
Reincarnated as Saitama in OPM

First fic made by me so it's inevitable for it to have mistakes.

Zoomshoe · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs


Tatsumaki burst out running after that little interaction of ours, I dunno where though. And damn she fast, she disappeared in a blink of an eye.

I sighed, I'll just let her be for now and return home. We would meet each other again later anyways. Though, did her powers get stronger?

She easily dragged me all the way here. Hmm, I should ask her that later.

I got to City-Z only to realize that the whole city was destroyed by our fight earlier, I completely forgot about this.

Sigh, should I find where Tats lives and crash on her place? Or I could just buy another place since, not to brag, I'm quite rich.

Hehe, I'll crash at her place then.

Wait, where does she even live?


After running all over the place searching for her tracks, I finally found the city she lives in. It was pretty obvious since there are literally banners of her hanging around some of the popular places here. I don't know why she hasn't ripped that out yet though, does she like getting attention?

Now, It was in City-N, It's a pretty large and popular city because a certain S-ranked hero lives here. I walked around exploring the area I was currently in, wearing new clothes of course. If I were to walk around this place half-naked then you would know what to expect.

There's barely any crime going around this area, not even small-time thieves snatching pouches could be seen around here. It's pretty good with only fifteen heroes excluding Tatsumaki.

Now, where is her house? I've asked around the place if they knew the famous hero's house. Yet, nobody does, apparently, she doesn't like anyone barging into her home unannounced. A local told me that a few months ago, reporters forcefully barged into her home without her consent.

Nobody knows what happened to those guys after that. And since then, Tatsumaki changed places and kept her home and address a secret. And that's a bit troublesome, It'll take me the whole day just checking each and one of these houses, and this is a huge ass city.

Now, if only anyone knows where she lives— Oh! suddenly, I had a moment of enlightenment. Realizing something I have completely missed.


I could just ask her sister!

I banged my fist against my palm as I nodded my head. I immediately returned to City-Z as fast as I could and then returned to where my apartment should have been. I grimaced as I saw my apartment completely razed to the ground.

Anyway, I searched for my phone somewhere in the rubble, It somehow miraculously survived after all of that. It was still the old flip phone that I'd had since I was younger. Was this thing made of the same material as the Nokia phone?

Like literally I had this phone in my pocket a few times while fighting some monsters, getting barrages of attacks going in my direction managing to hit every part of my body, yet this guy is still alive and kicking.

The flip phone aside, I searched for Fubuki's number and dialed it. Soon a seductive voice answered the call, I dunno if she's doing this purposely or that's just how she talks.

{Saitama~ what made you call me at such a time?} Fubuki said as soon as she answered the call.

[A/N: ' {} ' means that she's talking through the phone.]

"Eh? did I interrupt you doing something important?" I questioned.

{Yes—actually, no. You didn't.}

"Then, if it's not too important, do you perhaps know where Tatsumaki lives?" I asked her as I heard an audible gasp coming through the phone.


"Hey, you ok?"

{Y-yes, I'm fine} She soon regained her cool. "Then, do you know where she lives?" I asked again.

{Of course, I know! I'm her younger sister after all.} She said liked I just asked the most obvious thing. "Then tell me!"

{I'll tell you but it comes at a price. After all, telling you her location means betraying her trust.}

Sigh, "Alright, what is it?" overjoyed, she immediately said what she wants

{Accompany me.}

I was confused, I expected her to say 'Become a part of Blizzard Group.' or something. Oh yeah, and about that. She formed the group a few months ago, the members were her friends and some of her classmates. It's still new so there are only a few members there.

"What why?" I asked her genuinely confused.

{That's a secret~} She said mysteriously as she hung up the phone.

"Wait hey you haven't told me where she li—" I was cut off mid-sentence as I saw her send a message containing what looks to be Tatsumaki's address.

I let out a small sigh as I closed my phone and headed back to N-City.


As I walked through the town, I searched each and every one of the houses nearby in case I missed the place completely.

A few minutes later, I arrived at what looked like your neighborhood apartment. Like literally everything screamed average once I looked at the place. I took out my phone and doubled check the address.

I inwardly thought that I was at the wrong place yet my phone proved me wrong.

'Well, it's at least better than my apartment.' I thought as I walked up the stairs. Tatsumaki's place was in room 107. Arriving on the third floor of the building, I searched the whole floor until I arrived in front of her door.

I slowly raised my fist to knock on the door, but something unexpected happened. The door opened and revealed its occupant.

"Tatsumaki," I called out with my usual blank face.

Tatsumaki's face darkened as she screamed.

"How did you find my place?!?!?!"

'Ah, that's the Tatsumaki I know.' I inwardly thought as I covered my ears.


Yo, I'm back.

my dog died.

She's been with me since I was five.

and a family member died too.

School's about to end though!