
Reincarnated In Berserk

After a tragic incident, a devoted fan of the Berserk series finds himself unexpectedly transported by a God into the world of Berserk, specifically, into the body and memories of a young Corkus. With knowledge of the events to come and the characters he once admired, he embarks on a mission to alter the course of Corku's life and the fate of the Band of the Hawk.

constantine17 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

A Year Of Growth

(A/N: Yes, 2 chapters today)

As the sun began to set on the horizon, casting a warm golden glow over the landscape, Corkus stood at the edge of a serene lake.

His gaze was fixed on the reflection of the setting sun, lost in thought as he reminisced about the past year of his life.

'It had been a year of intense training and self-discovery for me.

After the events with Kerlic and the crackling fire that fateful night, I had set out on a journey of self-improvement and growth.

Dead set to become a formidable fighter and find my path in the world, I had thrown myself into a disciplined and focused lifestyle.

Training had become a daily ritual for me. From dawn till dusk, I would practice my footwork, swing my axes with precision, and engage in sparring matches with Kerlic and other skilled fighters in the town which were some guards.

I have mastered the basic footwork techniques, and my movements were now fluid and graceful, allowing me to navigate the battlefield with ease, or whatever you want to call it.

Studying battle strategies had become a passion for me. I immersed myself in books and scrolls, learning about the tactics of great generals and the art of war.

I absorbed the knowledge like a sponge, seeking to understand how to outmaneuver my opponents and gain the upper hand in any battle.

But my training wasn't limited to physical and intellectual practices. I also recognized the importance of mental fortitude in combat.

Through meditation and mental exercises, I have learned to quiet my mind and focus my thoughts, allowing me to stay calm and composed even in the face of adversity.

My body had transformed again as well. Rigorous physical conditioning had made me stronger, faster, and more resilient. My muscles were now honed to perfection so in their full potential, and my endurance has reached new heights.

I can go on fighting for hours without getting tired', Corkus thought as he marveled at how far he had come in just one year, going from beginner to intermediate in his fighting style.

'I also became 15 years old this year, but the only thing that is left is to evolve my morality code at this point it will be more of an obstacle anyway enough monologuing it's time to spar with Kerlic once again' he thought, and With that being said he started traveling to their meet point which was a huge hill.

As he approached the hill after a few hours of traveling, he saw Kerlic waiting for him, a knowing smile on his face. 

"Corkus it is time once again to show your progress, and the time has come for a test, so I can see your growth and an opportunity for you to showcase the fruits of your labor".

"Yes, I know this time I will win, so let's begin!" Corkus responded with a smirk plastered on his face.

"Alright, I hope that what you said is based on confidence and not arrogance, but the match will show that," Kelric responded while positioning himself.


As the morning sun bathed the training ground in golden rays, Corkus and Kerlic stood facing each other, their gazes locked in a silent challenge. The air crackled with anticipation, and a palpable energy surged between the two fighters.

' I can't help but be a little nervous, this match could be a defining moment in my journey' he thought while his heart pounded a little.


Kerlic, sharp and observant eyes, scanned Corkus from head to toe. 

'He has grown so much in the past year, beyond my expectations, but that's what a pupil should do', he pondered with a grin.

Corkus stood with a newfound confidence, shoulders squared, and feet firmly planted. The confidence etched on his face betrayed a fighter who had tasted growth and sought to prove it.

"Ready?" Kerlic's voice was calm, but his muscles tensed, ready to defend or attack at a moment's notice.

"Ready," Corkus replied, his voice steady. With that, the match began.

Instantly, Corkus lunged forward, employing the footwork he had tirelessly practiced. His movements were fluid and calculated, each step purposeful.

He weaved through the air like a dancer, closing the distance between him and Kerlic with surprising speed. It was clear that Corkus had mastered the basics, and his agility proved a force to be reckoned with.

Kerlic's experience showed as he deftly parried Corkus's initial strike, countering with a swift and well-aimed strike of his own.

 The clash of their weapons reverberated through the training ground, the sound of steel against steel echoing in the air. Corkus's eyes narrowed, analyzing every move Kerlic made, seeking an opening.

The sparring match turned into a dance of strategy and tactics. Corkus's mind raced, calculating the best approach to counter Kerlic's attacks.

He had studied battle strategies diligently, and now it was time to put them into action. He feigned a retreat, luring Kerlic into overextending his strike.

As Kerlic lunged forward, Corkus sidestepped with precision, avoiding the attack and creating an opening.

In that fleeting moment, Corkus struck with a well-timed swing, aiming for Kerlic's side. But Kerlic was quick to react, and he parried Corkus's strike, their weapons clashing once more. 

As the sparring continued, Corkus adapted to Kerlic's style, recognizing patterns and exploiting weaknesses. His attacks became more fluid, combining precision footwork and strategic strikes. Kerlic, in turn, adjusted his approach, attempting to outmaneuver the younger fighter.

Each movement was a testament to Corkus's growth and the countless hours he had spent honing his abilities.

He no longer fought with reckless abandon but with purpose and strategy. His strikes had a newfound power behind them as if the weight of his journey had been imbued into each swing.

But Kerlic was no pushover. He pushed Corkus to his limits, testing his endurance and resilience.

They traded blows, each strike a testament to the intensity of their training. The ground and its surroundings seemed to vanish around them as they became fully immersed in the contest of skill and willpower.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of combat, in the final moments of the match, Corkus saw an opening—a split-second opportunity to launch a decisive strike.

With a burst of speed and precision, he executed a daring attack, catching Kerlic off guard. The blow landed true, and Kerlic's sword clattered to the ground as he acknowledged defeat.


"Congratulations Corkus! This is probably the moment that the phrase 'the student passed the teacher' can be said," Kelric said with a huge smile as he lay on the ground.

"Thanks that wouldn't be done without your help. By the way, you seem way too happy today, did something happen?" He asked.

"Yeah, I meant to tell you, but I kind of forgot about how I met a girl the previous year, and we fell in love, and I am now in a relationship with her. We plan to get married after a while, but we don't have enough money currently".

"I am happy for you, what is her name?" Corkus asked.

"Her name is Isabella, she is the daughter of the mayor, she has been blessed in every department I can think of.

She is the perfect girl for me !" He said with a smile.

"I think you have gotten a little too far with all of that, but who am I to understand love?"

"Anyway, enough of that, Corkus I don't have anything else to teach you. You should open up your wings and fly away, creating your own path.

Of course, we will still talk through letters, and you will get invited to my wedding, but to go further as a fighter and as a person, you should start wandering, traveling the land, completing tasks for people, and gaining some sort of experience that will help you when you become a mercenary."

"Thanks for the advice, I will prepare my stuff and leave tomorrow morning with my shack. You can do whatever you want. You could rent it to some people, so you can get extra money for the wedding," corkus said with a smile.

"Thanks, Corkus that means a lot to me. To see you tomorrow morning.


And so the next day came, and the morning sun began to ascend over the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold as a new day unfolded.

 In the world, Corkus packed his belongings, preparing for his journey into the unknown.

 He had spent the previous night making sure he was well-equipped for the road ahead, and now, as he looked around, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation.

"Ready for the next adventure?" a familiar voice called out. Corkus turned to see Kerlic approaching, a wide grin on his face.

"Kerlic! You're here early," Corkus said with a chuckle, happy to see his friend.

"I couldn't let you leave without saying farewell," Kerlic replied warmly, clapping a hand on Corkus's shoulder. "I brought someone special, too."

As if on cue, a graceful figure stepped into view—Isabella, Kerlic's fiancée. Her long, flowing hair shimmered in the morning light, and a gentle smile graced her lips.

"Corkus, it's a pleasure to finally meet you," Isabella said with genuine warmth, extending her hand.

"The pleasure is all mine," Corkus replied, shaking her hand. "Kerlic speaks very highly of you."

"He speaks highly of you too, you know," Isabella said with a bright smile.

Kerlic laughed, seeing his friend's bashful reaction. ". We're both very fond of you, Corkus, and we wanted to see you off on your journey."

"Thank you, both of you. This means a lot to me," Corkus said, genuinely touched by their kindness.

"You better stay in touch," Kerlic said, trying to keep a light tone, though there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.

"I promise I will," Corkus replied, feeling the weight of the moment. "We'll keep exchanging letters, and I'll make sure to visit when I can, as you said yesterday."

After heartfelt farewells and well-wishes from the couple, the time had come for Corkus to embark on his journey. He turned to Kerlic and Isabella, gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you both for everything," he said sincerely.

"Don't mention it," Kerlic replied with a warm smile. "Just remember that you have friends here, and we'll always be waiting for you."

"I will, I promise," Corkus said, feeling a mix of emotions as he said his final goodbyes. With one last nod, he turned and set off on the road ahead.

As he walked away from the village, he felt a sense of freedom and excitement. 

 "The road won't be easy, but I think I am ready to face whatever will come my way," Corkus said as Kerlic and Isabela disappeared from his view.

"I can't help but feel a bittersweet ache in my heart. But this journey is necessary for my growth as a fighter and as a person, as Kelric said".

And so, with that being said, Corkus ventured forth, ready to embrace the new step in his life as he walked towards the horizon, eager to see what the future held for him.