
Reincarnated As Unknown

Matsuoka Koji, who was hated even by his own family was awakened as one of the heroes but was the weakest of all. After dying in a destructive class incident, he was reincarnated as a limitless monarch with he peace of world and extinction of corruption as his only goals.

Mr_CraftiPlayer · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 4 (Dungeon Challenge I)

At the top of Great Church Tower, Koji was sitting, looking at the city from above.

"Nothing has changed. Everyone's still being a hero but for wealth. It's rotten to it's very root. But as I am right now, I can't do anything."

Koji sighed as he glared at the night's sky.


The goddess once again arrives in front of Koji while he was looking at the sky. He got shocked by the sudden appearance and pointed his knife at her.

"Calm down, it's just me." Isis said calmly

"Oh, don't scare me like that Goddess. Or someday I might end up stabbing you." Koji responded.

"Oh don't worry, you can't surpass me, you're my apprentice afterall."

"They say apprentice always succeed the teacher in the best way."

"It's just a saying. So how'd it go?" Isis asked with a smirk.

"What exactly do you mean?" he responded confusingly.

"You know, a one day trip to this world. How much have you discovered?"

Koji glares at her with terror in his eyes and replies "This world is as rotten as you said. I want to fix it. I want to kill them all."

"But you can't, right? And your existence isn't the only reason to it isn't that correct too?"

Koji looks at Isis eyes and with a disappointed voice says "Yeah, their power. That presence is way too much for me to deal with. I'll loose in no time."

"Hahaha, and that's why I have prepared something for you." Isis laughingly said.

"It feels so suspicion. What berserk thing did you created now?"

"It's a dungeon. A private dungeon just for you."

"And what I'm supposed to do with it?"

"Well it's multipurpose. It has tons of monsters that drop items so you can get weapons which you can actually wield them. Oh and the dragon form I took is the final boss. An SSS ranked beast. The most powerful in this universe. How does it sound? Isn't it interesting?"

"Interesting? Seems like a death plain."

"Oh and you can't just die there. You won't get revived again if you died there."

"Why would I even go in then? So what's the other purpose?"

"A shrine. A big shrine for meditation and training. A waterfall with adjustable weight to train your body. Different practice weapons. A perfect training ground don't you think?"

"Good enough. So how big is the dungeon?"

It has one hundred floors. Starts with C ranked beasts. And slowly gets harder."

"Suitable for me. Thank you for this."

"Don't thank me. Just pray for me at my shrine. And don't go in dying on me."

"I surely won't."

"So let's get to training right away." Isis said as she stretched her arm towards Koji.

As Koji was about to hold it, he saw a recognizable figure.

"Huh, isn't that. Monaka nee-san?!" he shouted.

"Oh. Someone you know Matsuoka Koji?" Isis asked.

"She's my old sister. The only person in this world I care deeply about. I wonder how she's doing."

"If you're worried about her, I'll put a tracer on her soul. You'll know if she's ever in danger."

"Really!? Thank you very much teacher."


"It's ' Goddess '. Anyways let's go."

"Yes let's go." He responded.

'I wonder how Monaka nee-san is doing. What did it look like to her, my death I mean. It must be really sad. I'll make sure to be reunited with her no matter what.'

*At the dungeon*

The dungeon from inside was a silver place full of Crystals. Almost like a house of ice dragon. It had a weird monstery stench and each floor had many passages.

The monsters at the upper floor were usually goblins and it gets harder and harder until the very bottom.

The variety of item dropped also changes as lower the hunt goes. One floor alone has about a hundred monsters and a boss after every ten floors.

The boss is usually about a rank above than other monsters.

There are bonus floors after every twenty floors.

At the time, Koji is still a B grade hunter so B grade monsters would be tough for him.

He has one hand knife and few elemental powers and guidance from goddess Isis.

"This place stinks, at least use air purifier."



"In a battle, you surely won't ask for purified air."

"Yeah my bad sorry."

Koji gazes at the dungeon. He takes out his knife and walks forward.

He looks at his surroundings as he walked deeper into the dungeon.

"I just hope they aren't like those who have already killed my many times." Was the thought that he had as he was moving deeper and deeper.

He suddenly stopped at specific point.

"I sense something coming this way."

He looked at all directions and suddenly a weird human looking creature jumped at him.

"What the- A human? No it came be. It's a goblin."

Koji instinctively punched the goblin so hard the it died on the very spot.

"Huh, what? That easily? Is it really worth to be even called a monster? I sense a lot of them deeper in this floor, it's gonna be a piece of cake if they're all like this. But, I shouldn't be overconfident, it's still the first floor and they caught me by surprise, better be cautious of my surroundings."


"Did you mised me?" Goddess Isis popped up in front of Koji.

"Like hell. So what now?"

"I just came by to tell you that, if you don't complete one floor daily under twenty-four hours, you'll be sent to a rather torturous field of S rated monsters. So you better hurry up with all the floors."



"Oh c'mon, I just want you to become super strong as your skills affect mine too. So good luck with this floor. Once you kill every monster here, you'll be able to pass through the second floor gate."

"Ah well whatever, leave it to me."

The goddess disappeared and Koji took the sword of the goblin and rushed to complete the rest of the floor.

*Two Hours Later*

Koji has killed ever single monster in his way and is now standing in front of the second floor gate with all the equipment he took.

"This was way too easy. I didn't even had to use my blade. And moreover their equipment is trash and it's not affecting my skills."


"Done already? You're quite fast." The goddess complimented

"It's way too easy, and seems like a time waste. Can't you teleport me directly to the 10th floor?" he sighed in boredom.

"I can but will you be okay? tenth floor is just one room long. The room of the boss. He's B ranked monster, nearly a disaster in your world. Will you stay alive?" Isis worriedly asked.

"I've fought A ranked beasts, that guy is nothing for me."

"Alright then, stay alive. I wish you well."

She said and snapped her fingers which teleported Koji to the boss room.

He walks towards the gate and pushes to open it.

"Now then, what nice equipment will I get here?" he said while smirking as he went inside.