
Reincarnated in Naruto with the Blood of the Starscourge

"Fark this GAME!! All you do is enemy spam!" Levin had had enough playing his current addiction Elden ring for more than 48 hours straight. He wasn't particularly good at it but he kept trying. This was until he met a particular set of bosses who thrived on overwhelming the MC with attacks and numbers. To keep himself calm throughout, he had played his favorite anime Naruto in the background. After giving up for the night, he fell asleep and woke up to a goddess staring at him. "I'll be quick mortal, you can be reincarnated in Elden Ring or Naruto with...." The goddess began. "NARUTO!!!!" Levin yelled out instinctually. *Elden Ring Naruto Crossover *No Harem *Reduction of Alien Presence in the story if you know what I mean. *MC is powerful but definitely defeatable, will lose if he fights an incompatible opponent or fights above his league. *The first portion of the story (10 chapters) is a bit meme heavy and doesn't take itself to seriously. The story starts getting more serious after. The novel has a Ko-fi account now by the way. If you guys like the novel, please consider leaving a review and rating or donating Ko-fi tips to show your support.  https://ko-fi.com/rammyboyz Disclaimer: I do not own anything aside from OCs used here.( Cover, Art, characters, or setting. )

RammyBoyz · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Bloodline Gatcha Pool and Power Suggestion Page

Hey everyone!

I wanted to open an accessible chapter where people can suggest possible powers and bloodline mutations. So if you want to, just comment down below.

Current Ideas:

[Summoning Contract: Kirin (Deer/Dragon/Horsey hyrbid)]

[Lighting Infusion in Gravity Release]

[Magnet Release]

[Short Range Blinking/Teleporting]

[Astel Void Born Mutation: Gravity and Teleportation]

[Senjutsu: Powered Through Star Light (Night Stars)]

[Ability to Temporarily Increase in Size and Strength (At full power, MC becomes Radahn Size)]

[Hoarah Loux based Taijutsu or fighting style]