
Reincarnated as Saitama in OPM

First fic made by me so it's inevitable for it to have mistakes.

Zoomshoe · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Personality Change

"How the heck did you find my place?!?!?" She yelled.

'Ah, that's the Tatsumaki I know.' I inwardly thought as I covered my ears.

She grumble before turning around.

"What're you standing there for? Get in already!" She yelled impatiently as I entered without hesitation.

"Anyway, how did you find where I live?" Tatsumaki brought the topic back up as she regained her calm. She then sat behind a small table and drank what looks to be coffee? Nah, no way in hell she drinks coffee. Probably hot chocolate or something.

She put her mug down as she asked again. "So. How. Did. You. Find. Out?" She said one by one as she leaned closer to me and stared intently at my face.

"Uhhh, Fubuki told me..." I said as sweat rolled down my forehead. Since when did she bacame so scary?

"Hmph! I knew it! That sister of mine wouldn't let go of such an opportunity." She said angrily as she punch the table with her psychic ability destroying it as the floor cracked upon the impact.

"Hey Tats, calm down it wasn't her fault that I got here. Besides it was me that asked for your address anyways." I said trying to calm her down to no avail.

She stood up and went for the door. I stopped her by grabbing her left hand.

"Let go of me you baldy! I'm gonna teach that bitch a lesson!" She yelled yet again as she struggled to free her hands against my grip.

'I'm not even bald anymore!' I inwardly yelled at her.

I let go of her hand and instead, hugged her as tight as she could handle.

she yelped as she suddenly got quiet.

"Hey, are you ok Tats? I didn't squeeze you to death did I?" I ask genuinely worried.

I looked at the small mirror that was attached to the door and what I saw surprised me. Standing there, her face was red. She was blushing, she didn't say anything but stare down on he floor. I couldn't help but find this cute.

"Let go." She said.

"Alright, but your not gonna run away now are you?" She didn't answer as I gently let go of her.

I guess she's not going anymore?

She sat down on the tatami floor her back facing me. What's with her? I scratched the back of my neck as I decided not to dwell into this further.

I lied down the floor with my hands behind my head.

"So? What are you doing here?" She was the first to break the ice as she questioned me.

"Oh? ah, City-Z got destroyed so I have no where to stay to for now, so I decided to crash into your place." I answered honestly.

"Why? aren't you rich?" She asked as she faced me.

Genuine surprise formed on my face as I exclaimed, "What? How'd you know?"

"Heh, I just guessed."

"Yeah right." I said full of doubts.

"Anyway, If you're gonna stay here then you gotta pay the rent!" She said as she stood up and faced me.

"Well, I can live with that." I said as an old memory popped into my mind.

"So, where did your fox friend go?"

"Oh her?"

"So it was a girl?"

"Yeah, she's right next door."

"Huh? what do you mean?"

"Nothing of your concerns. Anyway, give me the rent money I haven't payed this month yet." She said changing the subjects.

"But aren't you a hero too? So you should have more than enough money to buy this entire apartment."

"Shut up! I'm saving up money!" She said as she punched my shoulder. Which was a terrible idea.

"Ouch! Are you even human? How are you so hard?" She said rubbing her fist.

'That sentence...' I stopped my thought, refusing to continue.

"Anyway, I'm pretty strong so of course it'll hurt." I said, ignoring her previous remark.

I gave her my card. "Give me cash! They don't accept cards." She said as she tossed the card back to me.

"What But I don't have cash in me." I refuted.

"Then go withdraw some!" She spat back.

"Ugh, fine." I said grumbling as I went outside. Just as I closed the door, something blocked it. I looked down and saw who did it. It was Tatsumaki of course, she blocked it with her foot.

"Hey, your feet is in the way." I said.

"Shut up, I'm coming too."

"what do you mean you're coming? No, you're staying here it's going to be faster if I went alone."

"What?! That's basically saying that I'll be dead weight!" She said angrily as she slammed the door wide open with her telekinesis. The door handle broke off as I was holding it.

"You baldy! It broke because of you!!" She yelled.

An irk mark appeared on my forehead as I said, "Stop calling me baldy! I already grew my hair back!"

"Hmph! You'll forever be bald to me!" She yelled at me as she brushed me aside and went outside.

"You sassy little...!" I grumbled as I followed her.


A little while later, we arrived at a crowded place, Tatsumaki stopped levitating and stood besides me. She approached the crowed but nobody noticed her, she grew tired of it and yelled at them.

"What are you all doing?! Stop blocking the way!!" Her outburst gathered everyone's attention as they grew quiet. As soon as they saw who was it, they all agreed on one thing and moved out of the way.

Tatsumaki could have just floated above everyone else, but she had a person to consider. She thought about just lifting him with her telekinesis but it didn't work the way she wanted it to.

Earlier, when she dragged Saitama, she had tried lifting him but for some reason even when she tried her hardest, he didn't float an inch. So she could only drag him.

As soon as the crowed got out of the way, they saw the thing that got them gathered in the first place.

It was a man lying on the ground. With his body full of holes, small cuts, and bruises. He was long gone.

She clicked her tongue then used her telekinesis to search the man. She found his wallet but no I.D.

"Should I call the HA?" I asked.

"Go ahead, let them deal with this mess." She said as she threw the wallet to the ground and walked away. I called the association and told them of the current situation.

Soon, I caught up to her and ask. "How far is the damn nearest ATM here."

"I live at the less populated area of the city so It's understandable that the ATM's are only at the main part of the city." She said.

I grumbled. "Ugh, lets pick up the pace then." I said as I put my arm around her waist and picked her up into a princess carry.

"Hey w-what are you doing?!" She said flustered.

I rolled my eyes. "obviously, I'm picking you up so I could run around without you falling behind."

"Buckle up." I said as I leaped off the ground.

The wind was strong Tatsumaki had to shield herself with her power to prevent herself from being blown away. although it was useless, since the strongest man on the planet was the person who's carrying her.

I leaped from building to building with minimum strength to avoid destroying it in the process. Tatsumaki was clinging pretty hard to me, I guess she haven't gone this fast before?

Not long after, we both arrived at our destination.


Bruh, I downloaded a virus. Now my PC is fucked.

I can't even use it now, and I'm using an old macbook to write this chapter.