.'

*Meanwhile in the bathroom

Tora was vomiting in the toilet bowl repeatedly.

'It was so easy while I was hacking away. Why'd it get hard now? Dammit!'

Tora was doing he's best to face the realities of his first kill.

"Sigh... I can do this... I can do this." Tora tells himself repeatedly.

*Hours later

Tora was again sitting on a tree branch near the village with a glum face. His parents decided to give him space due to what happened earlier. For now, Tora hasn't been able to start the first steps of moving past his dilemma earlier.

'How are you Tora?' A voice greets him in his mind.

'Hello goddess, I'm doing my best. I knew this was a different world, but I guess I really understand how different it is now.'

'I see, take your time Tora. I just wanted to tell you that I have your first bounty/quest available if you wanted to see it. '

'Thank you goddess. Can I see the bounty now?'

'Of course Tora.'

[Tutorial Bounty/Quest]

Target: Danzo Shimura

Timeframe: Dies within 3 years.

Reward: Bloodline Mutation Gacha

*Due to the difficulty of killing the target, a large amount of support will be given.

"... Tutorial Bounty? I don't think Danzo is a tutorial boss at all. I hate him a lot, dude was useless, but I'm only 4 right now. This is worse than when I faced the Asylum demon for the first time in dark souls."

'I know I know, That's why I'm going to give you lots of help, that's why it's a tutorial bounty.'

'Okay... So why do you want him dead anyway. I want to kill him on principle of him being an asshole but how about you?'

'Well... If he dies within a few years, he won't be able to massacre the Uchiha clan. Besides, all of leaf's problems are related to him and he won't just let your hidden village get strong.'

This reasoning made sense to Tora, he himself would have considered helping out the Uchihas even without goddess's prompting. However, he had a feeling the goddess had less serious reasons for wanting Danzo dead.

'Out of curiosity goddess, who was your favorite character in the story?'

'Ohh, that's easy. Itachi all the way, he's best boy for Naruto. He's so hot and brooding, and by far the best character.' The goddess suddenly became excited, talking almost as if talking about a crush.

'Uhuh... This wouldn't be related to why you want me to kill Danzo is it?'

'What??? Nooo. I would never, is it so wrong to want Danzo dead?'

'No, I want him dead too. I'd be even happier if you let me try to kill those useless elders too. But, I'm just really surprised you want me kill him so soon.'

'Oh those garbage elders? Yeah, you can kill them too. Honestly though, they're mostly harmless if Danzo is dead, they're greatest skill is hiding behind Danzo or Hiruzen. But sure, I'll give you a bonus if they die too.'

[Tutorial Bounty/Quest]

Target: Danzo Shimura

Timeframe: Dies within 3 years.

Reward: Bloodline Mutation Gacha

Bonus Targets: Koharu Utatane & Homura Mitokado

Bonus Reward: Increase in Chakra Reserves, Shadow clone Jutsu.

*Due to the difficulty of killing the target, a large amount of support will be given.

'Huh, alright then. Still, though... Itachi?'

'Hey don't judge me! It's much better than choosing Sasuke! Itachi is best boy hands down!' The goddess suddenly became defensive and embarrassed about her choice in best male characters.

'Shikamaru? Deva Pain? Sasori?'

'Sasori!? You like sad Pinocchio? Don't you dare judge me after saying that.'

'Hahaha, sure thing goddess.'

Tora smiled. This conversation with the goddess had lifted his spirits and taken his mind off what had happened earlier.

'By the way goddess, how exactly are you going to help me kill Danzo? Since it's a 'Tutorial' bounty, I'm guessing your gonna make it so I can do it easily.'

'Yup! For this time only, to protect my Itachi. I'm going to give you a Kishimoto point.'

'Kishimoto point?' Tora was confused by this, to the point he didn't even mind goddess's admission of wanting to save Itachi.

'Oh basically, It allows you to mess with the world's fate or destiny by writing a scene or scenario.'

'So your saying I can write down Danzo's death scene in the future and just have it happen?'

'Yes, but it has to be somewhat believable. You can't just write down 'Danzo has a heart attack tomorrow' and expect it will happen. You have to write down the whole situation, scenario, and context in a manner that fate deems acceptable. Though I will bend the rules of fate a bit to allow leeway, I do really want Danzo dead after all haha.'

'That's great goddess, I think I can do this then. Hmm, I think I have an idea then. Danzo and those stupid elders won't now what hit them.' Tora smiled as he said this.

'Oh I like that smile, I'm excited to see what you think of. Just write down whatever you think of on a piece of paper and think of using your Kishimoto point. The paper will disappear if fate thinks it's acceptable.'

'Alright goddess, thank you.' Tora says as he looks up at the night sky.

*A year later

A group of people were standing in front of Konoha. They numbered around 50 and their clothes had the star symbol of the Hoshi clan. Tora was holding Aiya and Ayaka in his arms while looking at the Konoha gate.

'So today is the day huh? I'm excited to see how it happens in the hokage office later. Though, goddess must really want to save Itachi. Even, I wasn't sure how believable what I wrote down was.' Tora chuckled as he thought about what was going to happen later.