
Reincarnated as Uchiha Itachi´s Twin.

Follow Sora Uchiha, Itachi Uchiha’s twin brother, as he navigates his new life. Transmigration is a common fantasy, but what happens when the transmigrator was perfectly happy in his original world? Is he abandoning his previous life by accepting his new family? Will he survive the cruel and gruesome Naruto world? Will he encounter his previous family? Why did he transmigrate? Join Sora on his journey to find out. My MC doesn't know anything about Naruto. He knows about other anime, but in his original reality, Naruto does not exist. This is my first work, so please be kind. English is not my first language. I will update when I can and when I want. I made this fanfic for myself. If you enjoy it, great. If not, that's too bad. Also, credit to the creator of the image in the novel. I got it from wallpaper-clan.com

charlesmc · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

015:Chains meets petals.

In a moss covered cave, in the most profound site, there was a massive beast chained to a rock. It was a red-orange coloured fox with black fur around its red eyes that stretched up to its ears, and nine long tails, also chained in a painful looking way. It had the upper-body structure of a human, with opposable thumbs on its clawed hands, that were also nailed to the rock, it´s back touching the rock.


The fox perked his ears, someone was coming to visit him in his cell.

The stranger stood in front humongous steel bars separating the beast from him.

The orange beast opened his red eyes to see the visitor, he was sure it was not that pesky red haired brat, because the visitor remained quiet, silence was a virtue that the brat would never learn.

"Kid" said the stranger. 

The big fox opened his big and ferocious red eyes

"YOUUU…I remember you…" the enormous Fox responded in a sinister way, emanating chakra filled with deep malice to his new guest.

The masked man received the chakra, completely unaffected to his effects of corrosion and malice.

"While I came to see an acquaintance"

 The masked man said while liberating an unmistakable aura of death around him.

"Do not confuse my patience with weakness" He was not joking, he seldom did. He was a warrior, and an offense to his pride would be repaid in blood.

"Mmmphhh" grunted Kurama while the full malice chakra receded.

"I have nothing to talk to a traitor" said the fox in a displeased way.

"I warned you and you did not listen… kid" said the samurai.


"It was your, and your brothers, mission, not mine. I am merely a spectator in these lands, I am ,after all, not alive." replied the masked individual with a noble composure. 

Silence filled the cave, candle lights flickering inside the cave were the only light illuminating the cell. 

"What changed?" asked the fox, still angry but more composed than before. Wisdom was engraved in his name, and he knew that the man had a point.

"I found it" said the masked man.

The big fox snorted and said in a whisper

"I am glad for you…" His pride and his rencor only allowed him saying those words

The man raised his right arm while saying 

"Bakudo #8:Seki" and a white an translucent orb appeared to the side of his arm. In a flash, a full powered punch encounter the orb and was rebounded.

The Kunoichi that was rebounded, and backflipped three times before stopping.

"WHO ARE YOU?!" said growled kunoichi.

"It's not your business" answered the man in an nonchalant way. 

He looked like a classical samurai, with a katana sheathed at his side, and a mask covering his face.

'Not good, he is too close to the Kyubi' thought Kushina

'I need to add more strength to the seal, deal with the intruder and interrogate him after. Gaining access to the Tailed Beast without me knowing was dangerous' Her thoughts were done in a split of a second and then she acted.

She made the corresponding seals:Rat → Ox → Dog → Dog → Clap hands → Boar → and then slamed her hand on the ground.

A huge array with a swirl in the middle appeared on the floor where the Kyubi was standing. Electrical currents were surging, impacting it to the fox and knocking him out of conscious.

'Brute strength will not work, his no seals jutsu may be dangerous, I need him alive and sealed'

Six big, golden chains sprang out from her back, and were directed to the stranger at a high speed.

He only pointed his finger and said "Hado #1 Shō" sending high speed, almost invicible bullets, that struck the chains, redirecting their trajectory and making the attack useless.

"I do not wish to fight against you. This my first and last warning" said Senbonzakura. If his warning was not taken seriously, he would fight, she was, afterall, only a stranger.

Kushina was in shock

'More than one muji ninjutsu? I can´t be reckless, I need more information'

So, taking advantage that their fighting ground was her unconscious, she started to syphon the Kyubi´s chakra for herslef. Orange chakra surrounded her, giving her the visage of an incorporeal fox with four tails.

'Five is my limit in real life, in my unconscious should be six, four will do for now ' 

*Dragon → Tiger → Hare 'Water Release: Wild Water Wave'*

She spewed a gargantuan quantity of water from her mouth in a waterfall-like fashion to wash away her target.

 The masked individual used Shunpo to avoid the water coming at him, but Kushina took advantage of the now water filled terrain.

*Tiger ' Water Release: Water Fang Bullet'* 

 Projectiles were being made underwater. The projectiles were made of higly compressed water moving in a swirl motion. They attacked from multiple angles to the strange individual.

He used shunpo a few more times, then he stopped in the air, as if it were a platform on his feet.

He unseathed his katana, and chanted in a noble voice, 


His sword form separated into a thousand tiny blade petals, light passing through them made them look like a beatiful spectacle of sakura leafs. Which were being acumulated behind his back for them to fly toward his target.

Kushina was distracted for the beautiful spectacle in front of her, and then reacted.

'Danger, DAnger, DANGER!!!' her instincts were screaming for her to get out of the way fast.

She used the water projectiles to intercepted the petals, but they were too many of them. 

She thought on how it looked like similar to the Aburame fighting style.

'Aburame, Fire, I can try that. Sorry Mikoto'

*Horse 'Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation'* She kneaded chakra inside her body, converted it into fire, and then expelled it from her mouth in the shape of a sea of flames, which covered the whole battlefield.

Petals collided against the fire, like two tsunamis colliding against each other, displaying a macabre sense of beauty.

Then, out of the sudden, a voice was heard.

"BOTH OF YOU, STOP. EINS, ZWEI, DREI!" and everything stopped. 

Petals were frozen into place, fire was still and alive even when not supplied by oxygen, and the two combatants could not move.

Their surroundings changed, and now, they were in a forest with trees made out of red candy. White sugar covered the fields, making it look like snow, while various animals made of pastries, sugar, and candy roamed this land.

Kushina and Senbonzakura looked at the new addition to their fight, a little boy holding a big, pink umbrella, filled with images of pastries, donuts and candies.

They boy panted, because that little trick took almost everything that he got.

"Kushina-nee-san, Senbon-san, please, stop, both of you, I can explain…" the boy said. Even if his interactions with Kushina was short, he could gauge her character fairly easily, and knowing the personality of a certain samurai, they would undoubtedly keep clashing.

And so, time for meetings and explanations finally started.

__ _ __ _ _ _ _ -_ _ – - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - - - - _ _

"Sooooooo, you are telling me he is not malicious…?" Kushina asked all worried.

Sora nodded, now finally recuperated from his previous parlor trick.

Kushina observed this Senbonzakura fellow, not fully convinced about Sora´s explanation.

"But why was he standing in front of the seal?"

"What seal?"asked Sora, now his turn of being confused. When he got to the cave he only saw these two maniacs trying to kill each other.

'Ooops, he doesn´t know about this. I screwed up'

"She refers to the Kitsune seal. For a long time, humans seeked to capture and obtain the power of what humans called "Tailed Beasts". She has a Tailed Beast locked inside the seal" said Senbonzakura, not minding the explanation to little Sora.

Sora was stunned and he thought. ' A what?'

Senbonzakura grabbed Sora´s hand, and took him back to the previous cave.

"GET BACK HERE IN THIS INSTANT" Kushina runned behind them, being slower than Senbonzakura by a good margin.

Now, Sora, finally inside the cave free from the battlefield, could see a gigantic orange nine tailed fox, impaled with chains on a rock. 

"STAY AWAY FROM THERE" said Kushina to both of them. Senbonzakura was untrustworthy and Sora was too little, and the Kyubi´s chakra was full of malice, hatred and corruption.

The fox opened one eye, and directed his chakra to the new pesky little brat.

"SORA RUN!" screamed Kushina, trying to save Sora from Kyuubi's chakra.

 Senbonzakura said in almost an inaudible whisper:"Bakudō #81. Dankū". A translucent barrier was created in the form of a large rectangular wall, shielding both of them from the tsunami like chakra.

Senbonzakura continued his chanting:

 "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast. Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring, move and become the wind, stop and become the calm as the sound of the warring spears fills the empty castle. Hadō #63. Raikōhō"

Out of his hand, he generated an orb of yellow lightning above the palm of his hand, and then fired the built-up energy at his target in a massive concentration of energy which resembled a lightning strike. The effect has devastatingly destructive results on Kyuubi making him scream in pain.

"STOP! PLEASEEE! YOU ARE HURTING HIM!" screamed Sora. He only wanted to see the fox, not hurt him.

Senbonzakura stopped his spiritual power and the attack stopped.

"Mmmph, I don´t need your pity. And you, get out" Said the fox while closing his eyes.

Kushina could not believe her eyes of how destructive this stranger jutsu was. He even knew about the Kyuuby inside her.

Sora, now more versed in the shenanigans of the unconscious, took them both to his own inner world.

"Kushina-nee-san, Senbonzakura is similar for me as for you is your fox. He lives inside me, he is not malicious, you could see his strength, he could have killed me and replaced me a long time ago, but he didn't. Don´t trust him, trust me"

Kushina exhaled, finally acknowledging that he was right.

"Does your mother know about it?" she asked with worry for her friend´s son.

"Not yet, but I will tell her in time" he said

"And it can be our secret" Sora baited.

It was a success

"Ahhh… okey, but I will be monitoring him" said Kushina. Happy to share a secret, but cautious of the individual.

"Okey" said Sora, taking advantage of her lapsus in judgment and lack of questions to Senbonzakura to disconnect from each other's subconscious.

The questions for Senbonzakura could come after this.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

And finally, they both woke up to the real world.


A/N: Damn, that was tough. I had to make a research on water jutsu, fire jutsu, kido, their description and other stuff, just to write this bad boy. In the last chap I used chatgpt to correct some error that I could not detect (It is like an instinct, when you detect that something is wrong with the writing, but you don´t know what. It happens to me with spanish). I did not do it with this chap. Please tell me if you feel any difference

 Also, I also realized that while description is fun (an enviroment for example) is boring to read about it. So I will try to include more dialogue and less description.

And also, yesterday I realized that 300 people have my little work in their collection. Interent has warped our sense of how many people, but if you think about it, They are 300 full human beings out there who thought "Why not". 

So yeah, thank you for that and for the power stones, your support is deeply apreciated (and also your critics, don´t forget to comment about stuff I could change or make different)

Have a nice day!


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