
Reincarnated in my Hero Academia

“I died” Those were the first words Yamamoto Kei said to himself, thinking he was alone in the endless darkness of the void. Little did he know that he wasn’t alone. For a system was there with him, to present him with a gift and a new world he can call home. Note: this is not a novel where the MC will reincarnate and magically get god level acting skills or BS his way out of any situation. This novel is about an MC who is training constantly to reach his goals in the world he is now living in.

LoneSovereign · Urban
Not enough ratings
23 Chs

Plus Ultra


Just like that. The first blow was struck. Kei who launched the first attack couldn't help but be surprised. Although the punch he released sent Grudge crashing into a wall.

'Why do I feel like my punch was weak' thought Kei to himself feeling something was wrong

Just as he was thinking that. Kei heard Grudges voice.

"What the hell was that" said Grudge in a surprised voice

Grudge was truly surprised. After all weather it was himself or any of the other villains under keis parents command. Not a single one of them would expect Kei, the boy that was a punching bag to suddenly attack with such strength.

It was true. The punch Kei threw out at grudge was strong. The only problem was that it was only strong.

'He doesn't have enough control' thought Grudge as he focused on the injury he sustained

'He has the strength, but no skill to back it up. So as long as I don't let my guard down again taking this brat down won't take long'

It made sense. after all, Kei had no combat training or fighting experience . Aside from the fact that Kei hadn't trained. The other problem was that his body was not in peak physical condition.

"You little shit, don't think you have a chance of winning a fight against me" yelled Grudge as he stood up to face Kei

When Grudge looked forward to face Kei. He was surprised to find that Kei was no longer there. When he turned his head toward the street that led away from the factories. He saw a glimpse of Kei running away as fast as he could.

"You think I'll let you get away after what you did, keep dreaming" yelled Grudge towards Kei

At this point in time Kei was disappointed. He had thought that he could take Grudge down with a surprise attack at full power.

The moment Kei saw he failed to knock Grudge unconscious. He started running with all his might

'Damn, I should have been able to knock him out' thought Kei as his thoughts continued 'if I had better control over my power I would have succeeded'

Kei was not wrong in his judgement. The problem was that his ability [Nature] was now fully under his control. When Kei tried to manipulate the wind around his fist. He had been able to keep control over it to some extent.

The real problem was when he released it. The wind that he had gathered to strike Grudge with. Had burst in multiple directions with only a tenth of the wind he manipulated, striking Grudge.

When Kei realized that his strike wasn't going to be strong enough to knock out Grudge. He started running to the street as fast as he could.

Before Kei reached the street he was in an open area.

'This should be a good place to fight Grudge' thought Kei

Kei had remembered how Grudges quirk worked. Grudge was one of the few underlings under keis parents who's nickname was also the name of his quirk.

[Grudge] was a quirk that allowed Grudge to take the hateful and scornful emotions of the people around him and store them on his skin like tattoos.

The way Grudges quirk worked was simple. His quirk allowed him to use the hateful emotions that he had collected and conjure them into physical avatars and send them to attack his opponents.

'The only drawback to his quirk is that those avatars are on the weak side' thought Kei

During his time when he was figuring out everyone's quirk. He had overheard a conversation between his parents. The conversation that time was about a few of their underlings and Grudge just happened to be one of said people they talked about.

That day Kei had learned everything about Grudges quirk. Everything from its strengths to its weaknesses.

This was the primary reason that Kei started to run away. Even though the avatars were weak physically. One of the most dangerous things about the avatars that Grudge could summon was the fact that they could blend into walls and other such surfaces. Ironically enough, for some reason the avatars were unable to blend on the ground.

'In an open area like this where there are no walls or others such things they can blend into, I will not have to worry about surprise attacks' thought Kei as he saw Grudge closing in on him

"Finally caught up to you" said Grudge as he stared at Kei with anger in his eyes

"I was going to give you a quick death, but I changed my mind" said Grudge as he started activating his quirk

Kei who was looking at Grudge could see the tattoos around his arms start to move. Right after the tattoos started moving they started coming off his skin as though they were ripping themselves off of Grudge.

Soon four avatars stood between Grudge and Kei.

Kei who had never actually seen the avatars Grudge could summon before. Could only stare at them with a pale face.

The avatars bodies were pale white and skinny. So skinny that you could see what would be their bones. Their faces on the other hand were a sight to behold. Two of them has a twisted smile while the thirds looked like it was in pain and agony.

While the last one had two faces. One face had a serious expression with eyes so cold one would feel it was staring right into your soul. While the other face had an unsettling smile with cold unfeeling eyes. It was a smile that if one saw it on a persons face, one would not help but think 'there is seriously something wrong with this person'

"How do you like my avatars" asked Grudge before speaking again

"I'm going to have them slowly tear you to pieces"

Just as Grudge finished saying those words the avatars that were staring at Kei started to quickly move toward Kei

Just as the avatars were nearing Kei.

Kei started to smile. The reason for him smiling was simple. He remembered one of the biggest weaknesses of these avatars, and Kei just happened to have access to that weakness.

Just as those avatars were three feet from Kei.

Kei spoke one word


As that word left keis mouth. Intense flames quickly engulfed his body then expanded to consume the avatars.

As the flames expands to consume the avatars. Half were destroyed by the flames while the other half barely managed to escape with light wounds.

'So I only managed to take down half' thought Kei

Grudge who witnessed this scene was horrified at what he was seeing.

'How did he know the weakness of my quirk' thought Grudge

Just as Grudge was having those thoughts. Kei quickly took the opportunity to attack the avatars that had survived his first attack.

Before Grudge even had the chance to give his avatars a command. Kei had already launched his attack. Hot intense flame shot out of both of keis hands. These flames that seemed like unyielding torrents of flame that consumed everything in their path, struck the avatars.

Grudge who was now panicking, unleashed more of his avatars.

When Kei who was still covered in flames saw this, charged towards Grudge.

Grudge who saw Kei marching toward him started to retreat backwards. As he was doing that he couldn't help but curse every time he witness Kei destroy one of his avatars.

Before Grudge could realize that he was almost out of avatars. Kei who had been charging toward him, finally managed to close the distance.

'This time I will definitely knock you out' thought Kei as he started to manipulate the wind around him


Kei who had reached Grudge made contact with Grudges abdomen.


Grudge who had been kicked by Kei had several ribs broken, making it hard to breath

Just as he was half way to standing back up


Another kick came knocking.

With that second kick Grudge was not able to make an effort to stand anymore

'Finally he's not getting back up' thought Kei

This fight had taken longer than he would have liked it to be. Now that Grudge could not chase him Kei turned towards the direction of the street.

Just as Kei took his first step toward the street

"You fucking brat"


Kei who heard those words behind him quickly moved to the side. Narrowly dodging the blow.

When Kei looked towards the spot he was previously on all he could see was a crater.

As he looked toward the person who was standing on that spot. He couldn't help but shiver in fright.

'Fuck why is he here' thought Kei as he stared at the man in front of him

"You really made a mess this time" said the man while looking at Kei with murderous eyes

Kei who was staring back at him couldn't help but think 'I'm definitely not making it to the street'

The man in front of kei had short black hair with blue eyes. The had a ripped body with a dragon tattoo on his left arm.

This man was keis father, also known as [Chaos Dragon]

Keis father kept staring at him. His hand clenched into a fist and a face full of anger

"Before me and everyone else leave. I'm going to make sure you die here" said Chaos Dragon

As Kei heard that he noticed that his mother as well as all their underlings were making their way in the distance.

In that moment Kei was distracted


Chaos Dragons fist struck Kei sending him crashing a few dozen feet away.

"If you had just shown us that you were willing to be a villain then we wouldn't be in this situation right now" said Chaos Dragon before he continued

"With the power you just showed, you would have made an amazing heir"

When Kei who was violently coughing out blood heard this. He couldn't help but laugh at the bullshit his father had just said

"Haha, heir, let's be real here. That position was never on the table" said Kei as he was struggling to keep himself conscious

It was true, it never was on the table. There was a reason Kei had never showed his parents his [Nature] ability as well as bothering to show his willingness to become a villain.

The reason for not bothering to show them he was willing to be a villain. Was because he knew his parents didn't care about him being a successor.

His parents. Deep down to their bones only cared about each other and no one else. To them even their children were nothing to care for. After all, two of their children had died by their own hands already.

As for the reason why Kei never showed his ability to them. It was because he knew what his parents did on the side when they weren't targeting heroes.

Keis parents would search for people with rare and unique quirks. The reason for doing that was to sell them to a certain someone.

Who is that certain someone you ask?

[All For One]

When Kei found out about this he knew escaping was his only choice

"Ha,hahaha, boy you really know us all too well it seems" said Chaos Dragon before he continued

"Your right, it really never was on the table. So now that we're done talking let's finish this with a bang"

Kei who was barely staying conscious and was unable to stand up after that punch his father gave him. Could only look helplessly at his father who was starting to make his way towards him

'I guess this is it'

Just as Kei had this thought before completely losing consciousness. He heard something he didn't expect to hear. Something that made him smile from ear to ear.



Hello everyone that is still reading this novel. Sorry for the late chapter. I was more tired than I thought from work and ended up falling asleep. Luckily I still managed to finish this chapter before midnight. Hope you enjoy it cause it was a difficult one to write.

LoneSovereigncreators' thoughts