
Reincarnated in Long Live Summons with Powerful Abilities [DROPPED]

DROPPED! Will rewrite and add to my other fanfic - Wandering Omniverse!

Captain_Killer · Others
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199 Chs

Chapter 158

"Mr. Phantom Jr., although I did not extend a hand of friendship to you nor did I welcome your arrival, there is no need to put me to death right?" Demon Eye knew that there is a fine line between Life and Death. If the opposite side attacked, Blood River, Mountain Elf, and Ma Long would work together and have Phantom Jr. call the shots. He was not Sky Dragon, so he would undoubtedly die! The only way was to give a reason

"Seizing my assets and tarnishing my name." Yue Yang's voice was bone-piercing cold.

"..." Demon Eye was now extremely regretful. At that time, if he had not deliberately shown his strength by showing that he was above the law and plunder An Dong's treasury, then he would not have provoked this deathly calamity.

He had taken three million gold and a few ores and treasures from An Dong's treasury.

Demon Eye was willing to immediately return these.

He was also willing to pay compensation. However, would Phantom Jr. be willing to accept his apology?

Yue Yang didn't care about anything and killed the Demon Eye, collected his Platinum-Ranked Storage ring.

The entire process of taking over and sorting out Demon Eye's assets wouldn't be very fast.

An Dong's underground mansion couldn't even compare to Demon Eye's Devil Eye Palace.

Fat Toad Jia De exhausted all of their men to remove Demon Eye's logo from all parts of the Devil Eye Palace and replaced them with Yue Yang's Gemini logo. Undoubtedly, this requires time. When Jia De was awfully busy, the maids helped to tidy up the Devil Eye Palace such that it could be turned into the Phantom Palace for the Phantom Brothers.

As for Demon Eye's slaves, they either escaped or were captured.

His female slaves had also locked away, awaiting Yan Zheng the butler's decision on which were the loyal ones that could be used as servants.

He sent some slaves to take care of Xia Yi as she was wounded in her previous battle.

As everyone was busy, Yue Yang decided to claim his rewards at the Warrior Guild first.

He was lucky to do that as he found that those fools found a sealed space which turned out to be the Five Elemental Palace. He gained many good things from it such as Divine Molten Meteorite Gold, World's treasure Wishing Dunchmen Pipe, Ancient Cyan Tree Shoot, Earth's Core Dew.. During the fights, he let Xue Tan Lang, Prince of Tian Luo, Ye Kong, and others fought them so they could gain experience.

The biggest profit was Ah Man gained Heart of Earth with which she was undefeated as long as her legs were touching the ground.

Hui Tai Lang assimilated the gold-rank treasure Fire Scythe and turned it into Real Essence Fire Scythe.

Hui Tai Lang finally obtained a weapon.

For a Divine Beast, using a Gold-ranked weapon seemed a little low-class, but if one were to put up with it, it was still okay. But Yue Yang would definitely upgrade it in the future.

After that, he exchanged the rewards for Demon Eye's head but the thing he asked, they need time to bring it so he returned back to the Thunder Fortress.

He then signed a business deal with Mr. Chen from Qi Lan continent who would buy the Thunder Ore in exchange for providing Thunder beasts annually including one gold and two silver ranked.

Mr. Chen left delighted. He was preparing to bring wine, beasts, and armors from his hometown to the Thunder Fortress. For the Qi Lan continent to be able to collaborate with strong Innates like the Titan brothers, they considered themselves very lucky.

Before he left, he gave Yue Yang a piece of parchment with a map drawn on it. A location was marked out on the map.

Yue Yang was palpitating with excitement.

The mark on the map was labeled as 'Evil Dragon Cave'.

"This was found by a robber who was very skilled in hiding, he spent a year to find this. He almost died. According to him, there was one Black Dragon, two Scarlet Dragons, and around a hundred Crimson Flame Dragons. If you need more information, you can find a man named Dark Blade in Silver Horn Tavern. He is a friend I respect the most. Good luck! " Mr. Chen had to pay ten thousand gold coins for this information, yet he gave it to Yue Yang without hesitation.

"If I succeed, I'll repay you with a bottle of Dragon Blood." Yue Yang obviously understood how dangerous and challenging it was to search for the Evil Dragon Cave. The same went for how priceless this information was. When he saw the piece, a smile formed on his face, and killing intent flashed in his eyes before returning back to normal.

Yue Yang returned to the sixth floor of Tong Tian Tower. Pretending that he didn't know Fatty Hai and the others, he found the teleportation staff and teleported himself to a continent thousands of miles away. Once again, he teleported from that continent to another continent thousands of miles apart, this continued for three times before Yue Yang reached a large town called Pagoda Gu. He hired a blue-winged and white-backed gull. It was just like taking a taxi, and it flew him to Silver Horn Tavern.

There was a medium-sized tavern.

A gigantic silver horn acted as the tavern's logo, it looked like the base of the Silver Horn Guild. There were many like this on the sixth floor of Tong Tian Tower.

Yue Yang pushed opened the door and entered.

Those who saw Yue Yang were a little surprised. Many sized him up and stared at his Gemini Mask as well as the Gold-ranked Dragon Slaying Spear that was wrapped up and strapped to his back. A weak Level 6 Elder wearing a Gold-rank mask? The eyes of those who were drinking twinkled, but for some reason, they did not reach out to snatch it. Compared to Tong Tian Tower the security here was a lot better.

It seemed that the mercenary at Silver Horn had tricks up his sleeves, at least he managed to keep the customers under control.

Yue Yang ignored the greedy stares, walked straight up to the liquor cabinet, and dropped a handful of gold coins. "I'm looking for Dark Blade."

There isn't anyone called Dark Blade here." The beauty standing behind the bar counter smiled politely. "But there is a wine called Dark Night's Temptation. Would you like a cup? "

"Get him to come out, now!" Yue Yang dropped another handful of gold coins on the table.

"Although I really want to earn these gold coins... There is really no such person here, I'm sorry." The beauty bowed slightly.

"My patience is limited." Yue Yang gave her a grave look.