
Reincarnated In Genshin Impact

A slightly lost fused soul from a certain other world makes his way into the mystical world of Teyvat. How will he live out his life? Will he encounter the peace he so dearly yearns for? Or will he embark on a path similar to the one he walked so long ago..... Warning: Depicts the slaughter of certain fowl and seafood. Update Schedule: At least once a week. Really. Side Project. Disclaimer: None of this belongs to me.

HatefulAutumnBreez · Video Games
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Chapter 3- Departure (1)

(WARNING: Extremely Cheesy)

Running across the large cobblestone bridge, they quickly dashed through the city gates, greeting the poor guards, who seemed in dire condition due to the cold, with their hair and armor soaked in water.

"May the Anemo Archon protect you!" Said one of them awkwardly, his hair dripping with water.

Even if most of the lot were somewhat incompetent, they were still loyal to a fault. A good quality.

Nodding, Kenzo quickly took Klee along, walking up the main street with haste.

Above, the sky was turning darker and darker, the sound of thunder starting to boom and wind starting to howl filled the air. The rain was coming down harder, as the two quickly made their way across the vast city, up the stairs, before arriving before a large stone building.

It was tall, towering over the majority of its surroundings. Made of stone bricks, one could compare it to a small castle of sorts.

Walking in, Kenzo growled in annoyance. Water dripped on the floor as the two dried off in the hallway, standing there. Inside, was a vast hall. With checkered tiles and marble walls, it was quite majestic.

Sighing, he stared at a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling, its candles flickering dimly.

"Sir Kenzo! Young Klee!" One of the knights in the hall saluted, walking up to them.

"Wyatt?" Kenzo asked.

"Yes!" Putting his heart to his chest, the black-haired man spoke once more: "The Acting Grandmaster, Miss Lisa, the Deaconess, and Sir Kaeya have all gathered in the library."

"Hm." Nodding, Kenzo closed his eyes for a second, before opening the wooden mahogany door. Grasping the smooth door handle, Kenzo opened the door, which let off a small groan.

Entering, he and Klee walked down the steps, scanning the many books and archives the library had to offer. Rain fell upon the roof in torrents, and they could hear its constant presence. On the ground floor, a large fireplace had been lit, the orange flames radiating warmth.

On a couch, Kenzo could hear people talking lively about the recent situation and other menial things.

"Lisa, you do know I have much work to do. As the Acting Grandmaster of the Knights Of Favonious, I bear the responsibility for the people of Mond-" A clear righteous female voice seemed quite uncomfortable in her current situation.

"Oh, come on Jean… You've been sitting behind that filled desk of yours for hours on end. Have a little rest, won't you?" Another voice could be heard, this one deeper and airy.

"That's right! Sister, you have to take a break!" Another more cheery voice acted up.

"Kaeya! Barbara! Master Jean! Lisa!" Klee ran out, her hair still partially soaked from the rain, smiling happily.

"Klee!" Lisa reached out, hugging the child.

Jean smiled, patting her head, and Kaeya flipped a coin, laughing a bit.

Barbara stared at the stain of fish guts on her shoulder and looked back at Klee.

Kenzo smirked, watching as they greeted each other happily. It was really a feeling unlike any other. But in the end, he wasn't ment to stick around. Family and friends, he had let down many times in the past. There were many scars that even peace couldn't heal.

Spending time with Klee throughout the day brought him lots of joy, it let him commemorate and relive the past. Enjoying time really was like a beautiful dream. He still had to keep his distance.

Though the Sage had granted him anew, in his heart, Kenzo knew that anyone by his side would be met with great pain. It had happened countless times in the past, and he didn't want it to happen again….

Stepping away, Kenzo turned around and began walking up the steps. It felt dreary, but everything he touched, would be tainted by the hypocrisy he held within.

Continuing up the steps, Kenzo once again weaved through the many bookcases, exiting the Library, and all the pure warmth it possessed.

Now, what would he have for dinner? Perhaps a Sweet Madame? The cooking standard of this world was truly on another level. Exiting the giant wooden door, he nodded to the guards and left once again, into the storm.

Seriously, he forgot his umbrella again… Sighing, Kenzo looked up into the bleak sky, a cold breeze blowing his hair about.

The streets were empty at this time, with all the window shutters closed. Leaves blew about, and the previously joyful atmosphere had now been cut off, as Kenzo stepped through the rain, mud soaking his sandals.

Above, lightning lit the sky, thunder booming in its wake. The sun would set soon, so he'd better get moving.



How's the atmosphere?

You know, I felt it was really heartfelt when I first wrote it. Then I realized, that it was sorta cringe. Whoops.