
Reincarnated In Berserk

After a tragic incident, a devoted fan of the Berserk series finds himself unexpectedly transported by a God into the world of Berserk, specifically, into the body and memories of a young Corkus. With knowledge of the events to come and the characters he once admired, he embarks on a mission to alter the course of Corku's life and the fate of the Band of the Hawk.

constantine17 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Youthful Resilience: Corkus Training Session

After a day had passed, it was time for Corkus's first training session. Corkus was sleeping soundly in his comfortable bed when he heard knocking on his door.




"Who is it?" he asked.




"It's me, Kerlic. It's time for your training," he replied.




"Wait for 3 minutes," Corkus said, then he got up from his bed and began changing clothes. After doing that, he went outside and met with Kerlic.




"Good morning," Corkus said with a smile.




"Good morning," replied Kerlic.




"The sun hasn't even risen yet, isn't it too early?" Corkus asked with a confused look.




"Training can't be bound by time. The earlier, the better. It will also help you develop a schedule," Kerlic replied with a grin.




"Before we start, do you have any weapon in mind that you want to train with, aside from a sword?" Kerlic asked.




"I was thinking of using dual axes with chains," Corkus replied.




"That's the most bizarre weapon I have heard of in my entire life, but probably I can make it work.


Anyway, first, I am going to test your physical prowess. We'll start by running three laps from here to the lake to test your agility, endurance, and stamina. Then you will do 10 push-ups.

Based on how well you do, I can create a physical workout program for you," Kerlic explained with a smile.




"Well, what can I say? I brought this upon myself," Corkus sighed.




Corkus, being only 13 years old, felt the weight of his age as he began his run.




'My body is young and still developing. I will have to be mindful of not overexerting myself. I should pace myself, making sure not to push too hard too soon,' he thought.




Despite his careful approach, he still struggled with the physical demands of the run. His breath came in short gasps, and his legs felt wobbly with each step.




'Damn, that is so hard!' Corkus said, internally, doubts crept into his mind.




'Can I do it? Maybe I am just too young for this level of training, and I should just give up,' he thought with a sad glow in his eyes.




Suddenly, a new level of determination burned through him.




'I should stop questioning myself! It doesn't matter if I am too young. I should stop thinking of my young age as a barrier and instead see it as an opportunity to start building a strong foundation for my future growth'.




As Corkus completed the first lap, his legs felt heavier than ever.




'I can feel the burn in my muscles, letting me know that I am pushing them to their limits.'

The sun's rays grew more intense, reminding him of the greater challenges that lay ahead.




'I can do it,' Corkus said, and then he mustered every ounce of determination and pressed on.




"This is just the first step in my journey."




During the second lap, Corkus's focus turned inward. He began to think about the growth potential, both physically and mentally.




'Wait!  I can use my age to my advantage. With the power of youth, I have more potential for improvement and resilience,' he thought with a smile.




This thought fueled his drive to continue, even when his body begged for a break.




When Corkus reached the halfway point of the second round, he could feel the exhaustion coursing through his veins. He tried to push himself to set a steady pace, challenging himself to finish strong. But he failed.




'I can do this!' Corkus thought once again, trying to push himself beyond the limits of his body, but Kerlic's voice stopped him.




"That's enough, Corkus! You have pushed yourself hard enough already. There's no need to destroy your body. Rest for a couple of minutes, and then come here to do the push-ups," Kerlic said.




Corkus could only nod. He was so tired that his throat felt dry.




After a few minutes, had passed, Corkus had recovered a bit of strength. Now, the 10 push-ups awaited him.




Corkus positioned his young body on the ground, his arms shaking. He knew that this exercise would test his upper-body strength, an area he had not yet fully developed.




'Each push-up will require me to summon every ounce of energy that I have.'



As Corkus performed the push-ups, his young muscles strained under the weight of his body. He could feel himself growing tired with each repetition, but his determination overpowered any doubts or discomfort.




'The number isn't relevant. I should try to put effort into making them as clean as I can. Progress will come with time and consistent training.'




As he completed the fourth push-up, Corkus lay on the ground, his chest heaving and his muscles trembling. He was physically exhausted, but his spirit was alive with the satisfaction of pushing through the challenges.




"I am aware that I have limitations as a 13-year-old and that I didn't manage to complete the test you asked me to do, but I put in as much effort as I could," Corkus said with a serious tone in his voice.




"I know.  You pushed yourself too hard. You shouldn't do that again. "It will do more harm than good," Kerlic said while sighing.




"Anyway, you are the most impressive 13-year-old I have seen.


 Most kids your age would have given up already in the first round. You aren't as helpless as I thought you would be," Kerlic said with a grin on his face.




"Hey!  That hurt my feelings," replied Corkus in a joking manner.




Corkus looked over at Kerlic, a mix of fatigue and excitement in his eyes.




"Anyway, thanks for allowing me to break my limits, recognizing my age, and not letting it hinder my progress," Corkus said with a determined smile. 


Then Corkus stood up and eagerly awaited the next phase of his training.




"That's what a mentor should do. I have made you a workout plan. For your physical workout, you will do strength training. 


To be able to wield dual axes with chains effectively, you will need substantial upper-body strength. Incorporate exercises like weighted pull-ups, bench presses, chest flies, shoulder presses, bicep curls, tricep dips, and rows into your workout routine.


 This will help you build the necessary arm, chest, and back muscles required for wielding such heavy weapons.




The next thing is core training. Strong core muscles are crucial for maintaining balance and stability during combat.


 Include exercises such as planks, midland twists, bicycle crunches, oblique crunches, and hanging leg raises to target your core muscles.




And finally, endurance and running: You will need to improve your endurance to sustain prolonged fights. You will engage in activities like running, swimming, or jump rope sessions to boost your cardiovascular fitness.




You will do that for one year. Thereafter, I will implement weapon training. Any questions?"  Kerlic asked.




"None," Corkus responded.




"Alright, it's time for breakfast. I will train you again in the afternoon," Kerlic said.