
Reincarnated As Unknown

Matsuoka Koji, who was hated even by his own family was awakened as one of the heroes but was the weakest of all. After dying in a destructive class incident, he was reincarnated as a limitless monarch with he peace of world and extinction of corruption as his only goals.

Mr_CraftiPlayer · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 7 (Power Of All Victories)

*Inside Third General's Office*

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?" Kamiya Chieko, the third general shouted at her subordinate as she slammed her desk.

She stood for a second and then sit back on her chair and sighed and calmed down.

"So what did you say again?" she asked politely.

"Hisoka-sama sent his weakest squad to a B grade dungeon break. That is what was reported atleast." her subordinate reported.

"He sent out his weakest squad. And the dungeon was a B grade?"

"Yes ma'am."

Kamiya once again sighed.

"That's just a suicide mission for them. Why did they even agreed on it, do they not fear death?"

"Apparently they were filled with determination and were not just for money like most other hunters. The secretary of Hisoka-sama is leading then right now."

"At least they have a reliable leader. So why did you tell me this?"

"It's because I assumed you would act."

"And what do you mean by that?"

"Kamiya-sama, even though I'm just a lowly servant of you, I just want you to consider a rescue team for that squad."

"And why do you think I would do that?"

"Because it's hard to imagine you leaving innocent people to die."

"Good enough." she smiled.

"So what should I do ma'am?"

"Shouldn't it be obvious? Ready a force for rescue."

"Oh well, there's a problem regarding that." he replied nervously.

"What is it?"

"We have no squad on standby. All of them are out for exploring dungeons."

"So you mean, there's noone who can go?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean."

Kamiya breathe in slowly and then shouted again.


"Calm down miss, there's still one person who can take care of it all."

"Oh? who is it?"

"It's you ma'am. You could take care of it all."

Kamiya looked at his serious face and then started laughing.


"So you'll let those innocent people die?"

She stops laughing suddenly and replies with a proud voice.

"Ready the vehicles, I'm going to the scene."

*Back In The Deep Dungeon*

Koji and the orc are still fighting each other after an hour. Both sides are losing energy but the orc king keep on retaining it using the sucking ability.

The orc king had a tough shield which protected him and as he was having almost infinite energy, he would reanimate his Shield again and again.

"Oh c'mon, stop it's clearly cheating. I'm almost out of energy and you keep on getting it."


The orc attacked again which Koji dodged.

"If I keep on fighting with no plan he'll probably kill me. I'll have to come up with a plan."

Koji starts to look at his surroundings to find anything useful but all he could see was dust everywhere.

He then looked at his equipment and find a mage stick, a magical bow and his sword.

What can I do with these.

I can use magic, shoot arrows and strick him.

I can probably break his shield with magic and use arrows to break his cover.

But he can catch on my trick.

And this room...wait I've got it. I can beat it!

Koji jumped at some distance away from the orc.

The orc looked at him with confusion but got on guard.

"Hah, nothing else expecting from a king.

I'll have to drive him out to a dusty place. Probably taunting him using some direct attacks will do."

Koji then jumped at the orc dragging him with the recoil of the attacks.

After some fifteen continuous strikes, the orc was on the place.

"Alright now, it's time for the main event."

Koji jumped back again and started to cast one of the most powerful flame attacks.


Right before he triggered the spell, he shot some arrows, embued with ice magic, on the shield of the orc king to freeze it and then he triggered the spell.

When the giant fire ball hit his shield, it totally broke his shield and the cover, giving Koji an opening.

He took advantage of the dust and the moment his chant collapsed, he jumped high enough to reach the exposed neck of orc king and cut it from his body.

"You sure were a tough opponent but it's just the beginning for me, so die for now."

The orc fall on his knees and stayed like that as he died.

"A fitting death for a monster. Kneeling before me." Koji said silently with a smirk.

[You can now use the unknown power.]

[Analysing the unknown power]

[Unknown power identity discovered. The power that will be gifted to you as an apostle will be...]

[The Power Of All Victories.]

[Using this skill, you can copy the powers of the one you defeated. It can be human or a monster or even the divine beings. But they need to be dead.]

Koji stood there with shock and excitement.

"Now this is beyond cheating. A power to take others power. It means infinite growth."

Koji looks at the dead orc king and smiles.

"Guess I already have a test material. I should be able to copy his power."

Koji went towards the orc and pulled out his hand thinking about the skill.

[Use the skill "The Power Of All Victorie"]


The skill activated immediately and started to suck off all the life energy and skills from the dead orc.

[Transfer complete. The apostle of Goddess Isis will be gifted with the following skills.]

[Skill 'Energy Consumer" has been gifted to the apostle.]

"Energy Consumer : You can take all the energy from life force nearby.

[Skill 'Strenght Boost' has been gifted to the apostle.]

Strength boost : For sometime, your strength will double. Time Will increase with increasingly use of the skill.

[Skill 'Invisible Cover' has been gifted to the apostle.]

Invisible cover : Creates a layer of energy around you to stop attacks.

[The apostle has acquired super instincts.]

Super Instincts : Increases your senses.

[Note : Your energy is refilled.]

"That's so much in one go." he said with a delighted tone.


"Well well well, you've defeated the orc afterall and gained an amazing ability. But now it's time to go, so brace yourself." Isis appeared and said.

*In Tokyo Near Dungeon Outbreak*

"What's the situation?" Kamiya asked as she entered the red zone.

"We are currently fighting them, even though it's hard they're trying their best." Yasuhiro replied.

"Alright I'm going in to help them survive."

"But will that be okay ma'am?"

"Of course I can't let them die."

Kamiya jumped into the fight with her spear.

She was an A rank Hunter and one of the strongest too so she as pretty reliable for the situation when all the monsters were B ranked.


"What are the casualties!?" she asked one of the hunters.

"It's zero for now but we haven't been able to kill any of them." one of the guys replied.

"Alright I'll kill them myself."

Kamiya used her spear to cast lightening and hit about five of the monster to death.

Everyone was amazed by her power but that distraction caused some of them real bad luck.


A scream of a lady came from right side of Kamiya.

"Who was that?"

she rushed to that place and found something unbelievable coming out of the dungeon.

It was an A ranked ghoul.

"Huh, an A ranked? I can't, I can't beat it. It's way too out my league."

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" Monaka screamed as the ghoul got closer.


Something with an incredible speed came and cut it's neck in an instant.