
Reincarnated In Berserk

After a tragic incident, a devoted fan of the Berserk series finds himself unexpectedly transported by a God into the world of Berserk, specifically, into the body and memories of a young Corkus. With knowledge of the events to come and the characters he once admired, he embarks on a mission to alter the course of Corku's life and the fate of the Band of the Hawk.

constantine17 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Embracing the Blades: The Beginning of Weapon Mastery

In the blink of an eye, Corkus had become 14 years old.



Corkus had just finished his training. He was sitting on a rock looking at the lake while his jaw was resting in his hand.



Then Kerlic approached him.



"Congratulations Corkus! You have finished your physical training, now it's time to start your weapons training.



By the way, are you certain that you want to pursue that idea? Using two axes with chains?" He asked, a curious look on his face.


Yes, I am sure of it," Corkus replied firmly.


"Why?" Kerlic asked.





"What if your opponent grabs the chains?" He asked.






"If my opponent manages to grab the chains, I will use that to my advantage as well. The chains can be weapons of their own. I can use their momentum to disarm or immobilize my opponent, allowing me to strike with my axes or find an opportunity to escape.


But of course, another way is to rely on my agility and quick thinking to regain control of the situation. I could try to twist or pull the chains forcefully to create an opening for a counterattack. Alternatively, I could use the momentum of my opponent's grab to launch a surprise strike from a different angle," Corkus replied with a smile.



"You have thought about everything, hah? Well, there is nothing I can do about it. You are hell-bent on your decision, and that's why I paid a blacksmith to forge the weapons beforehand. Here they are!" Kerlic spoke while sighing.



"Hell yeah! Thanks, Kerlic I am going out to start treating the ground you are stepping on as holy, even more than the Holy See and their stupid pontiff!" Corkus said, his voice full of excitement.



"Shhhhh, don't tell that out loud! If they hear what you said, we will be burned alive," Kerlic said with a panicked tone, then he started looking around. When he saw that no one was there, he breathed a sigh of relief.



"Anyways, for your own good, don't say that ever again out loud if you would rather not be labeled as a lunatic and get your head put on a stick," he said with a scolding tone.



"You are right, anyway, let's start training," Corkus said, not taking his mentor's words too seriously,



"Someone is very eager, it seems. Anyway, for now, we will focus on a few things. Firstly, hand-to-hand combat because you should somehow be able to defend yourself if you lose or break your weapons.


For your weapons training, the goal is to gain Basic proficiency. During this initial phase, you will focus on mastering the fundamentals of using dual axes with chains. You will learn proper grip, basic strikes, and footwork. Training sessions will primarily involve repetition and muscle memory exercises to build a foundation.


So, in more detail, familiarization Initially, you need to become comfortable with the weight, length, and specific movements of the axes and chains. You can start by practicing basic swings and strikes, gradually increasing intensity and range of motion.


Second, Coordination and Timing: You must learn to coordinate your movements and utilize the chains effectively. I will incorporate drills that focus on timing attacks, blocking, and parrying incoming strikes. This will help you develop the necessary coordination for seamless and fluid chain movements.


Third, Targeted Practice: I will set up training dummies or simulated opponents to provide you with realistic training scenarios. I will also guide you through different attack strategies, defensive maneuvers, and techniques specific to your weapon style. This will help you refine your skills and enhance your combat effectiveness.



We will start tomorrow again, now go and rest. By the way, tomorrow I will also take you on a hunting trip". Kerlic said.



"Alright, see you tomorrow," Corkus responded, and then they parted ways.




Corkus was lying on his bed, trying to sleep.



'I am so excited about the weapons training! I waited for a whole year.


But of course, I have achieved many things in the first year of training. I have become jacked, something that I didn't achieve in my past life. I have gained confidence in myself, and doubts about myself and my insecurities have started disappearing.



I and Kerlic have become closer, we are friends now. I have seen him be sober less and less.


Probably he is trying to fix his life like me, I am scared of being in Berserk, but that fear is diminishing, who knows, maybe I can beat the god hand in the future? Corkus thought with a stupid grin plastered on his face.



(A/N: Madara needs to come and humble him, so he can wake up to reality, his delusional is over 9000!)



And like that, the night passed, and it was time for the training. It began with his workout routine, which lasted 2 hours from 6 a.m. to 8 a.m.



The morning sun clung to the training grounds as Corkus stepped forward, feeling a mixture of excitement and trepidation. He tightly gripped the axes.


'They are heavier than I expected, pretty long too, the metal is smooth, and it feels cool against my palms, Corkus thought while studying their weight, length, and the intricate chains that connected them.


He also took a moment to familiarize himself with their unique characteristics.



"Corkus, stop looking at your weapons with that perverting glare and start doing 1000 swings". Kerlic said.



"You got it wrong, I was just observing them, that's all", he said, then with a deep breath, he began his practice.

He swung the axes back and forth, starting with slow and controlled movements.




'I should focus on the weight shifting through my arms and the range of motion required for different strikes. Each swing is sending a rush of anticipation through my veins, creating a symphony of metal slicing through the air,' He thought.


His strikes gradually increased in intensity, and his muscles started adapting and becoming more comfortable while gaining coordination with every movement.



The axes became an extension of his body, their weight, and balance becoming second nature to him. Corkus felt a surge of confidence as he saw his progress, determined to master this unconventional weapon style.



"Good job, Corkus, take a break. Now that you have established a level of familiarity with the axes, it's time to take the next step in your training today. Coordination and timing. I have devised a series of drills to fine-tune your ability to utilize the chains effectively and seamlessly," Kerlic said then.



He stood across from Corkus, a sword in hand, ready to guide him through the coordination drill. They faced each other in a makeshift training area, the sunlight streaming through the trees casting a warm glow on the scene.


"Alright, Corkus, let's begin with the basics. I'm going to swing my sword at you, and your goal is to defend yourself. Focus on timing your blocks, parries, and dodges with precision. Let's see your hand-eye coordination and reflexes in action."


Corkus nodded, his eyes locked onto Kerlic's every movement. He tightened his grip on his axes, mentally preparing himself for the incoming strikes.


Kerlic swung his sword, aiming for Corkus's side with controlled force. Corkus swiftly brought up his axes to block; his timing bit off as the clash of metal against metal resonated through the 'training' area.


 "Good, Corkus! Your blocks aren't bad, but they're not good either, and the timing needs work. Now, let's add some parries into the mix. As my sword comes toward you, redirect the strike with a quick and precise motion of your axes."


"Yes sir!" Corkus responded with a serious gaze.


Kerlic swung again, this time aiming for Corkus's upper body. With a fluid motion, Corkus deflected the strike to the side, his axes guiding the sword harmlessly away from him.


"I can feel the rhythm of the strikes, Kerlic. It's all about reading your movements and responding with just the right amount of force, I think", he said being a little ascertain


"Exactly, Corkus! That's the essence of coordination. Now, let's test your dodging skills. Move your body swiftly out of the way as my sword approaches."


Kerlic swung his sword from a different angle, aiming for Corkus's legs. Anticipating the strike, Corkus gracefully sidestepped, his footwork and agility coming into play as he evaded the sword inches away from his limbs.


"So dodging opens up new opportunities for counterattacks. It's all about finding the right moment to strike back, right?"


"You're catching on quickly, Corkus. Your coordination and reflexes are improving with every exchange."


The training continued, with Kerlic delivering strikes from different angles and speeds, testing Corkus's ability to respond with precision. Each time, Corkus utilized his hand-eye coordination and reflexes to block, parry, or dodge the incoming strikes, with a few mistakes here and there.


"I can feel the connection between my mind and body growing stronger with each strike. It's like we're in sync, Kerlic."


"That's the goal, Corkus. With practice, these movements will become second nature to you. Your hand-eye coordination will sharpen, and your reflexes will become lightning-fast."


As they concluded the coordination exercises, Corkus couldn't contain his excitement. The combination of strategic thinking and physical prowess exhilarated him, fueling his desire to master these skills.


"Thank you, Kerlic. This coordination drill has opened my eyes to a whole new world of combat. I can't wait to continue honing these skills and taking on stronger opponents."


Kerlic smiled, a sense of pride evident in his eyes.


"You've done well, Corkus. Keep putting in the effort, and I do not doubt that you'll become a force to be reckoned with in the far future. After mastering the basics, we'll move on to more advanced drills to further sharpen your coordination.


A mistake that I noticed is that your footwork is all over the place, which is understandable, so I am going to teach you how to fix it. Are you ready?".


Corkus grinned, his determination burning brighter than ever.


"Absolutely, Kerlic. I'm ready for whatever comes next. Bring it on!"


"That's the mindset! Now come to the center of the training grounds," Kerlic said with a grin.



Corkus listened to his mentor's words and stood in the center of the training area with a determined look on his face.



'I am not an expert, but I think that mastering my footwork will be the key to enhancing my combat skills', Corkus thought.



Kerlic, his mentor, observed him closely, ready to guide him through the drills.


"Alright, Corkus, like I said, we will focus on your footwork. Footwork is all about agility and precision. Pay attention to every movement and how it affects your overall balance and control."


Corkus nodded, eager to dive into Kerlic's teachings.


"Got it, Kerlic. I'm ready to improve my footwork."


Kerlic gestured for Corkus to start.


"Begin with slow, deliberate steps. Then, focus on maintaining a strong, balanced stance, feel the ground beneath your feet".


Corkus listened to Kerlic's words and did as he said.


 "Good, Corkus. Remember to distribute your weight evenly and use your toes to initiate movement."


Corkus shifted his weight, his eyes fixed on Kerlic, as he demonstrated the footwork drill.


"Like this, right? Pushing off with my back foot and transitioning smoothly to the front?"


Kerlic nodded with a satisfied smile.


"Exactly. You've grasped the basics. Now let's add some agility. Move side to side, pivot, and change direction quickly."


Corkus followed Kerlic's instructions, his movements becoming more fluid and dynamic. He could feel his muscles working, responding to the demands of each step.


"I can feel the difference already. This footwork allows me to control my positioning and create openings for attacks."


"That's the spirit, Corkus. Keep practicing, and soon it will become second nature to you."


Corkus continued to drill, increasing his speed and intensity. He weaved through the training area, his footwork becoming more precise and natural with each repetition.


"I'm getting the hang of it, Kerlic! I can sense the increased agility. It gives me the advantage to evade strikes and launch swift counterattacks."


Kerlic observed Corkus's progress, a proud grin forming on his face.


"You're doing great, Corkus. Your footwork will improve by leaps and bounds if you keep pushing yourself, and after your training, you'll be unmatched on the battlefield."


Corkus took a moment to catch his breath, his newfound confidence radiating from his stance.


"Thanks, Kerlic. I won't stop until my footwork becomes as natural as breathing. It's an essential part of becoming a skilled warrior."



"Calm down, Corkus, don't take it too far. Taking care of your body is equally important as training. That's enough for today. Now we will go to the forest to hunt but also spend the night there; it will be a good experience for you," Kerlic said with a smile.


"Alright, thanks for the reminder. I will be more careful with my body," Corkus replied with a Grin.





As the sun cast long shadows across the training grounds, Corkus and Kerlic started walking towards the forest, and after a while they disappeared, even their silhouettes couldn't be seen anymore.