
King of eagles

6 days have passed in the blink of an eye

"Now I'd like to talk to everyone about an important subject, please."

Says Zhao Feng.

Everyone looked at him.

"Yufei, I don't know if this will upset you, but I have a sister with whom I came here. She strayed from her path out of pure greed.

But I loved her and so did she. I would like to give her one last chance and spank her my second wife would that bother you? "Asked Zhao Feng.

Yufei frowned and sighed and said, "Strong men still have many wives, but that doesn't mean I let you have all the women in the world, I won't accept more than nine women after me," humpf she groaned.

Zhao Feng felt really good to have a woman like her, he approached her and kissed her gently.

Zhao Yufei fell even more sharply.

Over the past 6 days, Zao Yufei's cultivation reached from the third kingdom of the Martial Trail, the fifth kingdom of the Martial Trail just like his parents who are also but who took 13 days to get there.

She and her parents have reached the second layer of the point technique allowing them to defeat the martial artists of the seventh level.

As for him, he stabilized his foundation and understood the golden body technique.

All he needed was resources.

Their relationship improved and he rebuilt with Zhao Xuer who became his second wife.

He also hunted rank 3 animals in the Sky cloud forest.

Enabling him to win 30,000,000 pieces of silver.

People who had confused his rendering wanted to hunt him down, but he killed them easily.

Even one of the elders of the Zhao sect tried, but also in vain.

After that no one dared to stand in his way.

His name was revealed and he even the patriarch of the Zhao sect showed him his respect.

He did not use this money for resources but for the construction of several luxurious buildings to start a family. He wanted to live there with his daughters and recruit and train people.


Sky Cloud Forest

This forest is full of terrifying animals for some people but not for Zhao Feng.

Activating his eyes of gods, they emitted a fiery light and then everything within a radius of 8 km entered his field of vision.

He immediately entered the forest deeper into the forest.

He met grade 8 animals, but they ignored them. His purpose was to kill holy animals.

One day later he arrived in the interior part of the forest and stayed in the place where there were only Holy Beasts of the Third Heaven of the kingdom of ascension.

Stretching his god's eye, he found a giant 2-metre monkey in the second kingdom of heaven.

He thought of something "I will tame him and give him the lineage of rank 125 of the Ancient Monkey, I suppose it will have more effect on him.

He quickly arrived in front of the monkey who jumped out of his tree.

Zhao Feng released his pressure on him, thanks to his techniques, he could release a pressure no worse than a sixth kingdom of heaven ascending.

The monkey got extremely scared, turned around and ran quickly, but unfortunately for him his opponent was much faster.

Zhao Feng punched him in the face and threw him 40 metres.

The monkey looked at Zhao Feng with fear, he lowered his head as a sign of redaction.

"Well now you'll be my pet so work well"

Yoo-hoo, yelled the monkey as if he understood.

The animals of his level were beginning to gain a little bit of intelligence.

"Wouldn't you know a place where I could find flying beasts with lightning strikes from the fourth kingdom of heaven?" he wanted to take it as he helped me carry the bodies.


The monkey went a little deeper into the forest.

A few hours later, Zhao Feng and the monkey arrived in a square in which there were animals going from the first to the third heavenly kingdom. All were lightning eagles, and there is an eagle larger than the other eagles, a golden eagle it was located in the fourth heaven.

The number of lightning eagle was 100.

Zhao Feng came out of hiding. The eagles will notice it and shouted and we run directly towards it.

Zhao Feng's eyes wrinkled, immediately he activated his god's eye and activated his martial technique and became crystalline.

The beasts that once seemed fast became extremely slow in Zhao Feng's eyes.

He jumped into the air and gave a fist elbow to the lower abdomen of one of the animals that screamed.

40 minutes after the 100 animals were all spread out on the ground, the monkey had received an order from Zhao Feng in advance to resemble them in the same place and to tie them with ropes he had previously prepared.

The Eagle King tried to escape several times but failed each time Zhao Feng gave him a terrifying punch.

"Now are you ready to be my horse?"

The golden eagle looked down at his subordinates with regret.


The eagle roars in the sky and then lowers like a gorilla.

"Well now go do like him," he said, pointing to the monkey that was gathering and tying up the monsters.

This eagle king is worthy to call himself king. Its green and soft plumage when it took flight, it emitted a feeling of nobility.

Although this eagle has no hands, it had sharp claws and pasta.

20 minutes later, Zhao Feng and the other two animals made packages of his birds.

Zhao Feng wore ten of them while the others wore the rest.

Then they headed for Sun Feather City.