
Reincarnated in hentai world with wishes

Haruto is a typical boy who was reincarnated into another world by a God. But not just any world, but the world of hentai. That's right folks he has entered the world where any kind of goddamn thing happens which include cheating, cucking and God fucking NTR! Now Haruto is not such a fan of NTR and so with his new life in another world and the powers he got he will fuck all those pieces of shit in that hentai world! Literally for the females and figuratively for the males. He will also protect some of the relationships and give the rotting bastards their payment for their sins. All those of you who like steamy hot sex and NTR revenge welcome! Psst. Mc has acquired the ability to use hypnosis so be ready to see many hypnotised harem members. Enjoy! ############################# So basically mc gets reborn into a hentai world with wishes in the modern time. This book is more of a wish fulfilment as I have seen quite an amount of NTR during my short life and I've been more than disturbed by it. The only reason I watch it is because of the artwork. I still don't understand why. Well, this will take place in the modern world so I hope you are ready for a ride.

Lust_Demon_Samael · Others
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28 Chs

Chapter 15 - Slave No.3 Acquired

"We shouldn't do this." Yen said nervously as she is in front of the gate to the amusement park.

"Oh it will be fine." Haruto said with an easygoing smile.

Haruto is dressed in simple clothes and a blue hat while Yen is dressed in quite an exotic dress. She has put lipstick on, has a small cap, a hair clip with a flower, a collar like thing and the dress covers her breasts while leaving her cleavage and arms open. She also wears white gloves and a wide skirt as well. (A/N: I'll put another image of her here, hope you all will be able to see it.)

The people around were looking at her surprised as they looked at her while she blushed in response. Her blush increased when Haruto grabbed her left hand and pulled her into the park.

'I have to endure this. Master said that, I mean Haruto said that if I don't do this then he will kill all of these. I can't have that, I must protect them.' Yen thought to herself as she steeled herself for the coming things.

After that he took her to take a few rides and then ate some food and desert. Things that a normal couple on a date would do, and at this time Haruto didn't do anything perverted to her. Though him not doing it to her and acting like a good boyfriend was what she wasn't hoping for.

'Why is he not acting like a pervert? I could have handled that.' Yen thought to herself in worry as she sat at a bench as he had gone to the restroom.

As she was mulling over the situation a group of three men who saw her whistled at the exposed clothes she is wearing which showed her cleavage and also showed how big her breasts are. They made their way to her as she raised her head and looked at them, though when she saw their faces she became annoyed as she realised why they came to her.

"Hey beautiful, why are you sitting here all alone?" One guy asked with a smile.

"We could show you around. A beautiful girl like yourself shouldn't be here all alone." The second guy said to her.

"We could be very helpful. I'm sure you'll enjoy it." The third guy said with a smile.

"Sorry. But I'm here on a date so I will not be able to come with you. Now please leave." Yen said to them as respectfully as she could.

This however didn't please the guys. After that they tried to make her come with her using their words but she stayed adamant and stayed at her seat. Then the second guy grabbed her arm angrily surprising her.

"We tried to do this peacefully but you don't seem to want that. Fine, we'll show you our hospitality with force." The second guy said as he grabbed her arm.

Then he pulled her up before her mouth was covered by the first guy and her right arm was grabbed by the third guy. There were any people around the area so they were safe. Yen couldn't escape them since she doesn't have the physical strength to overpower these three men.

'Master, save me.' Yen thought to herself before she realised what she had thought as her eyes widened a bit.

"Hey, she said she didn't want to go with you didn't she?" Haruto said from behind them.

Then he knocked out of the second guy grabbing her right arm, twisted the arm and threw the third guy over his shoulder and then punching the nose softly to knock out the first guy as he fell down with a broken nose. He then walked to Yen and grabbed her chin and made her look at him as she blushed.

"Hm, looks like you are alright. Good then. Let's go." Haruto said to her before he grabbed her hand and walked away.

Yen blushed as she remembered how he had protected her as her heartbeats increased as she walked behind them. He then went inside a photo booth with her as she was a bit surprised at his actual.

"What. I want a photo." Haruto said before he started the machine.

He then grabbed Yen by her waist and pulled her to him as she placed both her hands on his chest as she blushed from how close the two of them were.

"Kiss me." Haruto ordered her with a smirk.

Yen hesitated for a bit before she kissed him on his lips with him doing the same as the camera caught the photo. The two of them took the photo and exited the booth. Haruto was looking at the photo with a smile while Yen has a small blush.

"Now there's one more place to go." Haruto said with a smirk as Yen felt goosebumps at his words.

Then the two of them went to the Ferris Wheel and got on as they sat opposite of eachother as Yen is shifting in her place as the ride started. Haruto looked out the window at the scenery as he smiled while Yen would glance at him in a few seconds.

"Suck my dick right now." Haruto said without looking away from the scenery.

Yen stiffened when she heard him as she looked at him. But he gave a short glare to her which caused her to get up and walk to him with a blush. She then unzipped his pants and took his dick out. She massaged it as it became erect as she looked at it mesmerized before she started to lick it. She started to feel pleasure go through her body from the sensation of his dick inside her mouth.

'So tasty.' Yen thought to herself as she kept on licking it as she came from it.

Haruto looked at the girl licking him as he smirked. The cabin in which the three of them were in reached the top when suddenly the power to the amusement park stopped surprising the people there. Yen also stopped sucking his dick when she felt the ride stop. But her head was then grabbed by Haruto before he pushed her onto his dick as he came inside her mouth.

Her eyes rolled to the back of her head when she felt his cum inside her mouth as she came again as Haruto smirked. He then waited as she drank his cum and showed him her mouth unconsciously before she closed her mouth in embarrassment as he smirked.

"Stand up." Haruto said to which she listened.

"Raise your skirt and take my dick inside your pussy. Also, by doing that you're admitting that you're my slave and that I own you." Haruto said to her to which she looked conflicted.

"What's wrong? Can't make a decision?" Haruto asked her with a smirk.

"I... I... I'm supposed to fight for justice. Being yours, submitting myself to you, that goes against everything that my father taught me." Yen said slowly as tears formed in her eyes and fell down her face.

"But, another part of me just wants to submit to you. Even if I know that you're evil. Even if I know that you're the reason my mind and body is in this state, I want to submit to you." Yen said as she started to cry.

Haruto just looked at her seriously as he watched her cry.

"But if I do this, then I would be spitting on my father's teachings. I would never be able to avenge him. I will never be able to get my revenge." Yen said as she cried.

"You think I won't help you?" Haruto asked her at her words.

"You don't have any reason to help me. Almost everyone in this world do things for others for one thing or another. It may be money, property or something else. But you, you can just take anything you want with your powers. After you get me, there would be no need for you to help me. Nothing more than a ruse to make me yours. And yet, and yet some part of my mind wants to be yours." Yen said as she cried and collapsed on the ground.

Haruto looked at her before he sighed. He then stood up and kneeled in front of her and grabbed her chin and raised her head causing her to look at him. He then used his left hand to wipe away the tears forming from her left and right eyes surprising her a bit.

"I think you have a misunderstanding about me. While yes I can get whatever I want and believe I have no qualms with taking what I want, that doesn't mean that I don't care about my women." Haruto said to her seriously.

"What?" Yen said surprised.

"Let me ask you something, when you were at my house with the other two, did they seem sad to do?" Haruto asked her.

"No." Yen said reluctantly.

"I may have used my powers to turn them into my slaves, but I also made sure that they were happy. Miwa still has her job as a teacher and my mom is also happier than before. And also, I intended to help you in your revenge from the start." Haruto said to her as she kept on watching him.

"Besides, even if you were to go there alone you would've just fallen prey to their hypnosis device and become their slave. But of course, you aren't just any normal woman." Haruto said to her catching her attention.

"What do you mean?" Yen asked confused.

"When they take control of you, they will not only gain a beautiful woman, they will also get a spy for themselves who is very resourceful, and has contacts in the government and various organisations. Using you they could take control of the Japanese government and likely most of the world with their camera and your help." Haruto said to her causing her eyes to widen.

'He-He's right.' Yen thought to herself when she heard him.

Yen stayed silent as he neared her face and then brought his mouth to her right ear as she blushed more.

"If you become my slave and give yourself to me, then I will help you kill the ones who murdered your father and get your revenge. I will make you happy Yen, the only thing you need to do now is submit to me and become my property." Haruto said to her before he brought his head back and looked at her.

Yen looked at him with a shocked face as she looked at him. She then mulled over his words in her mind.

'I want my revenge and if becoming his slave can help me get my revenge and also my happiness then I should take it shouldn't I?' Yen thought to herself as she looked at him.

"What's your answer Yen?" Haruto asked as he caressed her left cheek as she nuzzled into the touch.

Yen took a few more moments to contemplate her answer before she smiled at him as he smirked. She then raised her skirt showing her drenched panty and smiled at him.

"Please, use me to your hearts content Master. Please grant me the pleasure I can only get from you." Yen said to him as she started to take haggard breaths.

"Lay down on your back and spread your legs." Haruto said to her to which she did as he told.

He then lined his dick with her pussy and then pushed it inside as she came from the sensation of his dick inside her as she has an ahegao face.

"It's innn~. Master's dick is inshide mee~." Yen said as she has hearts in her eyes.

Haruto smirked before he started to piston inside her as she started to heave in response. He then freed her breasts from the fabric of her dress and started to knead them as she kept on panting and moaning in response. He then brought her her up and started to suck on her breasts as she moaned again in response to it as she hugged him. She kept on cumming from his actions as she has an ecstatic look on her face.

'It feels so good~!' Yen thought to herself.

"Time for a kiss Yen." Haruto said to her.

"Yes Master!" Yen said before she kissed him on his lips.

She kept on kissing him roughly as he did the same with her as he kept on ploughing her until he came inside her as she screamed in pleasure with an ahegao face.

"Cumming!" Yen said as she came with an ahegao face.

After that she hugged him as her body trembled a bit. He then kissed her on her mouth as she also kissed back as they kept on kissing. After that they got themselves as Yen sat beside Haruto this time as she snuggled on his chest as he smirked at the women's happy face and at how he has now gotten for himself a beautiful and good female spy.

'All according to plan.' Haruto thought to himself with a smirk as he rubbed her head as she purred affectionately.