
Reincarnated In Fate grand order

Dante is the Fate Grand Order junkie. One day, he angrily hit his cell phone which suddenly started to glow and then exploded.

Kj18 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 9

Altria skillfully wielded her spear as she advanced towards the enemy servant. Skilled in combat, the servant easily dodged Altria's initial attack. Nevertheless, the warrior did not give up and attacked again, but the servant managed to dodge once more.

However, Altria did not easily give up and activated her mana Burst A+ ability, significantly increasing her speed and strength. With her new ability, Altria attacked with all her might, and the servant could not avoid the attack as he was too close.

The servant defended himself with his blades, which had chains attached to the handle to avoid Altria's spear strike. But the force of the attack sent the servant flying away from her.

The servant grunted as he pulled his blades from the ground. Altria did not miss the opportunity and attacked again. The servant dodged, but Altria's spear still managed to hit him.

Taking advantage of the servant's proximity, Altria delivered a powerful kick that sent him flying away as if hit by a truck. The servant's blades followed him, pulled by the chains attached to the handle.

"I can barely keep up with the fight," I commented to Ritsuka, impressed by the speed and skill of both combatants.

"Same here," Ritsuka agreed, watching the fight closely.

"I can keep up, I'll help her!" Mash said, ready to assist Altria, but I stopped her by putting my arm in front of her.

"What are you doing?! Do you want your servant to die?! Let her go help her servant, so it will be easier to kill him," Olga shouted at me, seeming annoyed that I had stopped Mash from acting.

"It's obvious that it will give her an experience," Olga commented, looking into my eyes.

"I know, but I don't think my servant will like someone interfering in her fight," I told Olga and Mash. Honestly, I don't even know what I'm talking about. I have no idea if Altria would feel uncomfortable. I just don't want to lose the Saint Quartz.

"Speaking of experience, look over there." I pointed to the rubble in front of us, where several beings like those on the bridge emerged. I felt sorry that I couldn't kill them. I hope Altria finishes soon.

"What!?" Olga exclaimed, startled, having not realized that there were creatures hidden in the rubble.

"Mash! Ritsuka! There are five enemies, can you handle it?" Romani asked them, sounding worried.

"Don't worry, Doctor! We won't lose to you guys!" Ritsuka shouted at me, and I smiled.

"I'm ready, master!" Mash said with confidence and determination.

"Go for it, Mash!" Ritsuka said to Mash.

"Did you not notice the enemies, Romani?" Olga asked indignantly.

"I think something went wrong here." He scratched his head awkwardly, realizing he didn't receive any information. What he found strange was that Dante had noticed before him.

The intense fight continued, with Altria and the enemy servant moving rapidly across the battlefield. Altria used her spear with skill and precision, while the servant used his blades with agility and dexterity. Each blow was avoided or blocked with mastery, but Altria did not easily give up.

She continued to attack with full force, using her mana Burst A+ ability to increase her speed and strength. The servant was having difficulty keeping up with Altria's speed, but still, he managed to avoid most of the attacks.

However, in a moment of carelessness, Altria's spear found an opening and hit the servant squarely. He recoiled, but did not give up and continued to fight fiercely. Altria knew she couldn't let her guard down, as the servant was a skilled and dangerous adversary.

Meanwhile, Mash and Ritsuka were fighting against the five enemies that emerged from the rubble. Mash used her shield to protect herself from enemy attacks and counterattack with her shield. Ritsuka used their command spells to strengthen Mash's attacks and heal her injuries.

The fight was tough, but they were managing to keep the enemies under control. However, one of them managed to hit Mash with a strong blow, knocking her to the ground. Ritsuka tried to help her, but was prevented by the other enemies.

Mash struggled to get up, determined to keep fighting. She used her shield as a weapon, striking the enemies with force and making them retreat. Ritsuka seized the opportunity to heal her injuries and strengthen her attacks.

The fight continued fiercely, with Mash and Ritsuka bravely fighting against the enemies. Altria was also fighting with all her might against the enemy servant, using her mana burst A+ ability to increase her strength and speed.

Finally, after a series of quick and precise attacks, Altria managed to disarm the enemy servant and knock him to the ground. He tried to get up, but Altria pierced his neck with her spear.

Meanwhile, Mash and Ritsuka also managed to defeat the remaining enemies. They gathered with Altria, who congratulated them on their victory.

"You fought bravely," she said with a smile.

"So did you," replied Ritsuka, still catching their breath from the fight.

"Good job, Lancer. And to you too, Mash," I said. I'm glad to have won another 10 Saint Quartz. Thankfully, the enemy servant didn't use his Noble Phantasm.

"Thank you," Altria replied and then fell silent, observing the surroundings.

"Thanks, Dante." Mash responded with a smile on her face.

"You're welcome. Let's continue our 'adventure,'" I said to the whole group.

"An adventure that we could die in, right!" Olga grumbled at my comment. She's still a little scared because of the creatures that appear from under the rubble.

"Well, I can't do anything about it." I said and started walking to a new location, we have to get out of here.