
Reincarnated in Naruto as/with Sakura?

This is my first fanfic. It's pretty bad and only gets good from the 160th chapter. I hope you have fun reading! Synopsis. Truck-kun works again to send another soul to the Isekai post office to be sent to the Naruto world but our MC feels something strange and finds out there's someone else here with him! A/N : This book will be put on hiatus going forth since I want to rewrite the book due to improving over time while writing this book. A/N: The MC is a researcher at heart and wants to explore the world of Naruto with his own knowledge combined with what is possible in Naruto. There will be quite a bit of fan fiction behind the theory of the jutsus. Part one deals exclusively with setting up the relationships between the characters and reads more like a slice of life story, while part two will deal with the enemy of the novel and is more action and planning oriented. THINGS TO NOTE THAT PEOPLE COMMONLY DON'T LIKE! -MC shared body with Sakura for a few chapters. -MC 'reveals' his past life to one other person. (Nothing really negative happens because of it, though. I think so.) -Things in the first part are too 'reasearchy'? Too much depth in jutsus. -No Shadow Clone Jutsu. None of the characters are mine, except the OC's. The images are generated using AI. Go to link below and get a membership for $1 to read up to five chapters ahead. ***************************************** k o-fi.com/hooin_kyoma_au ***************************************** Remove the space after 'k' and it should work like a normal link.

Hooin_Kyoma · Anime & Comics
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230 Chs


'Tsuna-nee could you teach me how to make seals that would allow me to convert chakra to produce sound?

'Huh? Why do you need those?'

'I was just making something fun and needed real sound for it.'

'No, I meant didn't you already have the music playing thing of your? What happened to that?'

'Oh, that was just me vibrating chakra itself to a specific frequency and then transferring those vibrations to my bones to play music, but that makes sound that is very low and hard to hear, I would be the only one to hear it, what I want is something that can make loud sounds by vibrating air itself.'

'You wouldn't really be able to do that without learning wind elemental transformation itself.'

'Is there no way to even transfer the vibrations that chakra is making into the air?'

'Well... there is a way using a few tenketsu properties, but they are not very practical as you can't form any jutsus with them.'

'Could you just tell me how that worked once? Maybe that might help?'

'I see… well I could try and explain how it all works and then perhaps you could try to make it.'

'Yep, that's all I should need, thank you!'

'Not a problem, just make sure to rely on us if you need help.'


'Hmm…. I guess this should work enough to test things out for now?'

'Alright I've got to be careful with this nuke.'

Controlling a clone Megumi handed over a seal that the clone carried and moved toward the edge of the volcano.

Attaching a chakra thread to the edge of the seal, the clone began to swing the seal that Megumi had given it and then once it reached the peak speed the clone broke its chakra thread, sending the seal flying.

Megumi quickly made a hand seal to activate the seal as it left the hands of the clone an then waited in the soundless silence with lava pops being the only sounds inside the dark place.


'Hmmm….. Nothing happened? Good… good…. At least the damn things can't hear any ultrasonic sounds.'

'Now I need to make other seals to produce normal sounds for distractions in case they get too close.'

'Hmm… but in case that doesn't work I need a backup plan as well.'


'By the way what the hell are these snapping sounds I keep hearing from the lava below...? Is it common to hear such sounds inside a volcano? It almost sounds like someone is breaking ropes that it was tied with.'


'So you did progress with your puppet arms Rura?'

'Yea, it took me a while to but I got the basic puppet arms done, I had to open apart your painting machines to learn to improve my control with handling multiple things at once actually, it helped quite a bit!'

'Oh! That's cool that you could figure out how it worked!'

'Yeah, but I still haven't realized how to turn them into prosthetics though, it is quite hard to create artificial chakra pathways that fully integrate into your system and do not have to be maintained and controlled by you.'

'Don't worry give enough time I'm sure you'll figure something out!'


'By the way Rura, do you know how Sage mode works?'

'Uh-uh, Tsuna-nee should though, let me find her for you.'


After a few seconds of silence which Megumi spent calculating what ever he was calculating on the barks of trees in front of him he suddenly heard a loud shout inside his head.


'Brat! Don't you dare attempt to do anything related to Nature chakra over there!'

'Haha! Don't worry nee-san! I was just asking...'

'*sigh* You're going to attempt to do it anyway aren't you…?'

'What no! I was just asking to know so that I could structure my practice better!'

'Alright! I'll explain you exactly why it is so dangerous and difficult to achieve! So that you don't foolishly attempt to do such a stupid thing and end up making your situation worse!'

'.....' Megumi didn't agree or disagree.

'Sensing Nature chakra requires your body's metabolism to be close to-'

'Huh? Don't you sense nature energy while doing elemental chakra transformations?'

'Yes you do, but that is your chakra coming in contact with nature energy, not your body.'

'Oh you mean to say like feeling it with my skin?'

'Well skin yes, but more like, feeling something inside your body, like feeling your tummy fill with water when you drink it sort of thing.'

'Hmm… I see…. So what's so risky about it?'

'Yes the way the Sage arts of summoned animals work is by tuning your metabolism to match those of the animals you use for your summoning. During the entire process you absorb nature energy into your body, your metabolism is that of an animals, which if not properly balanced and controlled will result in you turning into something that resembles the animal because the nature chakra that is inside your body will believe you to be the animal you are pretending to be from your metabolism.'

'...? What? I thought there was the balance between mental, physical and natural energies which constituted or rather created Senjutu chakra?'

'While that is true, it is only possible to create Senjutsu Chakra after you've absorbed the nature energy into yourself in the first place which is why it is so dangerous to do without proper guidance in place, like Lady Katsuyu always needs to keep using her own chakra to push away any excess chakra I absorb by mistake during the time I train Sage mode so that I don't turn into a bloody mess!'

'You'll turn into blood? But isn't lady Katsuyu a lady, I mean a slug?'

'Yes she is and I would turn into a slug if I mimicked her completely, but the Sage mode is a combination of nature chakra absorbed using Katsuyu's method and my own chakra which is what seems to turn me into a bloody mess, at least that's what Katusyu explained it as.'

'I see.....that's interesting.'

'Didn't Naruto just turn into a toad or stone?'

'So yeah, without a proper map to copy from, any nature chakra you absorb into your body will only end up morphing you into some pseudo alive nature thing that you will be trapped as unless someone is there to help you out, so don't do it! Absolutely not! Promise me!'

'...alright promise!'

Megumi said as he crossed his fingers.

'By the way, Tsuna-nee, how does one practice to learn other elemental nature transformations?'


'Ha! First master your lightning element transformation, once you figure that you fully, only then will you even be able to look at the other elements, since you have to be capable of turning off the transformation that you have your affinity with.'



'Hmm…. this plan will be a little hard to enact, but it should be the only fair shot I have at getting out of here without any external dependencies.'

Megumi thought as he looked at the calculations and plans he had drawn up on the bark in front of him.

'Hmm.. I guess then I have to measure out the radius of the entire thing, I could just use the ultrasonic sound for that….hmm…. I see this is looking good? Or should I say I have something that resembles a plan?'


'Hey! Rura! You free?'

'Huh? Yea, of course I am what is it? Do you need something?'

'*gasp* What is this Rura!? You think I'll only talk to you if I want something from you! How shameful!'

'No! No! Megi! I didn't mean it-'

'No Rura! I get it, you must think I'm not coming back on purpose right!?'

'.....Arggghhhhh! I forgot you were such a tease!'


'So…? What happened? What is it?'

'Let's listen to a song!'

'...Oh!? OH! Which one!?'

'It's the opening of an other anime just like Naruto, it's called Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, and the song's name is Again.'

'Hmm…~ Your world is weird... how did you guys have enough time to come up with so much...weird stuff?'


**Sakura POV**


As Megumi put down the communication line, I couldn't help but want to scream out my emotions into the world.

'Is Megumi in trouble? Did the song mean something else? Something deeper? Megumi will come back right?'


Wiping away my tears I stood up and walked out of the room and found Mom who was standing outside with tears in her eyes as well since she had heard the song that Megi played over the seal.

I rushed up to mum and hugged her tight as I felt Mum place her hands on to my head and stroke my hair softly, trying to comfort me and also herself.


'So… is that everything done right?'

'Hmm…. alright then the frequency should be around one point one three hertz? Isn't that too low? Well… I guess that is the resonant frequency…. And seems like I don't need to burst my ear drums for using it since it is going to be inaudible...'


'Alright…. One last call….and then…. And then we go at it after a little bit of rest. I wonder if I can even rest in this hot place.... the last few days have been a sleep deprived mess of having to drink water constantly through the night and then holding myself back from pissing. I don't know how long it'll take for my bladder to burst.'


'Hey! Rura! How are you?!'

'Fine…. What about you?'

'Hmmm…? What happened? Not feeling so good?'


'How about this, do you remember the time we were sitting around looking at the Sakura tree?'

'Hmm? …Yea?'

'Then how about this, I promise you sometime in the next few years I'll make sure I'm with you watching the Sakura tree again, so why don't you make sure that you can show it to me once I am by your side again because I have something really important to tell you once we are together again! Alright?'


'If possible could you figure out a way to connect me to the print- I mean the painting machine?'

'...? Alright.'

Hanging around on the hot wooden platform for few minutes staring into the lava lake below Megumi went over his plan and tried to look at any mistakes he might've made in thinking about the plan.

He smiled a little at the end an then laughed soundlessly.

'Hehe…. If this plan works then perhaps goddess of luck is the Jade beauty who is looking after me in this life… I wonder if it will even really work….probably not. But it's the best I can think of right now in my situation with food running out and a best sleeping underneath me, literally.'

'Megi done!'

'Huh? Oh! So soon? Good, good. Have you connected me to the painting machine yet Rura, I can't feel anything?'

'No, but I can at any moment you ask me to.'

'Alright, alright, that's good, do it.'


**Third Person POV**


Megumi had spent the last few hours writing pages upon pages of things using the printer as Sakura handled changing pages once Megumi filled up a page.

'What are all these Megi?'

'They're my plans for the future, they consider every possibility and things from all the current information I have right now. There are a few speculations that I have made that need to be verified but, it's all there in those papers so that you won't be needing my help anytime soon. They also include knowledge from my world so make sure to use them properly and don't let them fall into the wrong hands no matter what, or even if you do make sure you have a copy with you.'

'Huh? Why won't we need your- Megi! You aren't going to stop calling us right?'

'No, no. I won't. Don't worry, that is just in case something happens to me at sea when I begin my travels.'

'But you can still call us all the time-'

'-Don't worry about it! Could you call everyone for a minute please!'


Sakura wanted to reply but she felt she couldn't bring out any words from her mouth so she just left the room to get everyone else who was waiting around the house, resting, since it was deep into the night. But everyone woke up the instant when Sakura mentioned that Megumi was calling them all to talk to them.

'Megumi did something happen? You can talk to us you know! We can help! So why don't you-'

'Don't worry about anything mum! Nothing's happened! I just felt like talking all of a sudden!'

'...' Unable to respond to the statement everyone kept silent since they all felt like this would the last time they'd be able to talk to Megumi like this from wherever he was.

'Mum, dad, thank you for taking care of me till now! I'm very grateful for having been born as your child in this life of mine! I'd not have it any other way even if I was given another choice to redo everything! Mom your food was definitely some of the best I've ever had! Thank you for taking care of me even though I never ate any meat! Dad your gifts for my birthday have always been the best! Especially the hidden blade you gave me! I can't express you enough thanks for it!'


Ignoring the snobs and sniffles of his parents Megumi continued.

'Tsuna-nee! I'm rather happy that I could have you as my sister! When that happened I just couldn't believe it at first…. I still remember reading about you in the library a few times and hearing about the things you did from Rura, I feel you're the humblest person to ever live and are super fun to be around! I hope no matter what happens in the future you make sure to keep yourself looking at all that's around you and all that you have with you to enjoy everything you can! Because remember, you've only got this one shot to live! Make sure you're making the best of it! Give it your all without holding back!'

Tsunade clutched the necklace on her neck with force enough that the crystal dug into her palms but the pain in her chest overshadowed any pain that she wasn't even feeling in her hands.

'Shizune! I hope your life with Kakashi goes well! I don't know if he's a good guy all that much, Rura should know more about him, I think he's a decent person though, might have a few loose nuts in his head possibly, but if you happen to marry him while I'm not there I just want you to know that you've got my blessings! Make sure to name your children after me if you can!'

*oink* Shizune clutched Tonton hard enough to begin hurting him.

'....and Rura! I hope….I hope you can keep smiling always like the time you smiled while we were playing around with the army of kittens. You are at your best when you're happy, sadness might be there but make sure it is just a fleeting emotion in your life, make sure to always do what ever makes you the happiest in whatever situation you find yourself in! You deserve to be on the top! I know you'll be the one to help out everyone and keep them all safe and sound for as long as I am gone! But make sure to take care of yourself too!'

Tears streamed down Sakura's face as her eyes reddened and words choked her voice drowning her in a flurry of emotions that she couldn't even begin to describe. She brought her little hands close to her chest as she clutched her dress in hopes of stopping the pain she was feeling inside.

'Oh! Yeah! All of you guys, if you ever think your problems just keep getting bigger and bigger, remember! Once I saw a ball getting bigger and bigger, that was when it hit me....hehehe.... funny right?'

'Don't worry, parting is only a fleeting happening, I'm sure we'll be reunited, one way or the other. And with that I hope all of you make each other laugh and take care until the next time you hear my voice!'


And with the end of the call Shizune ran out of the room with Tonton as Tsunade just collapsed onto the back wall unable to hold on, while Mebuki buckled on the spot as if under a great pressure as Kizashi tried supporting her and Sakura just stood still staring at the snowflake seal that just had Megumi's voice coming out of it, all with tears streaming down their faces.


A/N: Happy New Year!

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