
Reincarnated in Long Live Summons with Powerful Abilities [DROPPED]

DROPPED! Will rewrite and add to my other fanfic - Wandering Omniverse!

Captain_Killer · Others
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199 Chs

Chapter 89

Yue Yang smiled and affirmed it by nodding. "That's right, I'm the adulterer!!"


Fatty Hai, Ye Kong, and the Li brothers fell onto the ground with a thunderous sound. Even Xia Hou Wei Lie, the solemn eagle-eyed man was shocked by what Yue Yang had said.

The Yue Clan's people used their utmost strength to prevent themselves from roaring with laughter. As for the Eastern Sky King, he couldn't care less. Tears were already streaming from his eyes, he nearly lost his breath from laughing!

Even the girls were trying their best to hold their laughter. Luo Hua was just like her father laughing without caring about anyone.

Xue Wen Dao and Feng Xiao Yun glanced at each other. Eventually, Feng Xiao Yun was the first to ask. "Lady Juan Juan, are you absolutely certain that the adulterer is the person sitting on top of the carriage?"

"Even if he turned into ashes, I would recognize him! Furthermore, he admitted it himself, I beg Your Highness to administer justice for this weak lady!" The sexy girl cried while kowtowing to Jun Wu You.

"This matter... Xie Tao, it's not good for me to speak about it. Could this be a misunderstanding?" Jun Wu You looked at Xie Tao.

"Your Highness, how could this be a misunderstanding? My son's corpse is in front of your eyes. This situation concerns the Xue and Yue Clan's children killing the grooms and snatching the bride away. Your Highness can't just stand idly and watch!" Xie Tao immediately knelt in front of Jun Wu You. He pointed at Yue Yang, accusing, "The killer is in front of your eye! If Your Highness cannot bear to do it, then please step back, and let your humble servant fight to the death with this bastard!"

"Xie City Master, the adulterer that Juan Juan pointed at... Do you know who he is?" Xue Wen Dao started to feel that the entire pack of Xie Clan's people were collectively braindead.

"Who, who is he?" Xie Tao was shaken. He felt that something was wrong. Everyone was speaking weirdly.

"The adulterer whom you claim is the younger brother of Yue Clan's Second Young Mistress, Yue Clan's Third Young Master!" Feng Xiao Yun almost cursed at them for being utter idiots. They should have found a better excuse to start a war. Such a dumb accusation caused people to be embarrassed for them after hearing it.

"Ah... " Xie Tao was utterly dumbfounded upon hearing it.

"What do you mean brother? That's a lie! That time, Qian Qiu and I witnessed that bitch pulling his hand!" The sexy girl hurriedly refuted anxiously.

"That's right, she's absolutely correct. At that time Second Sister was definitely pulling my arm. I just scare her a little for which she got angry with me. I had to promise her to buy whatever she wanted to make her happy again. I can definitely testify this fact for her." Yue Yang nodded his head to confirm.

"That day, there was another bitch too..." Before the pretty and flirtatious girl could finish her sentence, she saw Yue Bing stepping down from the carriage. She immediately pointed her finger, directing Jun Wu You and the others to her, testifying, "That bitch was also present there. There's also Yue Yu, that slut..."

The Eastern Sky King was already rolling on the ground laughing as hard as he could when he heard the girl.

His fist was hitting the ground repeatedly, but it was not enough to suppress his laughter.

Even the girls couldn't control their laughter now. They were also laughing loudly.

The Yue Clan's Castle Guards could not help but roar with laughter too. However, the Xie Clan's guards dejectedly lowered their heads.

This time, they had lost too much face...

Feng Xiao Yun pointed towards Yue Yang, asking Xie Tao, "Now that all the criminals have gathered here, namely Yue Clan's Third Young Master, Second Miss, and Seventh miss, is there anything else you would like to add?"

Xie Tao almost wanted to find cracks on the ground so that he could squeeze into it. He hurriedly shook his head, saying, "A misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding!"

"It's not a misunderstanding!" The two elders who had the strength of Level 8 [Emperor]s suddenly stood up. The elder on the right laughed coldly. "No matter whether they were recognized wrongly, the fact that the Yue Clan's children joined hands to kill the future master of the Xie Clan, Xie Qian Qiu, is an ironclad truth. The Yue Clan must compensate the Xie Clan in some way. Xie Qian Qiu is one of the children that we brothers had fancied. Now that the children of the Yue Clan have beaten him to death, we as his masters must take back some justice!"

The moment he spoke, the veins on Jun Wu Yu's temples popped.

Even idiots knew that Xie Qian Qiu was a trash that was could not even compare to mud that could be used to build walls. Except for abusing his power to rape women, he did not have any strengths at all.

If not for having ulterior motives, even if a young man with ten times the qualifications of Xie Qian Qiu was sent in front of the Two Elders Song He, they would probably not bat their eyelids even once.

The power behind the Two Elders Song He was the self-proclaimed world's Fifth Sect, the "Green Summit Sect".

The Green Summit Sect was the current guardian sect of the present Zi Jin Empire.

Originally, traitors who wanted to steal the Yue Clan's ultimate moves fled to the Zi Jin Empire and created a new sect. Under the support of the Zi Jin Empire, they constantly recruited rankers, and slowly rose to power.

The present-day "Green Summit Sect" had already become the Chief Guardian Sects of the Zi Jin Empire and proclaimed themselves as the fifth sect in the world.

Since a thousand years ago, Green Summit Sect had always been the mortal enemies of the Yue Clan and even the Da Xia Empire.

Today, even if these Two Elders Song He did not speak, everyone could already guess that these two old folks would definitely not leave the matter at that. They were definitely here to cause trouble.

Yue Yang was extremely generous and admitted it in a single sentence. "That's right, I was the one who beat him to death. So what if I beat him? I ought to beat him up after all. It would be tragic if I don't beat him!"

Hearing the astonishing arguments that Yue Yang had raised, Ye Kong, Fatty Hai, and the others nearly banged their head on the ground.

The people on the Xie Clan side were already seething with anger since long ago, so much that their facial expressions had already become distorted.

It would be fine if he said that it was a misunderstanding. There would be a way out of this difficult situation if that was the case. Now, this fellow had actually admitted to beating that person to death straightforwardly. Not only that, he had still displayed such an arrogant attitude!