
Reincarnated in demon slayer as a uchiha.

None of the character belong to me except for the mc all of them are the creation of Koyoharu Gotouge Michael was just your average kid, apart from being a pretty good cook he was normal in everything else until on day where he got ran over by a bus. His story did not end there as he got another chance at life with three wishes and a brand new demon skater world with stronger demons. With Rengoku as his ‘brother’ he will have more then enough positive influence on him to make sure he become a good person.

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159 Chs

Talking with a bird

Last time in I was reborn in demon slayer as an Uchiha

Before I fell asleep, I hear someone get in the room, I noticed Kanae's head popping out of the door.

"Does your offer still stand if there 2 instead of one?" She said in a questioning tone.

"Yes, it still stands, " I said with a smile

She enters the room dressed in her night dress, follow close by Shinobu.

"I hope you can take have room for two "Kanae said teasingly.

"I have plenty of room" Atoru replies with a small smile on his face

Now we continue where we left off

I woke up feeling energized like never before, I usually feel tired but guess puberty fixed that problem. (A/N I'm not gonna elaborate further)

I slowly got up from the bed feeling hungry, I was craving something to put down in my stomach,

When I finally got up, I stretched my body to get rid of any cramps that I currently have. It took me around 5minute of stretching before I decided to look back to see that Kanae and Shinobu were sleeping peacefully.

After fully stretching my body, I kiss both of them on the forehead, when I was leaving I noticed that Shinobu was awake. She was covering her blush with her hand.

I smile softly before saying "Rest well and don't overdo it, ok" I said softly

"Please don't tease me like that again" She mutter

"No promise," I said as I kissed her on the forehead before getting up and going outside.

I slowly open the door and closed the door behind me. I walked around a bit until I reached the kitchen.

When I arrive near the kitchen I slide the door open to see that the kitchen was surprisingly empty,

I expected to see at least someone in here but hey it means I can make some more good for myself.

A crow flew inside the kitchen through the window and landed on my shoulder.

"Good morning Aibō, how was your night," I said while looking for something I could make for Aibō while he is here.

"Why didn't you go out on a mission last night," Aibō said

"I usually go on a bunch of missions at once and then usually take a few day's breaks, you should know that, you've been with me since I became a demon slayer four years back," I said

"You have so much free time, I wonder how are you not become a father yet," Aibō said looking at me.

"Can you honestly see me has a dad?" I said with a questioning tone while washing the ingredient to make sure they were not dirty.

"I can see it, you are good with kids and all" Aibō said acting like he was trying to prove a point.

"I see your point but there is more to being a dad than just that you are good with the kids," I said while boiling some hot water using an actual fire and my fire chakra along with it, so that I have complete control over the flame because when my fire chakra mix with real fire, I can control it, granted the bigger the fire the more chakra I have to use but hey that better than nothing.

"Isn't being good with kids like the biggest factor?" Aibō said curiously

"Yes, it is a great factor, but there is more to it, "I said to the bird as I started to cut some fruits.

"Suprise me," Aibō said almost daringly

"A good dad should be considerate of his partner and kids. Dads should remind children of the consequences of their actions and positively acknowledge desirable behavior.Whether I realize it or not, I am a role model to my kids. I may have most of those traits but I still lack some" I said imagining the face of someone that give me a fatherly figure but for some reason, I couldn't make the image in my head it was blurry.

"I know for a fact you didn't learn this from your dad," Aibō said sounding certain of himself

"He was better before mother die, after she passed away that when he changed," I said acknowledging the crow reasons.

"So what if you don't have all those traits, you learn fast, you are not that strict except when it coms to training, and lastly you learn stuff very quickly and you can make your clones do work while you are taking care of them," Aibō said acting like he was telling time the easiest thing in this world.

"Anyway here's your fruit basket," I said as I give him a small fruit basket.

The crow looked at me like I was some sort of angel before taking the food basket on his feather and eating it while staying on my shoulder.

I added some honey to my fruit bowl before going to the table and sitting down on my own leg Japanese style.

"Why didn't I get any honey" Aibō complained

"Honey is a natural sweetener and can be healthy for humans, but it is not good for birds, you know like you, and even if I was going to say you a different kind of bird that would change anything because even the best quality of organic honey can harbor bacteria that can grow mold and that can be fatal to you. And I don't know about you but you being alive is important" I said while eating my fruit dessert.

"Quick question," Aibō said curiously while devouring his food.

"I'm listening," I said nonchalantly.

"If you right now, get stuck in the same situation as you when you were 13years old would it be different," Aibō said

"I will win no question asked," I said telling the honest true

"Are you struggling at all?" Aibō said sounding like he was getting high

"If I go all out the second I see them, they wouldn't even have time to blink before their head would be on the floor,"I said finishing my fold but noticing that Aibō was not right.

"What about the king of the demon himself," Aibō said before slowly going unconscious

"Him, This fight will be very interesting to witness but to truly give an answer I going to say..."I try to say before noticing my bird buddy is passed out cold

I take him outside to breathe in some fresh and wake him up.

A/N I want him to be himself to not try to be someone he is not.