
Reincarnated as Saitama in OPM

First fic made by me so it's inevitable for it to have mistakes.

Zoomshoe · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Chapter 18: New Boss

Centichoro was a dragon-level threat or even more if given time. And since he appeared much sooner than in the canon, he was probably in his prime since he had yet to fight someone like Blast. And since the universe I am currently in is not like the original one.

He will most likely encounter a much stronger foe and meet his doom. Not like that's going to happen since he's already dead. Hmm, sometimes I wonder if I'm going to meet a being out there that can match me in terms of physical strength.

And in my past life, I've read some articles saying that Boros did some damage to Saitama when they fought, but he didn't show it.

Oh well, if such a situation arrives, then I'm most likely even resilient than I am currently am because of the system that God had gifted me. Damn, now that I think about it, I'm itching for a fight that wouldn't end in a single strike from my fist or a slap and a drive with my foot, since I sometimes do that to know which attack is stronger than the other.

Not like I'm going to know which attack is greater than the other, since I can't dictate which strike is more powerful. So I'm just sticking with punching them because I only need to put so little effort into doing it.

"I am here!"

Someone suddenly interrupted me in my internal monologue by announcing their arrival enthusiastically. I glanced in the voice's direction and was quite surprised at who I saw.

Standing there was the famous hero in one of the anime I have watched.

All Might.

He was standing with his back perfectly straight, and while wearing his wide smile showing off his beautiful white teeth. He looked a lot younger than in the canon, so I'm going to assume that he is currently in his mid-thirties. So there is still a good decade till he meets that green-haired wuss.

Well, it's not like I hate that kid or anything. It's just that, his dream of becoming the strongest hero and not even doing anything about it. Like, he can at least train his body to become fit and a lot stronger or learn some martial art techniques so he can at least defend himself, but he spent all of his time watching tv instead.

He didn't even consider being an underground hero like that lazy ass dude. Hold on. I am going off-topic here, back to that guy.

The crowd that gathered here was trying their best to get All Mights' attention, and since my hearing was out of this world. I heard some of them gossiping about him always helping all the citizens in need before talking to the media. Hearing this, my respect for this guy some-what increased.

And I heard he was the top C-Rank hero too. Wait, now that I think about it. Isn't this guy's personality is resembling Mumen Rider?

Since MR(Mumen Rider) always helps everyone, he sees that is in need. And this guy does too. I observed him from afar until he finished helping the people. And based on my observation, this guy is hiding his true strength for some unknown reason.

Everything that happened after that is pretty boring. So I won't be saying. But I have some good news though. The Hero Association had an urgent private meeting discussing whether to raise my rank and because there was some camera that caught me punching that centipede into oblivion, they had decided that I should be the one to rein as the Number one S-Class hero.

It surprised me about the sudden news since I didn't expect that they would do that so hastily. I don't hate it though, because being the number one hero has its perks. I won't be telling that though since I'm too lazy, and because there are too many of them to count with my fingers.

Yosh! it's time for me to play that game I bought a while ago because I was bored out of my mind.

*Somewhere in City-Z*

"Ubel, what had happened to Centichoro?" asks a voice that reverted throughout the place. "My lord, I am sorry to disappoint you, but Centichoro is dead," said Ubel, who was shivering in fear of being in the figure's presence.


A loud slam was heard, which made Ubel shiver even more intensely than it already was. "F-forgive me, my lord!" said Ubel, who was kowtowing in front of the being. "Find that scoundrel who dares kill one of my most trusted pawns!"

"As you wish, my lord!" said Ubel before ushering himself out of the place, but before he could open the door. He heard the beings' voices again.

"Torture him before feeding him to the dogs." said the being, then signaled his follower to get out of the place.

*Back to our MC*

Pew! Pew! Boom!

Saitama was currently playing a game called 'Call of ᗡuty' the game was basically the same as the one in his past life. The only difference was that the D in duty was backward. He was currently 1v1-ing a toxic kid he met in an online match a few minutes ago.

And oh boy, did he feel good destroying that kid every time. Because of his incredible amount of physical strength, he used it in order to become a gamer that even King won't be able to defeat in the future.

And because of his insane reaction speed and accuracy, he always gets a headshot no matter the distance or object that is blocking his view. Even the tiniest gaps between objects. There's been a few instances where he got banned, but he got unbanned soon because he showed them some proof.

He has taken part in some tournaments and effortlessly won all of them, earning him the title of 'The Undefeated Bald Gamer.' which if he was, to be honest. Kind of like it, just without the bald word mixed there.


Hehe, I made an OG villain, though I don't know what ability I should give that guy.

Oh, and yeah, my upload schedule will be random. Sometimes, I would upload two chapters in a week or maybe one chapter in a month.

It just depends on what mood I am in.

Btw, I wrote this chapter half a month ago; I forgot to publish it lol.