
Reincarnated In Merlin

The MC gets reincarnated in Merlin with wishes. I wrote this for fun also English is my second language so this will probably suck. I only own the OC the rest belongs to their respective creators.

Anonymous2000 · TV
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 12

[A/N:I am taking a break.]

Arthur was worried and asked, "How long do you think it may be before you find a cure?"Gaius with sarcasm replied, "It depends on how many interruptions I get."

Arthur was slightly embarrassed and replied, "Of course, I'm sorry."He then turned to guards ordered," We're finished here."As Arthur was about to go Hadrian stopped him and said"you might want to hear our latest discovery."Arthur was curious she asked, "So you did fund something."Hadrian shrugged and replied, "It was something we stumbled upon if we find the assumption to be true then the cure could be found soon."Arthur nodded as Gaius explained, "We have come to the conclusion that the disease is spreads through water."

Hadrian added in"Also both of the diseased come from the same location and there is only water source there."Arthur was alarmed as he spoke, "I must report this to my father."Just as he was about to leave Hadrian, stopped him and said"Wait till we get the proof otherwise your father will just dismiss this as mere speculation."Arthur was thoughtful and nodded and replied"Okay then get this proof quickly as more people are getting reported."

As Arthur left Gaius closed the door and asked"We have to hide that book."Merlin shook his head and replied"No. We must use it."

Gaius looked at merlin and said, "Don't be stupid."Merlin with confidence replied"If I have this legacy then what is it for? You keep telling me it's not for playing tricks."

Hadrian cut in and said"Gaius is right the moment you do this there will be a huge problem first you can't go around healing people one by one as one of them and second if you do this Uther will get paranoid and intensify his search which burns or behead anyone who he is suspicious of being a magic-user."

Gaius added his thoughts"Do you want to practice magic when the King is hunting for sorcerers? Are you mad? Merlin, your life is destined for more important things."Merlin in frustration replied, "But if I don't practice, then how will I get to be this great warlock?!"Hadrian sighed and said"There will come a time when your skills will be recognized. But this is not the right time as you will bring more harm than good."

While Hadrian left he used a cloaking spell to go straight to the well where he took out a vial of the potion he created to it was meant to neutralize the Afanc's poison for a certain time. But as long as the Afanc is alive this is problematic.

The next day Hadrian was woken up by a frantic Morgana who looked worried and said"They took Gwen."Hadrian grimaced hearing that as he consoled Morgana"Don't worry nothin will happen to her I will make sure off it."

Morgana nodded while tears welling up in her eyes Gwen was close friend of her's so her getting killed was something that greatly upset her.She told Hadrian a poultice was found by Arthur in Gwen's house it is a enchanted bag of herbs and other magical ingredients, often applied to the body to relieve soreness and inflammation. as Hadrain immdialy went to Gaius's chamber as he thought"I warned him not do anything rash,unlike my magic which is not traceable his leaves thing."

The moment Hadrain saw Merlin he walked to straight to Merlin grabbed him by the collar and slammed him onto the wall as he whispered in cold tone"I told you not do anything,But because of your impulsiveness Gwen is caught for doing magic and is going to be executed by tommrow."

Merlin was horrified by what he heard as gaius calmed down Hadrian who spoke with anger"I told you not to go healing people as this will cause suspion and the person who is healed will be questioned on how he got better."

Merlin who snapped out of his dazed state said"We have to save Gwen."Hadrian nodded and replied "We will go to the water source to sample of the water and look around to see if we can find any clues on who did this."

Both Gaius and Merlin nodded as he said with a sad tone"I thought, I was doing good.....That curing Gwen's father would help her,I thought I was saving a life."

Gaius sighed replied"An easy solution is like a light in a storm, Merlin. Rush for it at your peril, for it may not always lead you to a safe harbour."Hadrain added"Merlin you have to think about the consequences before just rushing into such situation."

Merlin with guilt said"I will go speak with Gwen first."We waited as soon as Merline returned all of them we to the water supply as they went down

Gaius spoke"The water from here supplies the whole town. Take a sample."Merlin obyed as puts bottle in the water and took a sample as Hadrain said"Let's take it back and examine it."

As they were about to return ,An Afanc rears up out of the water Merlin yelled "What the hell was that?"While Gaius takes Merlin's arm and Hadrain followed them as he spoke"I know what it is."

Merlin questioned"What is it?"Hadrain sighed and explained"A beast born of clay, and conjured up only by the most powerful sorcerer. Now we have to find a way to defeat it"Hadrian answered "It's weakness it fire and air."

Merlin with hope said"Then let's go kill it."Hadrian sighed and explained"We can't as we need solid witness and if we tell this to Uther he will just blame this on gwen for creating it."Morgan entered the room and asked"Did you find a way to save Gwen?"

Gaius explained to Morgana about the Afanc and their problem as everyone was thinking of way Hadrain spoke"We have to get Arthur he is solid witness.Uther will belive him only problem is to get him to follow us."Harain looked at Morgana as she understood and said"I will get Arthur."