
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs

The end...? Or A Calculated Sacrifice?

Controlling himself to not make any sound by crying, Megumi wiped away the tears on his cheeks as he closed his eyes for a minute to steady his breathing and mental state so that he doesn't loose his ability to perform elemental transformations.

Looking down at the sea of lava beneath him, he curled up after closing his eyes and went to sleep on the flimsy platform he was on while being tied up by the thick rope vines around his waist.

'It is probably a good idea to rest well before tomorrow. I just hope everything works out... somehow...or I'll probably find eternal rest! Haha!'



With soft licks on his nose and cheek, Megumi woke up to find Kaguya sitting in front of him, waiting for him to wake up after he had taken rest to freshen up for the plan he was going to execute next.


Moving all his limbs to check his flexibility and his range of motion Megumi slowly sharpened the look that was inside his eyes as he stared into the depths of the burning garden beneath his feet.

Picking up the fur skin he had taken from the fiery gorilla that he had left out to dry so that he could put on, he slowly pulled it around himself, silently stuffing Kaguya into it along with himself.

'Alright…..first step.'

Megumi tied the ropes he was connected to with a new rope which he attached to his body and slipped out of the other ropes leaving them tied to just the flimsy platform he was standing on.

'Now all that I have to make are the clones and release them into the wild along with the seals.'

'....that's it right?'

'Hopefully the big guy saves himself for the end… I mean holding its family hostage will definitely hold it back for long enough so that I can escape right?'


'Well I still haven't figured out the snapping sound, I'm sure it's just something random that is probably unrelated. I think so.... hopefully.'

Patting the hot air that was rising from the lava below Megumi spoke inside his thoughts, 'Well big guy don't worry, I won't harm your family as long as you don't pull me down to eat me…. You won't right?'

'.....well…..eh… no need to be afraid of anything anymore…. I mean… what's the worst that could happen… death? Well it was a good run then.'


With sound that instantly quietened the entirety of the caged burning forest, three clones along with the one already present appeared standing on the rope of vines connected to the platform in the center on which Megumi stood in his Fire Gorilla costume.

The clone that was already present threw out three sealing tags at the other clones who caught them without letting them drop.



 As soon as they did, each of them started to run towards the edge of the volcano and as soon as they got close to the edge, even before they stepped onto it, the same rumble that had lifted the mountain a few days ago rose, this time even louder throwing lava into the air, almost burning Megumi who was in the center, but since he was wearing the skin of the dead fiery gorilla the lava just flowed over him and Kaguya inside it.

'Oh! That' good, it even prevents the heat from getting inside.'

Megumi watched on as the entire volcanic mountain shifted around after landing on the ground with lava sloshing inside it like thick syrup inside a medicine bottle.

The clones carried on climbing the edge of the volcanic rocks of the mountain as several teams of the fire gorillas formed swimming their way towards the base of the mountain.

Megumi watched the clones pull out a new tag from the storage seal which they pointed right towards the base of the mountain and waited by holding them.

The tags that the clones had pointed at the base of the mountain were motion detectors that used the ultrasonic range of sound to act as a radar and when they detected movement within a mile they produced sounds, the sounds were extremely annoying square waves but were not loud, they were just there for Megumi to understand the situation around the outer walls of the volcano, since he wasn't going to be there.

Pulling out two tags himself, Megumi carefully pushed chakra into the first tag which created a chakra thread connected to the second tag in his hand, he let the second tag drop down from the platform he was standing over by wedging the first tag in between the gaps of platform so that the other tag was left hanging in air a few feet below. 

Patiently watching the tags that the clones were holding as they each began to make single frequency noises one by one, aggravating the fiery gorilla's swimming towards the top from below, Megumi activated the circuit seal stuck to the platform to pass chakra through the tag that was connected to it.

The tag hanging in the air first began to flap around which caused a slight reverberation to pass through the chakra thread into platform Megumi was standing on vibrating his body and bones as if they were in touch with a massaging chair but he held onto his position on the platform and didn't fall off.

For the first few seconds nothing really happened except for the walls of the volcano looking like they shook a little, but then soon the entire dome surrounding the area began to sing, literally.




The walls of the dome began vibrating as the Gorilla's all around began retaliating by shouting and beating their chests at the sudden loud and continuous rumbling of their very surroundings, with the sounds of snapping increasing from beneath the lava pool under Megumi.


Holding a little thick piece of dry bark on which a seal was drawn using a chakra thread, Megumi flung it up into the air like a rocket, right at the wall of the dome on the north side.

As the seal travelled through the air Megumi jumped off of the platform and landed on the closest wall of the volcano, connected only by a single rope vine to the center.

'Alright…. Now everything needs to be perfect.'

Adding chakra to the base of his feet, Megumi began to surf all around the walls of the volcano, increasing his speed little by little as he went faster and faster around the volcano in circles, picking up his hidden blade that was stabbed into the wall earlier in between in case he needed it for later.


The guttural roar of the beast living under the volcano rose once again over shadowing the shouting and roaring of the smaller but still titanic gorillas rushing up the mountain.

Listening to the four different annoying sounds made from the seals his clones were holding, the motion detection sensors, Megumi controlled the clones to extract new tags from their seals and then pour their chakra into the seals entirely filling them.


Four loud sounds at different frequencies began to play loudly all through out the dome subjecting the fiery gorillas to what must've felt like multiple flashbangs going off and blinding them continuously, in an unending manner.



As the sound the walls were making went from humming to growling because of resonance catching up the first cracks began to form on the walls of the dome. Megumi inside his suit smiled and began to angle his surfing around the volcano's walls upward so that he could catapult himself right out of the dome once it broke down.

In preparation of his departure Megumi began pasting a few tags all around the walls of the volcano as he went around.


With a sudden all encompassing shatter the entire dome broke down and began raining large chunks of rocks all down into the forest that was now flooded with sunlight from the outside.

Megumi almost lost his grip on the rope he was holding onto just by glimpsing at the sunlight that was flooding the entire forest, but he held himself back.

'This is not it. I'm not free yet. There's more to do.'

The entire volcano shook as the entity lying inside it started to get up due to all the annoyances it was facing by just lying down inside its home.


'Shit I thought that our mighty resident Harambe would save himself the effort of getting rid of a fly as long as his entire family was on the mountain since he might end up killing them, but I guess he doesn't care about his family.'

'I guess the fly buzzed a little too hard….'

Megumi, although a little earlier than his plans, angled the path he was taking around the volcano's walls further, with his lowest point in the path almost touching the lava below and the highest point almost at the top of the volcano, he slowly loosened his grip on the vine rope he was holding.


Counting down as he approached the maximum speed he could while speeding around like this, Megumi looked at the shower of rocks that would soon engulf the entire volcano.


Watching the rocks come closer and making out the path he could take to fly through unobstructed in the southern direction, he continued to further sharpen his focus as he lost all the sounds he was hearing just a few seconds earlier.


Megumi made a hand seal that caused the seals that were embedded into the volcano's walls to explode one by one. Each seal was just a lightning clone that was set to explode once he made a hand seal.



With a whip like snapping sound, almost as if his speed has broken through the sound barrier, Megumi shot by the walls of the volcano as he was launched into the sky where the gigantic rocks that had formed from solidified lava were falling down almost obstructing his path but missing him since he avoided them skillfully.

Taking the first deep breath of fresh air that was cooling to his lungs Megumi mouth broke out into a giant grin as he watched the early morning rays of the sun that illuminated the rain forest in front of him.

He spotted his tree house in the distance that he called his home while he lived here and began to tear up a little as he felt he was finally free from the cage he had been trapped in for the last few days.


As Megumi travelled through the rain of rocks flying with a great speed he heard an explosive sound behind himself which he turned around to look at.


With a loud roar, breaking through the entire volcanic mountain a gigantic fiery mammoth of a gorilla stood with magma dripping down its body as if it had taken a shower with lava, stood, its expression twisted in fury and anger.

Quickly making a hand seal the seal he had flung towards the north side of the volcano began to make a lot of random noise which Megumi hoped would distract the giant that had emerged out of its slumber.


As Megumi watched the giant gorilla turn over to look at the noise making seal, Megumi was delighted that his plan had worked.


Megumi frozen in between his passionate speech as he watched the fiery mammoth lift its right hand and grasp the falling rocks, plucking them out of the air and pull itself back as it readied to throw a pitch after turning to lock its head right at his position.

'Shit! It found me out because I spoke!? How's that fair!? Why didn't it just figure out i was inside the volcano all this time then if it was so sensitive!?'

Megumi with his eyes peeled watched in slow motion as he fired up all the neurons in his head to figure out a way to escape the rock bullet that was going to be launched in his direction and would probably blast his entire body to smithereens before he could even react to being touched by it.

The moments where Megumi watched the fiery mammoth of a gorilla move its arm forward from the pitching position, flinging the rock that was in its palms, felt like they had been the longest Megumi had ever lived.

'....is this it?'

'But what about the promises I made?'

'Well… if they can't be fulfilled then….No... I haven't done everything yet....'

'….I guess I have only one thing to try out then?'




With a sudden explosion and shower of blood in the sky the rock that had been thrown by the fiery ape landed right at the tree that Megumi was aiming for, his house, and absolutely destroyed it as it stumbled across the forest and caused a brutal wreckage through it, killing multiple other animals along the way, throwing up dust mixed with blood and body parts through the air as it passed through.


Once the rock settled down a few little fire foxes walked towards it and sniffed around as they found the head of a fire gorilla that was splattered onto it on the side.



With a heavy rumble that all the animals in the forest showed fear towards, the gigantic wooden buddha statue that lay sitting in the southern parts of the forest stood up and looked right at the Mammoth Gorilla who now also looked fearful as the buddha statue brought its hands together and sent out a reverberating clap that broke through the entire forest silencing every other sound that was present.

The trees all throughout the forest came alive as their roots began to crawl towards the volcanic mountain, the area of the forest now filled with molten magma and lava, swimming through and completely cooling down any lava they touched at the most rapid paces and then breaking through the rocks that formed from the cooled down lava.

Tree sprouted at random places from the roots that were exposed to the surface as the entire lava field converted once again into a rainforest land that had its floor covered in flourishing flora waiting to be mixed with fauna.

The roots of the trees penetrated the entire volcano as the roots took hold of the struggling mammoth and dragged it back down to the base of the volcano, drowning it in the lava that was bubbling as it escaped the depths of earth.


The Fiery Mammoth tried it's best to get out of the roots by snapping them off of its body but kept failing to do so.


With a final pitiful screech the fiery gorilla found itself sealed back into the depths of the volcano where it had to lay back into slumber once again.


A large fire fox pushed the solidified lava rock that had been thrown into its territory over as it examined it and found a human leg still crushed in the remains a few smaller human fingers were visibly mangled along with broken wooden seals and something metallic that had been flattened.


Sniffing it a bit, the fox showed an angry expression as it stamped the already destroyed leg, destroying it further before moving on with its patrol along with the other smaller fire foxes that were moving along behind it.


A/N: Hehe~ I wonder what you guys think happened here. Hehe~ can't stop laughing thinking what would everyone's reaction be if I chose to stop uploading right here. Good luck waiting for the next chapter~!!

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