
Reincarnated in Long Live Summons with Powerful Abilities [DROPPED]

DROPPED! Will rewrite and add to my other fanfic - Wandering Omniverse!

Captain_Killer · Others
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199 Chs

Chapter 47

Yue Hai, who has calmed after he saw that the attack stop looked at Fourth mother and said, "Xian'er can you tell your son to stop this battle? Since he is your son, you have more possibility to persuade him than an old man like me. I already lost a son, and I don't want to watch another one go without me being able to do anything."

After saying that he sighed as he began reminiscing about his son while looking at Yue Yang.

'Your son is different from you, Qiu'er. Contrary to you who always acted recklessly, he is something else. To think he will hide his strength so deeply that even I couldn't discover it. What a monster, fortunately, he is from our family or else it will have been too scary to face him.'

He sighed again. As he continued to sigh, he heard his Fourth mother reply. "Ah Xian will listen to father-in-law."

She then turned toward Yue Yang and said, "San'er you heard your grandfather right? If you don't stop, you will bring shame to me and your uncle who raised you."

Yue Yang whose gaze was on her and Yue Shuang the entire time looked at the old man, a light flashed in his eyes as he thought.

'It seems like I underestimated this old man's craftiness. When he saw that he wasn't able to see through my strength he at once made someone bring Fourth mother and Shuang'er here. It seems like the quote saying that the older you get the wiser you became wasn't a lie at all.'

"Since Fourth mother asked me to stop, I will cease at once. I also don't want this man to appear on my Shuang'er nightmares."

After saying that he looked at Yue Shan for a while before turning around, and he began walking toward Yue Shuang who was struggling to get out of her mother's arms and hug her big brother.

The exchanges between them really surprised the crowd.

Why would the clan master ask for Ah Xian to stop Yue Yang and didn't do it himself?

Yue Shan was the only one with a glint in his eyes as he knew his father very well. All this while the crimson Qi that hadn't dissipated began flickering like a flame and began shrinking and from three meters it became a few centimeters, and the energy also began disappearing.

Seeing this Yue Hai and Yue Shan heaved at the same time.

However, before it fully disappeared, it flashed towards Yue Shan's hand that was holding the blade. A neatly cut arm holding a blade then dropped to the ground.

While this was happening, Yue Yang was already holding little Shuang in his arm with their backs towards Yue Shan.

"Have you been a good girl when I wasn't here? I only have gifts for good girls with me. So did you listen to what mother said?" Yue Yang began speaking with a smile on his face as he continued to distract the little girl from the scene behind them.

"Yes, big brother! I was a suuuper good girl. Even mother praised me." Replied Yue Shuang happily.

"Oh? Even mother praised you? Then you must have been a good girl. Tell me what you did for the mother to praise you so much." Said, Yue Yang a little curious

"When I fell down, and it was painful I didn't cry at all. Also, when mother was teaching me I listened to her and remembered everything she taught me. I also helped her when she was knitting. "

"You were a good girl. So what do you want? Big Brother will give you anything you want. Just say it and it will be yours."

Hearing that the little girl made a cute thinking expression as she began thinking. "Hmm, let's see. I want two kisses from big brother."

"You don't want candies or me to bully someone for you?"

The little girl shook her head and said, "Mother said that I shouldn't eat too many candies or my teeth will all fall. If someone bullies me I will use the secret technique you thought me."

"Okay, and since you've been a suuuper good girl big brother will give you ten kisses."

"Yeah, big brother is the best." Said the little girl excitedly.

He then began kissing the little girl on her cheeks.

After that, he took the girl and said, "Let's go. Big Brother has a new move to teach you. It's called golden balls crusher or family jewels extinguisher. It's very useful against bad guys when you meet them."

He then began walking towards the castle while explaining the terrible move to the little girl in his arms.

As for the crowd, they were still rooted in their place since Yue Shan's hand was sliced and they were looking at Yue Yang back while shuddering in fear.

Yue Hai, seeing all this, smiled lightly before heaving another sigh of relief.

Fourth mother looked at him and said apologetically, "Forgive me, Father-in-law, it seems like I wasn't able to make San'er stop."

The Yue clan master looked at her and said, "You shouldn't apologize. You are a good mother. If it wasn't for you I think things will have gone worse."

"But-" said Fourth mother wanting to protest as she looked at Yue Shan, who even though his arm was missing didn't even emit a painful cry and remained calm.

However, Yue Hai stopped her and said, "It's all right. It's better to have a son with a crippled arm than a dead son. Besides this injury could be treated if we spend so, I should thank you instead of you apologizing to me."

After he said that he looked at the crowd and said with a domineering voice. "What happened should remain here. If I heard rumors of this after this, I should hold you all accountable."

After that, he looked at Yue Shan with sorrows in his eyes before saying to some elders in the crowd. "Take him to the doctor. Tell him to clean up the wound. Tell him to concoct the lesser Phoenix pill and that I want to see it done after the tournament."

"Yes, clan master!" said the elders with reverence before taking Yue Shan away.

In no time, the place was almost emptied and only three people remained there. Yue Bing, who was still there came to where Yue Hai and her mother were standing.

She first greeted her grandfather before going behind him and hugged her mother. After that, both of them greeted Yue Hai before they began walking towards the castle.

Yue Hai nodded at them and then remained standing in his position for a while with his mind elsewhere. He only moved after ten minutes and entered the castle.