
Reincarnated In Merlin

The MC gets reincarnated in Merlin with wishes. I wrote this for fun also English is my second language so this will probably suck. I only own the OC the rest belongs to their respective creators.

Anonymous2000 · TV
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 11

Well in the council chambers where the body of another victim was lying on the floor as Uther questioned"What's happened to him?"

Gaius studying the dead body replied"I don't know, Sire. It's the second case I've seen today."Uther in anger asked, "Why didn't you report it to me?"

Gaius calmly answered, "I was attempting to find the cause."

Uther was fully happy with answer but still let it go and asked"What did you conclude?"

Gaius replied"I don't think it's time to hurry to conclusions. The scientific process is a long one."Uther cut in with a stern tone" What are you concealing from me?" Gaius explained" Sire, I have seen nothing like it. The victims are dying in 24 hours, and it's spreading fast."

Uther questioned," What is the cause?"Gaius seriously said," I think you should say that the cause, the most likely cause, is sorcery."

Uther pulled Arthur aside whispered," We must find who did this."

Arthur nodded replied," I will, Father. But the sorcerer or Sorceress would have already left after infecting one of them. Searching for him or her is waste of time."Uther ordered"I won't take no for an answer Conduct door-to-door searches. Increase your presence in the town. Double the guards on all the gates. And lend the physician your servant."

Arthur in confusion asked" Merlin? But..."

Uther cut in" We need Gaius to find a cure. He needs all the help we can give him. If Gaius is right, believe me, this city will be wiped out. This is the kind of magic that undermines our authority, challenges all we've done. If we cannot control this plague, people will turn to magic for a cure. We have to find this sorcerer, and quickly."

Uther then looked at Hadrian and said"Hadrian you also help Gaius as I remember you also studied under him."Hadrian nodded.

Uther turned to Arthur and said, "Get the job done."Arthur gritted his teeth and replied, "Yes, Father."

Hadrian was with Gaius looking at one of the victims as Merline said"Gaius? Gaius. He's still alive."Gaius with sadness replied, "I'm afraid there's nothing we can do for him."

Merlin retorted, "But we haven't tried."Gaius questioned, "If we don't know what a disease is, then how can we cure him?"

Merlin in an obvious tone said, "With magic."

Hadrian replied"It will only cause more problems for the one who is cured and us. Since we don't have a scientific cure. Uther will be suspicious how we cured someone."Gaius sighed and replied"True have a look. They're suspicious of everyone. This is not the time to be using magic. Science will lead us to the source of the disease."

We were all in Gaius's chamber as nhe was heating a vial of liquid asMerlin asked"What are you doing?"

Gaius not looking away answered, "I'm examining the contents of that man's stomach."

Merlin questioned, "Will that tell you who did it?"Hadrian shook his head replied, "No it won't but it will reveal what caused it and how to prevent it."Gaius with seriousness said" One thing I do know, this is magic of the darkest kind.

Merlin in confusion asked, "Why would someone use magic like that?"

Gaius sighed and replied"Magic corrupts. People use it for their own ends."Hadrian added, "Or it is someone who lost people dear to them because of Uther and wishes to destroy him."

Merlin looked at Hadrian as he grew thoughtful and asked"Just like Lily collins someone is taking revenge."

Hadrian nodded as Merlin said"But not all magic is bad. I know it isn't."Gaius with a sad look said"It's neither good nor bad. It's how you use it."

Just then Arthur and guards burst in as he ordered the Guards" Over there." he turned to Gaius and said, "Sorry Gaius, we're searching every room in town."

Gaius with slight irritation questioned, "What for?"

Arthur sighed and replied"The sorcerer."Even though he knew the search is for nothing as Gaius questioned"But why would he be here?"

Arthur replied"I'm just doing my job, Gaius. It's father's orders."

Gaius knew Arthur couldn't disobey it as he said"We've nothing to hide. Go on, then. Search."

Arthur while looking through some of the books asked"What's all these books and papers?"

Gaius replied"My life's work, dedicated to the understanding of science. You are quite welcome to read through them if you wish.'Arthur while looking at an extra room and asked"What's this room up here?"Merlin answered, "Er, it's mine."

Gaius with slight worry asked,"And what do you expect to find in there?"

Arthur while going their replied, "I'm looking for material or evidence suggesting the use of enchantments."

Gaius whispered to Merlin""What've you done with the magic book I gave you?"Merlin was worried. As Arthur entered his room it didn't take long as Arthur's voice was heard"Merlin, come here. Look what I found."Merlin in a hurry goes in.

Hadrian who was next to Gaius asked"Gaius we have been next to the corpse and have not even been infected by the disease. So we can rule out the possibility of physical contact and air.The only one that remains is water."

Gaius was thoughtful as he replied"True.I will check where these people are from and do they have common water source."Hadrian nodded.