
Reincarnated in Long Live Summons with Powerful Abilities [DROPPED]

DROPPED! Will rewrite and add to my other fanfic - Wandering Omniverse!

Captain_Killer · Others
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199 Chs

Chapter 101

Yue Yang then told Yi Nan, Tan Lang, and Tain Luo Prince to go to Dong Liu and help him protect the others as the demons were going to attack soon.

They nodded their head and flew towards them. They would able to catch with them as they were moving in a group.

Yue Yang then turned to the girls and asked them if they would stay here or follow him. He already knew the answer but still asked.

After confirming, He took them with him inside the runic circle.

Yue Yang and the girls who entered the black pillar of light realized that they were teleported into a dark gigantic passage.

Yue Yang looked at Wu Xia who was looking around and spoke with a smile, "Your guess is correct. We're inside the Ancient Passage that surrounds God's Ruins!"

Everyone except Xiu'er was surprised when they heard him.

Yue Yang had already taught them Innate sensing abilities. He told them to move while observing their surroundings with it.

In this gigantic Ancient Passage, if a human was to look all around, he would feel really small and insignificant.

The Ancient Passage was also not a straight path, having frequent left and right turns like the body of a snake.

They were moving while looking at the carvings on the wall.

Different kinds of mysterious Runic Circles and symbols decorated the walls as if they were stars in the skies.

They faintly looked like they were interconnected to each other.

However, they formed an extremely confusing puzzle that was difficult to make out distinctly, leaving others with a deja-vu feeling.

Some parts of the walls were also carved with different types of beasts, most of them were beasts that did not exist in the Soaring Dragon Continent. Even the sisters, Wu Xia and Wu Hen, who possessed the richest knowledge couldn't recognize these beasts.

Yue Yang himself who had all the knowledge had problems in recognizing them.

As they were walking forward, Yue Yang told everyone to hide as someone was coming towards them.

Just as Yue Yang and the girls hid inside a cave a few hundred meters away, two bright golden lights suddenly appeared, shooting through the Ancient Passage towards them.

The bright golden light was extremely radiant, almost blinding.

In the end, the two golden lights stopped in mid-air.

One of the pair, a young man with a pretty face, twitched his nose a little. A flash of ridicule went across his purple eyes. "I say, why is there a strange smell? Seems like a few small rats came in here! Heh, it's been a long time since I could catch some rats to play around with."

"It's still the old rules, the women are yours, and the men are mine." The other person was a muscular man with curly sideburns who was muscular beyond compare.

The pretty-faced man summoned a Platinum Grimoire and called out a peculiar little beast whose body was completely snow white. It seemed like a mix between a rabbit and a fox, and its sense of smell was extremely acute.

It easily found where Yue Yang and the six girls were hiding. Luo Hua City Mistress's three-tailed Snow Fox became extremely agitated at the appearance of this peculiar beast. The Snow Fox, which was usually well-behaved and quiet, was actually so furious that it wanted to shred the peculiar beast into pieces.

That beast also hissed sharply at a low pitch. It seemed like it also had the desire to kill the Three-Tailed Snow Fox.

The young man and the muscular man, whose bodies were flashing with majestic golden lights, appeared at the entrance of the cave, full of smiles. The smile became even sweeter on the pretty man when he saw the four girls behind Yue Yang. "Six virgins, and all of them of top-quality too! Not bad! I'm already sick of those low-quality women who pretended to be virgins. I didn't think that I would get such a huge harvest today, five top-quality goods in a single shot... Tch, I can't wait to taste your blood already!"

"Compared to women who are born traitors, I like top-quality males more. It's difficult to get the body and heart of males, but once you get it, they will be completely faithful to you. They're really unlike those women who are like water, easily embracing someone else." The muscular man with curly sideburns looked at Yue Yang, swallowing his drool.

Yue Yang was really speechless, meeting these two big perverts.

Originally, Yue Yang had even prepared to say a few words to this pair, but it seemed unnecessary now. The faster these two people were killed, the cleaner the world would be.

The six girls' expressions were as cold as ice.

Yue Yang directly told the girls to finish them.

The five girls beat the two perverts so badly that even Yue Yang was sweated and shivered.

The two perverts didn't stand a chance against them.

Yue Yang stored their corpses. He had already told the girls how he cultivated his Thorny Flower which really surprised them as only Wu Xia and Wuhen had read about this method.

Yue Yang had even given their beasts some corpses and cores which helped them evolved.

He had taught the girls how to cultivate their beasts into Holy or Divine Beasts.

As they continued moving while chatting, Yue Yang told the girls to be quiet.

He then spoke coldly, "Our dear guests, please enter the cave. I don't know if you guys have a hobby of eavesdropping, but I don't think that's good manners."

"Interesting little human kid. I remembered Sky Dragon told me before that a scary little kid has appeared in the Soaring Dragon Continent. That kid was extremely irritating to him. I believe that the kid is you!" Outside the cave, a two-headed snake whose body was thicker than a water bucket and covered with green-colored scales slithered soundlessly inside. On the head of the left snakehead, there was a summoning beast-like Contract Circle, but there was none on the right snakehead.

This was the only difference between the two snakeheads.

The snakehead could not only speak human language, but it could also transform into a human.

In the midst of the thick green smoke, the two snakeheads transformed into gloomy-looking man. The green snake scales transformed into green-colored snake scales battle armor on his body.

Yue Yang looked at the fellow, then shouted at the entrance of the cave once again, "Don't think that just because your body is black you can hide from me!"

When the Two-headed Snake who had turned into a man heard it, he laughed out loud and said, "Old tortoise, didn't I say we can't hide from him!"

Outside, a low man's voice replied.

"It's not that I want to hide, I am just a slow climber." As the voice spoke, a giant tortoise climbed up to the cave entrance on the wall with lightning speed. It had a tortoise back that was as big as a small hill. On its head, instead of a tortoise head, it had a terrifying-looking snakehead with sharp fangs. Its claws were sharp like a lion's, and its tail was like a flaming whip.

The giant tortoise suddenly slipped and rolled on the ground.

The giant tortoise suddenly lighted up in flames and transformed into a huge man wearing black-colored armor. His skin was dark-colored and he had shoulder-length hair. His nails were all black, and he wore a flame-like belt on his waist. That black-armored man was almost three meters tall. His physique was incomparably big, but he walked as if he was as light as feather.