
Reincarnated in Long Live Summons with Powerful Abilities [DROPPED]

DROPPED! Will rewrite and add to my other fanfic - Wandering Omniverse!

Captain_Killer · Others
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199 Chs

Chapter 40


When the light of the teleportation circle ended Yue Yang and Red arrived at the Second temple.

The Taurus temple.

He didn't summon other beasts. He wanted Red and Hui Tai Lang to clear it to gain combat experience.

He wasn't even worried about them as he knew that none of the monsters here could stop them even the last boss was weaker than her. After all, Red was still a Golden King Beast.

He looked at all the monsters who were waiting for them to leave the teleportation circle before attacking them and he couldn't help but pity them.

He then looked at them and said, "You can do anything you want with them but don't kill the boss as it is still useful for Ah-Man."

They nodded their heads. Red made her wings appear on her back. She then flew into the sky before she released a tremendous scream towards the monster bulls.

The attack was so powerful that even the walls began trembling. As for the monsters, most of them died with blood on their orifices and the others were standing immobile shaken by the scream.

After her banshee scream, she took out a dagger and began massacring the ones who were still alive. Hui Tai Lang also attacked but he was not able to do much damage because his level was low but he was gaining combat experience. It didn't take long before the whole temple become painted with blood.

One could even smell and taste blood from distances away. Yue Yang who was looking at the scene was really surprised.

He had always wondered why she was called Bloody Queen but he finally understood why she was called so.

The massacre stopped only when the boss appeared. When it saw the scene of its servants being massacred its eyes became red as it roared. A pressure immediately enveloped all the temple.

Yue Yang was a little surprised by the pressure emitted by the White bull but he still wasn't worried about Red at all. He called Hui Tai Lang back.

He only told her to be more careful during the battle and after that, he sat down watching the two of them fight.

Although the White bull was more powerful than he predicted by one level and its mental attacks were devastating it didn't work on Red whose mind was connected to Yue Yang through the Phantom Shadow. Even its most powerful skill, the Doom's eye didn't do much in the battle.

After she entered the range of close combat it only took some time for Red to take care of it. She has completely suppressed it and she hasn't given it any chance to use its second form.

Red finished the battle completely unscathed.

The projector of these trials was really cunning. That was what Yue Yang thought. His plan was for the challenger to waste his beasts' energy in hurry by giving them protection for 10 minutes so they will be pressed to complete the trial quickly.

So once they arrive at the boss they will all be too tired to continue the battle and they would be defeated easily by the boss.

Unfortunately for him he never thought that people like Yue Yang and his beasts existed. After all what type of strong beast will make a contract with a weak master? Every beast has its pride and will never follow and take orders from someone weaker than them.

He never thought that Yue Yang who was a braveman could also be an Innate Ranker. It couldn't be helped either as anyone would not think that such a monster exists.

After defeating the boss and restraining it, Red brought it to Yue Yang who was still sitting on the ground near the teleportation circle.

The White bull kept struggling trying to escape its fate but it was unsuccessful. There was desperation and madness in its eyes as if it knew what was going to happen to it.

It even tried to use the ability that every guardian of the twelve Zodiac temple has to teleport away, but Yue Yang who was already prepared for that used his bidding skill to block the beast's soul and impede it from activating the skill.

Yue Yang immediately summoned Ah-man to absorb it. Ah-man obtained a new skill.

Mental pressure: Obtained after fusing with the white bull. The owner of this skill can create pressure that can affect the souls of the opponents slowing their reactions and agility when under attack. The stronger the opponent's soul was the weaker the pressure on them. The stronger the soul of the owner was the more pressure and negative effects are brought on the enemy.

He went to the room to register his completion. After putting the crystal card on the ox head warrior's statues he then called Ah-man to receive the reward as she was the only one most suitable for that skill in his beasts.

When Ah-man placed her hand on the crystal card two lights resembling oxhead warriors entered her body. As for Yue Yang, Red, and Hui Tai Lang, the light covering them wasn't as shiny as the one on Ah-man. After the light disappeared a new skill appeared on the grimoire.

Bloodeye Double Kill: When [Doom's Eyes] is triggered to kill an enemy, there is a small chance that a related enemy will be killed too. This skill will not work on non-living beasts or undead beasts who don't have souls.

Although Red was the one who completed the trial the one who received the reward was Ah-man but she still leveled up as she was the one who took care of all the beasts and she had even defeated the boss.

She leveled up to Gold Rank-7 and also gain more intelligence.

Hui Tai Lang also received intelligence. Now, even though he couldn't speak but he could understand everything.

He gave a nose ring to Ah-man and Blinding dagger to Red who was very happy after receiving it.

After taking anything that he could from the 2nd trial he went to the Third Temple, The Gemini Temple.

He unsummoned his every beast and decided to clear it himself. He knew this trial required two people to clear it but he wanted to test himself.

When he entered, The Gemini Shadow appeared wearing the Gold Ranked Gemini Mask who looked just like him. Yue Yang knew he could use all his moves but he had less intelligence.

The Gemini shadow attacked him. The fight ended after 2 hours, Yue Yang won as he snatched the mask and the shadow vanished. He stored the mask and went to the inner hall where the second shadow, who was a girl, waiting for him.

Before she could speak, he said, "I know this temple is just a training to complete the Virgo Temple trial."

The girl shadow only looked at him and asked, "Do you really believe that if you reveal your identity, the people who love you now still be the same."

Yue Yang smiled and said, "I don't know about that but I still want to bet on it."

The girl looked into his eyes and asked, "Why do you want to reveal it? What will you gain?"

Yue Yang smiled again and said, "Nothing, But I'm feeling like I'm betraying their trust and love. I have many regrets in my past life but I don't want to have any regrets in this life."