
Reincarnated In Mahabharat with Seven Deadly Sins System

Greek × Indian × Norse mythology) This is the journey of a man from the end of Kaliyug, named Aryan, who got Lord Vishnu's boon and survived the end of the world by reincarnating to Mahabharat period in a parallel universe with a seven deadly sins system. Now Aryan has to navigate in this dangerous world, all the while trying to figure out how to use this system of his to gain the seven abilities from the famous anime seven deadly sins. May be this time, the ending will be slightly different with the addition of a man from Kaliyug into Dwaparyug? But wait, why are there Greek gods and Norse gods in this world too? A total of three Pantheons? Follow Aryan on his journey and see what different choices he will make and how are they going to change the bigger picture? * [ Those who don't know the story of Mahabharat can also read. I have tried my best to make you understand everything. ] [ PS - This is only for entertainment purpose and I don't want to hurt anyone's beliefs and religion. So if you have any problems with these then please don't read further. ] * I'll try to make 5 chaps / week, unless something urgent comes up like exams and all. *********************** Hungry for more chapters? Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters, along with advance chapters of my other novels .  patreon.com/Daddy_strikes_

Daddy_strikes_ · Movies
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90 Chs

Karna's Battle

"Senapati Karna, please get out of the way before I am forced to take action. "

Bhishma finally couldn't bear it and said coldly. 

Taking a deep look at Bhishma, Karna said plainly. 

"Although I assured Udra Naresh that I can take on all of you but he specifically said that I am to let you pass Mahamahim Bhishma. Go ahead, I won't stop you. But as for the rest, be my guest! "

Bhishma snorted coldly and without saying anything else, rushed out behind Aryan, leaving Karna to confront the others. 

"Looks like we have finally gotten the chance to fight. So let's see if you're really as good an archer as your teacher Dronacharya claims. "

Karna challenged Arjun. 

Seeing this, although Duryodhan was very angry at the moment, but he remembered Shakuni's advice and stayed silent, letting Pandavs take the lead. 

"Hmph, you think we don't exist? "

Bheem snorted coldly and urged his horse to rush towards Karna. 

Although Arjun wanted to stop him but it was too late, Bheem had already rushed out. 

Seeing this, Karna promptly fired Bhaumastra and the arrow immediately turned into a hail of rocks. 

Bheem also reacted promptly and continuously swung his mace to destroy the large rocks falling on him one by one. 

But while he was still preoccupied by the rocks, Karna directly fired Varuna Pash at him. 

Amidst the rain of rocks and the dust raised by smashing the rocks, an arrow slowly bypassed Bheem's defenses and the moment it pierced him, it turned into a divine rope tightly binding him. 

"Aaahhh! "

No matter how hard he tried, Bheem couldn't break free from the rope.

And since he couldn't defend himself anymore, he was soon knocked down from his horse by the oncoming rocks. 

"Grunt..... Arrgghh! "

"Brother Bheem. "

Sahdev reacted and immediately jumped down from his horse and rushed with his dual axes to save Bheem. 

While it seemed like a long process but all this happened in just ten seconds at maximum, from the moment Bheem rushed towards Karna to the moment he was knocked down from his horse. 

Although Karna also wanted to deal with Sahadev after seeing him coming forward but Arjun reacted at this moment and fired Aindrastra to stop Karna as one arrow multiplied into hundreds of arrows in mid air and a rain of arrows fell towards Karna, blocking his escape routes and not giving him a chance to dodge. 

Helpless, Karna also had to counterattack as he used Parvatastra to raise a dime made of stone around him, protecting him from the arrows. 

In the meantime, Sahadev had already managed to rescue Bheem. 

"You're not bad Senapati Karna. But do you really think you can stop all of us? Forget about the others, just I also am enough to stop you. "

Arjun said sarcastically and signalled everyone to move ahead. 

Seeing this, Karna immediately pulled back his bowstring and fired another arrow which actually raised a wall made of flames in front of them, causing their horses to back off in fear. 

"What were you saying again Arjun?"

Karna replied in the same tone. 

Enraged, Arjun immediately used Varunastra to extinguish the flames with a fountain of water before firing another arrow at Karna which turned into a humongous golden sword with electric arcs flashing on it from time to time. 

Karna reacted appropriately by releasing Mahendrastra, which can decimate any weapon upon collision, except divine weapons. 

* Boom * 

Immediately upon collision, the sword turned into dust as Arjun looked at Karna solemnly. He didn't expect this guy to be so tricky. 

And while Arjun and Karna were fighting one on one, Nakul and Sahadev glanced at each other and silently reached an agreement. 

Just when Karna launched another arrow to counterattack Arjun, both Nakul and Sahadev took action by throwing their sword and axe at him respectively with all their strength. 

Naturally, Karna had no time to launch another arrow to block their attack, but instead of panicking, he simply gazed at the oncoming sword and axe disdainfully. 

And the moment they touched his body, a golden armour with divine engravings suddenly appeared on his body automatically and the sword and axe fell on the ground, powerless, after the collision. 

"What the.... hell is that? "

Almost everyone exclaimed at the same time. 

Since Karna didn't have the chance to fight Arjun in the tournament in Hastinapur, no one yet knows about his Sun God's armour in Hastinapur and this was the first time they were seeing it. 

Karna's Sun God's armor was a revelation to those who witnessed it.

Its radiant appearance and divine engravings left everyone astonished. The protection it provided against the formidable attacks of Nakul and Sahadev left the spectators in awe.

Arjun, engaged in a one-on-one battle with Karna, was momentarily distracted by the unexpected display of Karna's armor.

Sensing a brief opportunity, Karna unleashed an arrow, aiming to strike at Arjun. It was a swift and fierce exchange of divine weapons and tactics.

Arjun, however, was not one to be caught off guard for long.

Drawing upon his extensive training, he summoned the Gandiva bow to release a powerful arrow, which transformed into a celestial net. The net unfolded with incredible speed, attempting to ensnare Karna, forcing him to confront this formidable obstacle.

Karna responded with a daring maneuver and used Agneyastra to burn the net to ashes. 

The onlookers gazed in astonishment as they witnessed this epic clash of divine weapons and skills. Karna's formidable abilities, combined with his Sun God's armor and ear rings which protected him from any sneak attacks from Yudhishthir, Nakul and Sahadev, made him a formidable adversary.

The revelation of Karna's impenetrable armor left them astounded, and they knew they needed a different approach to overcome this formidable obstacle.

Duryodhan, though still reeling from his anger, began to appreciate Karna's true strength.

Karna was proving to be an unparalleled warrior, capable of standing toe-to-toe with Arjun, the renowned archer of the Pandavas.

Amidst the confrontation of one versus many, the outcome of this battle remained uncertain. 

The battlefield was shrouded in tension, the combatants locked in a fierce and intricate struggle, Astras clashing with resounding force.

Each warrior's resolve and determination would be tested as they navigated this challenging battle.

Meanwhile on the other hand, Bhishma finally managed to catch up with Aryan's chariot and challanged him to stop and face him. 

"Udra naresh Aryan Bahubali, immediately stop in your tracks. If you have the guts, then turn around and fight me head on. "

Hearing his words, Aryan looked up towards the sun and found that it was almost about to reach 12 pm noon.

The time when sunshine ability has maximum power, enabling him to enter an almost invincible state called - " The One " . 

Eager to try, Aryan asked Aadhirat to slow down the chariot and soon stood facing Bhishma opposite him. 

Hungry for more chapters?

Support me on Patreon and read 5 advance chapters, along with advance chapters of my other novels . 


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