
Reincarnated in Black clover With 10 wishes

A guy saving a child life before he died got wishes lets follow his journey to where he lead

Ch_AN_G · Fantasy
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10 Chs


The next moning every one in the hage village like a festive moment because todays the day when all age 15 years children receive their grimore and right mow our protaganist sleeping in the bed without care in the world.

Time flies by... 3 hours later

Arthur woke up from the bed with a slipiness in his eye ready for himself while looking at his custom design dress appeared in front of himself his smile blossom in his face. He got ready himself with his dress with a hoody in the back theres a pheonix symbol on it while a mask putting on under his face. He knew that today he will cause a rackus in the grimore ceremony so he hide his face in order to no one recognize him. Thus he prepaired to leave to the grimore hall.

At 10am at grimore hall.....

Asta and yuno both looked nervous because their freind arthur hasnt arrived yet

Asta: hey yuno do you think something happend to arthur?

Yuno: maybe or maybe not

Asta: will he be alright?

Yuno: i think hes all right he's pretty strong you know

Asta: i hope so

While they were talking a strange clothes wearing a man stood in front of themself.

??why are you nervous asta?

Asta shocked: who the hell ar- ARTHUR

Arthur: yeah its me

Asta: what the heck are you wearing and why are you cover your face?

Arthur: you know girls will flock with me if dont wear a mask you know by the way how am i looking?

Asta: sooo coool !

While asta yuno and me were talking nearby children discussing themself.

1st person: look at the peaseants from the church they have no class

2Nd person: yeah why are the peaseants here with us

3rd person: yeah i dont like any other person in the church.

4th person: i heard they only eat potato

5th person: and they are orphange no one care about them even if they live or die

6th persion: and who is that person cover his face does he think himself some kind of beautifull.

Liseting to their words i glance at themselv while emiting my killing intent then they froze some of them even shit in their pants while some of them unconcius.

Both asta and yuno amazed by my magical while i ignored it.

Some time later a man in his 90 s a flying carpet descend himslef while looking down he lectures himself while i am bored not listening at all

"And now i announce that the grimore creremony officially begin" the old man says while looking down