
Reincarnated in Black clover With 10 wishes

A guy saving a child life before he died got wishes lets follow his journey to where he lead

Ch_AN_G · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Six Leaf Grimore

As the old man says grimores began to flying at the direction of the where yuno asta and me and other children in there direction.

While other receive their grimore they began to shout in excitedly

RB: This is my grimore

RB: My grimore is so small

RB: my grimore is so big

RB:my grimore is so thick

while others are chatting suddenly a golden light appeared in front of them when they look they were shocked what are they seeing

Rb: A- Afour leaf clover

Rb: Seriously

Rb: The 1st wizard king grimore the legenday grimore

When they look the grimore whose hand they were schoked because they knew the person because he live in churcH

yuno: i am gonna be wizard king

Crowd- cheers

While they were shouting suddenly even more brilliant color grimore appeared covring the whole villegein front of them when the the slowly dissapeares what they see they were so shocked that they were trembling because what they seeing not 4 leaf clover not even 5 leaf clover it was 6leaf clover grimore.

Beacuse no one in history being able control 6leaf clover not appeared and right now in front of then a boy in a mask appeared.

#while clover kingdom 3leafs means faith, hope & love while 4leafs grimore means luck and 5leaf clover means devil and lastly the 6 leaf clover grimore represents DRAGON AND DESTRUCTION because they have infinite mana so no one is capable enough to weild them.

Rb: Am i seeing things

Rb: I think i saw 6leaf grimore

Rb: me to

While they were shocked a sudden voice interrupt them

Asta:- umm wheres my grimore?

Old man(grimore): try again next time

asta: ehhh

The crowd began to laugh while Arthur approach asta he said

Arthur: asta?

Asta: what (irritated)

Arthur: Never give up asta.

When asta heard arthur words he was shocked then smile and says "like hell i'll give up"

Arthur: yeah see you later at captial asta yuno

Asta/Yuno: yeah

arthur opened a space and leave the grimore tower when others see it it was shocked becuse you have to be pratice to use magic and arthur did it without using his grimore.