
Reincarnated In Mahabharat with Seven Deadly Sins System

Greek × Indian × Norse mythology) This is the journey of a man from the end of Kaliyug, named Aryan, who got Lord Vishnu's boon and survived the end of the world by reincarnating to Mahabharat period in a parallel universe with a seven deadly sins system. Now Aryan has to navigate in this dangerous world, all the while trying to figure out how to use this system of his to gain the seven abilities from the famous anime seven deadly sins. May be this time, the ending will be slightly different with the addition of a man from Kaliyug into Dwaparyug? But wait, why are there Greek gods and Norse gods in this world too? A total of three Pantheons? Follow Aryan on his journey and see what different choices he will make and how are they going to change the bigger picture? * [ Those who don't know the story of Mahabharat can also read. I have tried my best to make you understand everything. ] [ PS - This is only for entertainment purpose and I don't want to hurt anyone's beliefs and religion. So if you have any problems with these then please don't read further. ] * I'll try to make 5 chaps / week, unless something urgent comes up like exams and all. *********************** Hungry for more chapters? Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters, along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Movies
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90 Chs

The One

Caught off guard, the whip landed squarely on Dushala's left arm and wrapped around her wrist while the sharp barbs pierced her skin.

"Argh! "

Dushala immediately cried out in pain and used her other hand to swing her sword at the whip.

On the side, Subhadra rushed towards Cynthia with a shield and sword to force her to retract her whip while Bhanumati also fired an Agni astra at her.

Naturally Cynthia had no choice but to retract her whip and dodge the incoming attacks.

Finally released from the whip's grip, Dushala once again clenched her sword and rushed towards Cynthia.

Subhadra also retreated a few steps to regroup with Dushala and asked worriedly.

"Hey Dushala, are you alright ?"

"Yeah I'm fine. It's just a minor injury. "

Dushala replied calmly.

"That's good, but I think we should take care of her quic.... Argh....you! "

Subhadra looked at her in disbelief as suddenly, Dushala ruthlessly pierced her stomach with her sword.

"Subhadra! "

Bhanumati exclaimed loudly from behind and immediately fired a few arrows to force Dushala back.

Although she was also confused about the current situation but saving Subhadra was the priority so she immediately ran up to Subhadra and helped her lie down on the ground.

"Hey Subhadra, you're going to be alright, okay! So don't loose hope and try to keep your eyes open. "

"I.... I don't know..... But Dushala... why? "

Subhadra said with difficulty as her eyes became wet with tears.

"This.... "

Equally confused, Bhanumati looked up at Dushala and discovered that she had already approached Cynthia and was currently standing right beside her.

"Hahaha, no matter how many times I look at this, but this type of situation amuses me every time. "

Cynthia laughed slyly while looking at them.

As it turns out, the whip in her hand was not an ordinary whip to say the least. It was a divine artifact bestowed upon Cynthia by her mother, Goddess of Love, Aphrodite herself when she became the champion of the Temple of Aphrodite a few years ago.

Unbreakable toughness and being able to extend and shrink without a limit are just its basic abilities.

The main ability of the whip is that Cynthia can actually control a person as her puppet by injecting them with a special substance through the barbs on the whip. And that's exactly what she did when she attacked Dushala with her whip previously.

"You bitch, what have you done to Dushala? "

Bhanumati roared angrily while helping Subhadra to stop the bleeding.

"Oh come on, I didn't do anything. It's just that your dear friend here has fallen in love with me now and wants to serve me for the rest of her life. Ain't that right, baby? "

Cynthia said seducingly while caressing Dushala's face.

Seeing this Bhanumati became even more enraged and fired another arrow at Cynthia.

"Die you bitch! Vajrastra! "

After leaving her bow, the arrow actually turned into a thick thunderbolt and zoomed towards Cynthia and supersonic speed.

But the next moment Bhanumati received an even bigger surprise as Dushala actually stepped in front of Cynthia and allowed the Vajrastra to hit herself willingly.

"Dushala no! "

"Hahaha! Good, very good! "

Cynthia laughed hysterically after seeing all this and while Bhanumati was still in shock, she swung her whip at her as it elongated and slithered towards her slender waist.

* swish *

At the critical moment, the injured Subhadra actually managed to stand up from the ground and tacked Bhanumati down to save her from the opponent's whip.

"Thanks... Thanks Subhadra. "

Bhanumati said a little absent mindedly.

In just a breath, two of her companipns were critically injured right in front of her eyes. And she as their elder sister couldn't even do anything at all. This completely shattered Bhanumati's confidence.

"Whoa, still not reconciled, are you ? "

Cynthia mocked sarcastically as she looked at Subhadra and once again flicked her whip.

° ° ° ° °

Meanwhile after Aryan was blasted away in the forest, he slowly stood up from the pit.

"Heh, now I finally know what it feels like to be attacked with your own attack. "

Aryan laughed self depreciatingly.

Thankfully to the Yggdra armor which defended most of the damage, Aryan didn't suffer any injury.

But before he could think any further, Harman had already walked inside the forest and immediately charged towards him like a raging bull.

The same thing repeated once again.

Every time after he attacked Harman, the opponent would reflect all the damage back at him with his golden beam. So the battle entered a stalemate for some time.

"You know Aryan, no matter how much you try but the result will always be the same. And I'm not saying this because you're not powerful. I am actually saying this because even I myself do not know the limits of my armor. "

Harman said with a confident smile on his face and gave Aryan another uppercut.

* boom *

After fighting like this for some time, Aryan suddenly stopped attacking at looked up at the sun which had already reached the middle of the sky.

"What happened? Are you finally going to admit defeat? "

Harman asked coldly as he once again prepared to charge at him.

"No, on the contrary my friend, I think it's about time we end this farce. "

Aryan said with an excited smile.

"Huh? Have you actually gone nuts because of suffering setbacks again and again? "

Harman asked in confusion.

But Aryan simply ignored him and continued looking up at the sun.

"5, 4, 3, 2, 1.....It's finally noon."

"It's time for....The One! "

A bright light radiated out from Aryan's body as the surrounding temperature also increased by a few degrees.

Sunshine is an ability that let Aryan's power increase as the sun goes up and decrease as the sun goes down.

And at high noon, he reaches the absolute peak of his power and he becomes The One, "the invincible incarnation of power".

Although this form only lasts for one minute. But while in this form, Aryan's stats increased to an unprecedented level.

Unfortunately, it puts a lot of burden on Aryan's body to maintain this state so this is in fact the first time he is entering this state.


NAME: Aryan


• Strength = A (SS)

• Agility = A+ (S+)

• Physique = A+ (SS)


Sin of Sloth - Disaster

Sin of Pride - Sunshine

Sin of Lust - Invasion

Sin of Wrath - Full Counter

Sin of Greed - Snatch


Spirit Spear Moksha

Divine Bow Vasna



"Now then, back to your previous words, let me help you find out the limits of your armor for you. "

Aryan took a few steps forward domineeringly.

Then without any more nonsense, Aryan raised his hand high in the air.

Aryan concentrated all of his power into a gigantic swirling fireball. Before long, it's size had already reached the size of a football ground.

But Aryan didn't stop there. Using both hands, he actually compressed the huge football ground sized fireball into a ball sized fire orb and hurled it towards Harman

"Final Prominence! "

As a technique used in "The One: Ultimate" state, it's power can be imagined.

At first Harman was still very calm and boldy met the attack head on. The armor also started absorbing the damage dutifully.

But a few seconds later, the calm and confident smirk on his face was instantly wiped out, replaced by a horrified look.

"No, what the hell is this power. It's almost like it's.... It's endless? No! No! Argh!"



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