
Reincarnated in Long Live Summons with Powerful Abilities [DROPPED]

DROPPED! Will rewrite and add to my other fanfic - Wandering Omniverse!

Captain_Killer · Others
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199 Chs

Chapter 96

Bai Yun Fei thought: Why does this beautiful and intelligent beast belong to another person? Since you are not mine, you shall not belong to anyone else. I will definitely kill you!

The Gold Killer Bee flew like a flash of lightning towards the Bloody Queen 'Red', revealing its poison needle in a thousandth of a second.

As long as it could prick the Bloody Queen once, that beautiful beast would become a corpse immediately.

Die! You would only be beautiful if you die!

Bai Yun Fei looked at Red's beautiful face and clenched his fist, his heart filled with hatred deep to his bones. If this beauty had belonged to him alone, then he would definitely cherish her forever. But she doesn't belong to him, so she must die.


An extremely sharp, piercing shriek shook through the souls of everyone present in the stadium. The soundwaves emitted from the Bloody Queen Red's mouth rippled out to her surrounding as if it had substance. Everyone felt their eyes turn dark. Spectators watching from far away felt their ears buzz while those nearby felt like the back of their heads were struck by hammers.

This kind of terrifying scream was impossible to avoid, it could directly attack one's soul.

In that thousandth of a second when the Gold Killer Bee was about to prick the Blood Queen with its poisonous needle, Red had suddenly disappeared. She had re-appeared on the Gold Dragon King Beast's head.

She immediately cut its head.

It didn't have time to react before it died.

Red also returned and descended behind Yue Yang, kneeling on one of her knees to show her respect.

Yue Yang had told them not to do so but they wanted to show their respect for him.

The Gold Killer Bee's abdomen wasn't able to prick its target. It dropped right in front of the second mysterious cloaked 'person'.

The second mysterious humanoid beast who was still hiding underneath its cloak suddenly revealed a human leg from within its cloak. With one stomp, it turned the Gold Killer Bee's abdomen into a bloody pulp...


That stomp had actually caused a tremor throughout the whole stage.

An invisible shockwave spread out through the whole stadium. The audience seated within a hundred meters radius all felt dizzy and nauseous.

That Killer Bee who had lost its abdomen went completely out of control as it hissed crazedly and flew towards that mysterious humanoid beast. Suddenly, the whole audience could all see clearly that the mysterious humanoid beast underneath the cloak had started to spit out a golden flame from its nose and mouth.

The mysterious humanoid beast's eyes that were hidden underneath the cloak suddenly lit up brightly.

Even those seated behind the mysterious humanoid beast felt as if their minds had been pricked ruthlessly.

The audience who could see that flash of light all started to shiver uncontrollably. It was as if a deathly shadow had appeared right before them.

Fortunately, the target of this glare was the Gold Killer Bee who had gone out of control.

Everyone present could see very clearly.

The Gold Killer Bee had actually lost its life in the next second.

"Heavens, that's [Doom's Eyes]! It's Barbarian Cow's [Doom's Eyes]!" Warriors who were familiar with beasts' abilities couldn't help themselves but to shout out.

[Doom's Eyes]. The moment it was unleashed, it became an unavoidable existence.

One would immediately die with a single glare!

"This is impossible..." Bai Yun Fei whose face was all-smiles just now had turned lifeless.

He completely couldn't believe the facts laid before his eyes. His both beasts had been instantly killed. How was this possible?

Bai Yun Fei shouted "NO!" loudly. Before Yue Yang and the Bloody Queen could take a single step, he immediately summoned his Gold Grimoire and summoned all his strongest beasts without any care at all. His purpose was to defeat his enemy with numbers.

"Are you trying to compete in terms of number?" Yue Yang's voice was emotionless, no one could discern if his tone was ridiculing or disregarding.

However, after Yue Yang waved his hands, the mysterious cloaked humanoid beast suddenly revealed a medusa's head full of snakes that were all ignited in flames.

The medusa held a Gold Bow in her hands as it moved towards Yue Yang. Similarly, it bowed down respectfully behind Yue Yang, just like the Bloody Queen. The audience immediately gasped in surprise. There wasn't just one humanoid beast hiding underneath the cloak?

Very quickly, the audience fell flat on the ground.

This was because they had just seen another beauty, a golden-haired mermaid whose beauty could bring down a whole kingdom, coming out from within the cloak, holding a weird-looking conch in her hands.

This, how could this be a competition? This was obviously bullying!

"Kill!" Yue Yang pointed his finger towards Bai Yun Fei, imitating what Bai Yun Fei had done just now. He was about to massacre his enemy.

In an instant, Bai Yun Fei's beasts were massacred by his beasts.

Bai Yun Fei was so terror-stricken by the terrifying scene in front of him.

The Medusa, Mermaid, and Ah-Man disappeared from the fighting arena as if they had never appeared before.

The corpses laid all over the fighting arena had soundlessly proved the Yue Clan Third Young master's abnormal strength.

Seeing all these scenes, Bai Yun Fei suddenly kneeled on the ground powerlessly. His hands propped himself powerlessly as he prostrated himself on the fighting arena.

His whole body was trembling.

Most of his beasts dying had already been a painful blow to him.

Mistaking his opponent's strength and his misplaced arrogance had also completely made him lose his honor and reputation.

His last thread of fighting spirit had been scared away by the scene laid before his eyes. For the very first time, Bai Yun Fei felt the shadow of death looming over his heart.

He was terrified of death, so terrified that he didn't dare to continue to fight against this horrifying Yue Clan Third Young Master.

That abnormal was not someone he could win against!

Bai Yun Fei wanted to quickly escape from this place and end the battle.

"I lost, I, I admit defeat..." If someone had told Bai Yun Fei three minutes ago that he would kneel on the ground and admit his defeat, he would think that that person was insane. If it were another person instead, nobody would also believe that an extremely arrogant person like Bai Yun Fei could actually kneel on the ground and begged for mercy.

However, this was reality.

Yue Yang spoke with a smile, "What did you say again? Say it louder! I'm just a trash who has a hearing problem, I didn't hear you just now. What exactly did you say just now? Say it louder!"

When the audience heard it, they all felt embarrassed for Bai Yun Fei.

A lot of people thought that Bai Yun Fei would get angry and charge towards Yue Yang demanding an either-you-die-or-I-die battle.