
Reincarnated In Berserk

After a tragic incident, a devoted fan of the Berserk series finds himself unexpectedly transported by a God into the world of Berserk, specifically, into the body and memories of a young Corkus. With knowledge of the events to come and the characters he once admired, he embarks on a mission to alter the course of Corku's life and the fate of the Band of the Hawk.

constantine17 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Embers of Purpose

(A/N: Thank you for your patience my proofreader is sick. Yesterday he said that he will check it today, but here we are almost a day later.

That's the main reason the chapters get uploaded way later, in general. I don't blame him. He is busy with the university after all.

Anyways because he didn't respond, I asked someone else, but he hasn't checked the previous chapters, so I don't know if it will connect well.)

As Corkus sat by the crackling fire, his eyes fixed on the dancing flames. The night was quiet and serene, the hushed whispers of the wind rustling through the trees being the only sound.

The weight of Kerlic's story hung heavy in the air, each word etching itself into Corkus's mind.

"I could almost hear the anguish in Kerlic's voice as he recounted the horrors he had witnessed.

The image of the fallen camp, the lifeless bodies of his comrades strewn about, and the details of the gruesome scene replayed like a haunting nightmare, filling my mind with a chilling dread."

"But it wasn't just the horror of the monster that captivated me, it was also the fear that Kerlic had displayed in the face of such overwhelming darkness.

The way Kerlic had persevered, his determination shining through the cracks of his broken spirit, that was what truly made me wonder."

In that quiet moment, Corkus found clarity.

"I was too foolish to think that I was strong or that I will become strong enough to defeat the god hand. In the end, I will become nothing more than cannon fodder.

I will need help, but right now, it isn't necessary. I should fix my flaws first, so I can prevail for now," he thought with a desire for change.

"I can be reckless and emotional sometimes, and that needs to be fixed. I haven't quite abandoned the flawed thinking of my past life.

Furthermore, I think that I should find another purpose instead of seeking strength for my survival. In the end, that will bring me stress and pain," he reflected.

In his place stood a boy driven by the need to make a difference, to shift the balance of fate toward a better future.

As Corkus started pondering why he wanted to survive so badly, he reached a simple conclusion.

"I just want to be happy!"

As Corkus embraced the notion of seeking happiness, a profound realization washed over him.

It was not a fleeting moment of joy or a mere smile that he sought, but a profound and lasting contentment.

He yearned for happiness rooted in personal growth, inner peace, and meaningful connections.

The smile that once adorned his face faded, replaced by a resolute determination reflected in his eyes.

"That's a common aspiration that every person wants to achieve, regardless of their status.

Even important people who play a significant part in the scheme of things wish the same, but they have different ways to achieve it."

For Griffith, the attainment of his objective, becoming king, embodies his deepest aspirations for fulfillment and happiness. As a charismatic and ambitious leader, Griffith envisions a realm where he can shape the course of history, bring order to chaos, and establish a legacy of greatness.

By ascending to the throne, he believes he can wield power, influence, and authority to enact significant, positive change for the people of the world.

In his vision, a United Kingdom would offer peace, prosperity, and protection, providing the inhabitants with a sense of stability and hope.

Furthermore, Griffith's achievement holds personal significance, as it would validate his worthiness and the sacrifices he has made in pursuit of his dream.

Now, it's important to mention that Gut's dream is quite different from Griffith's. While Griffith seeks the fulfillment of his personal ambitions, Guts' dream is more focused on finding his path, seeking revenge against those who have harmed him, and securing his freedom from the dark forces that plague him.

Guts' dream lies in reclaiming his happiness, which is often at odds with Griffith's ambitions.

"But how can I achieve it? What should I do to feel fulfilled?" Corkus whispered to himself, his voice barely louder than a breath carried away by the wind.

'Of course, I need to become stronger, not just in body but in mind and spirit. Moreover, I need to gather useful knowledge, but is that enough? I feel so lost,' he thought with a complex gaze.

With the embers of a new purpose burning brightly in his heart, Corkus rose from his seat by the fire.

He stretched his limbs, feeling a surge of energy course through his veins.

As he stepped out of the circle of light cast by the fire, he looked back at Kerlic, who still slept soundly.

"I wonder when he will gain his purpose or if he has one already," he pondered.

'He said that I should wake him up after a few hours, but I don't think I am going to do that, he deserves a rest,' Corkus thought with a smile.

After a couple of hours, the first rays of dawn peeked over the horizon, and Corkus woke Kerlic from his slumber.

"Morning, Kerlic. It's time to get moving," Corkus announced.

Kerlic yawned and stretched, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Good morning, Corkus. I told you to wake me up so we can share the burden of guarding the camp, but it doesn't matter now that the sun has come out," he said with a smile.

"What are we going to do now?" Corkus asked.

"We will venture deeper into the forest. Then I will teach you about battle strategy, and thereafter, we will have a lesson," Kerlic replied.

With their gear packed, Corkus and Kerlic left the campsite behind. They ventured deeper into the forest until they reached a suitable location.

"This place is perfect!" Kerlic exclaimed.

"Sit down, Corkus, it's time for your lesson."

"Let's begin. First, I will explain to you what Battle strategy is. In simple words, it is a plan or approach devised by a military or strategic leader to achieve a specific objective or outcome in a battle or conflict."

"It involves analyzing and understanding the strengths and weaknesses of one's forces as well as those of the enemy, and then formulating a strategy to exploit advantages and overcome obstacles."

"Of course, that involves various things such as selecting the appropriate formations, positioning troops, coordinating movements, utilizing weaponry effectively, and considering factors like terrain, weather, and intelligence.

The aim of this is to maximize the chances of success and minimize potential risks and casualties in a battle or campaign. Based on this, fights are won before the battle has ever begun."

"Do you have any idea of what the most basic strategy is?" He asked.

"No idea," Corkus responded truthfully.

"The most basic battle strategy is known as the "divide and conquer" strategy. It involves splitting the enemy's forces into smaller, more manageable groups and then tackling them separately. This strategy can be used on various levels, from individual engagements to larger campaigns."

"Here's an explanation of how it works:

1. Identify the enemy's vulnerabilities.

2. Divide the enemy's forces.

3. Engage and defeat divided forces.

4. Prevent enemy reinforcement or reformation.

5. Consolidate and exploit successes."

"The divide-and-conquer strategy is flexible and can be adapted to different situations and scales of warfare.

It capitalizes on exploiting weaknesses and overwhelming the enemy through superior concentration of force. However, it does require effective communication, coordination, and timely execution to ensure success."

"I will go into more detail later. Now let's have the lesson. This lesson will be about you showing me the process of creating your fighting style," Kerlic said with a grin.

"I am ready to show you my progress. Of course, it isn't much, but I hope it does the job for now."

"I will begin with the most important part, which is the footwork. The footwork, like my fighting style, will have three stages: basic or beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Each stage will have different requirements."

**Stage 1: Basic**

1. "Step and Pivot": I will practice stepping with purpose and pivoting to change directions quickly. When engaging an opponent or reacting to their attacks, I can step deliberately with each foot, ensuring that my movement has a clear intention.

Pivoting involves twisting my body while keeping one foot in place, allowing me to change the direction I am facing rapidly. This technique will help me evade attacks from different angles and position me for counterattacks.

2. "Forward Lunge": In this move, I will learn to lunge forward with precision and control.

When I want to close the distance between myself and an opponent, I will extend one leg forward in a powerful step, using my body weight to add force to the attack.

This maneuver is useful for initiating aggressive strikes or reaching an enemy who may be just out of my normal range.

3. "Sidestep": I will practice the art of sidestepping, using it to evade incoming attacks effectively while maintaining a favorable position to launch counter-attacks. This move allows me to stay agile and elusive in battle.

"Very interesting, Corkus," Kerlic said before continuing.

"The 'Step and Pivot' will enhance your ability to move dynamically in combat, while the 'Forward Lunge' will allow you to close gaps quickly and launch effective attacks. These basic footwork techniques are vital for any skilled warrior, helping you remain agile, responsive, and strategic in your battles.

Same with the Sidestep, those are pretty basic moves that every sword fighting technique has, but they are necessary. The moves in the first stage of your footwork are fundamental techniques that will enhance your mobility and defensive capabilities. Mastering these techniques lays a solid foundation for your fighting style."

"What about your fighting style in general?" He asked.

"As you know, axes are about aggression, so my fighting style will revolve around that. The style will emphasize fluidity, agility, and raw power. So the first stage will need me to have:

- Mastery of basic axe handling and footwork.

- Understanding of the Chain fundamentals, including using chains for feints and minor misdirection, and the ability to perform basic continuous strikes with one axe at a time."

"I plan to master the basic axe handling and footwork before delving into the more intricate techniques. Once I have a solid foundation, I'll begin incorporating the chains for feints and misdirection, making my attacks more unpredictable and keeping my opponents off balance."

Kerlic smiled approvingly. "That sounds like a promising start, Corkus. Remember, fluidity and agility are essential in a battle, allowing you to adapt swiftly to the situation."

"Thank you for the advice, Kerlic," Corkus replied, his excitement building up. "I can't wait to see how this fighting style evolves as it progresses through each stage."

"As your mentor, I'll be here to guide you every step of the way. Now, let's move on to the intermediate stage.

"I haven't thought about it yet same with the advanced stage" he replied with an awkward smile.

"Hmm let me think, In this stage, you should start dual-wielding the twin battle axes, so you can enhance your offensive capabilities and test your coordination."

Corkus nodded. "What do I need to focus on for the intermediate stage?"

"First and foremost, your strength and endurance will be crucial," Kerlic explained. "Dual-wielding requires a significant amount of strength and stamina to wield two axes effectively.

You'll need to work on building your upper body strength, especially in your arms and shoulders, to handle the increased weight and maintain control during combat."

"In addition to physical training, you'll need to focus on coordination like I said before, and balance. Dual-wielding can be challenging, as it requires synchronizing your movements with both arms while maintaining stability.

Practicing slow and controlled movements at first will help you build muscle memory and develop a strong foundation for faster-paced combat later on."

Corkus nodded, absorbing the advice eagerly. "I understand. It will take dedication and hard work, but I'm willing to put in the effort to master the style that I created."

"That's the spirit," Kerlic said, a hint of pride in his eyes. "Now, let's move on to the advanced stage."

"In the advanced stage, you'll learn to incorporate your chain skills fully. The chains add an extra layer of complexity and versatility to your fighting style. You'll be able to use them not only for feints and misdirection but also to disarm opponents, restrict their movements, and create openings for devastating attacks."

"However, mastering chain techniques requires precision and skill. You'll need to practice the timing of your chain strikes to catch opponents off guard and exploit their vulnerabilities effectively."

"I'm excited to see how my fighting style will evolve with the addition of chain techniques," Corkus exclaimed. "I can imagine the surprise on my opponents' faces when they get overwhelmed by my unique style."

Kerlic chuckled. "Indeed, that element of surprise will work to your advantage. But remember, with power comes merit. So be careful of the people around you some might try to use you for their own gains"

"I will, Kerlic. I promise to honor the teachings you impart to me and use my abilities for myself," Corkus replied earnestly.

"Nice, that's what a mercenary is about, try to also take advantage of the corrupt nobles as well, I have faith in you, Corkus," Kerlic said warmly.

"Now, what do you say we go to the town and eat breakfast? I am starving," Kerlic asked with a grin.

"I don't have any problem with that, but let's make it more interesting. We will run at maximum speed towards the town, and the last one will have to pay for each other's breakfast," Corkus responded, eager for some friendly competition.

"Challenge accepted!" Kerlic replied enthusiastically. And without further ado, they started their race towards the town.

As the first rays of the sun painted the horizon with hues of gold, Corkus and Kerlic stood side by side in the heart of the forest, preparing for their race to the nearby town. The forest was alive with the symphony of chirping birds and rustling leaves, a serene backdrop to their spirited competition.

Corkus's heart pounded with anticipation, and he could feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through his veins.

'God if you are watching this please make me win I am hungry' He said while glancing at Kerlic, whose eyes twinkled with mischief and excitement.

"Are you ready, Corkus?" Kerlic asked, a playful grin spreading across his weathered face.

"As ready as I'll ever be!" Corkus replied with a smile.

"On the count of three, then. One... Two... Three!" Kerlic shouted, and they were off.

Their feet pounded the forest floor as they sprinted forward, the ground blurring beneath them. Corkus pushed his body to its limits, every step propelling him closer to the town. The thrill of the race consumed him, and he focused on the rhythm of his breath and the power of his strides.

The forest became a blur of greens and browns as they raced through it. Corkus could hear Kerlic's footsteps not far behind, and that only spurred him on further.

The wind rushed past his ears, and he felt alive with the excitement of the moment.

As they navigated through the trees, Corkus's agility and footwork came into play. He gracefully weaved between trunks and leaped over fallen branches, maintaining his speed and momentum. Every move felt natural and purposeful, a testament to the training he had undergone.

But as they neared the outskirts of the town, fatigue started to creep in. Corkus's breaths came faster, and his muscles began to protest the exertion. Kerlic, too, showed signs of exertion, but he pressed on with determination.

With the town in sight, Corkus made a last burst of effort, trying to catch up to Kerlic. But just as he was closing the gap, his foot caught on a hidden tree root, and he stumbled forward.

'Shit! It must be the law of causality at play damn you godhand!'

Kerlic seized the opportunity and surged ahead, reaching the town just a few moments before Corkus.

"You may have the power of youth, but I

win in the end," Kerlic taunted playfully as Corkus finally caught his breath.

Corkus laughed, panting slightly, "Well, you got me this time, old man. But I'll get you next time!"

Kerlic chuckled and clapped Corkus on the back, "I look forward to that, my young friend. You're getting faster and stronger with each passing day."

They both entered the town, their laughter mingling with the morning chatter of the townsfolk

. As they found a cozy tavern to settle in for breakfast, Corkus's competitive spirit had transformed into a sense of brotherhood with Kerlic.

Seated in the tavern, they relished a well-deserved meal. The aroma of fresh eggs and sizzling sausages filled the air, and Corkus's hunger seemed to vanish with every delicious bite.

Over their breakfast, Kerlic shared more stories from his countless adventures in the military while Corkus listened with close attention to Kerlic's experiences.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Corkus felt a profound sense of gratitude for this journey of self-discovery.

'The situation isn't as bad as it seems I have gained a friend who makes my life more interesting, what can go wrong? I don't think the law of causality will intervene', he thought.

As they finished their breakfast, they bid farewell to the tavern and ventured forth into the world.