
Reincarnated as Rimuru in Tensura with wishes but god played with me

First few is mostly following the story I was just your average worker, I owned a million dollar business. That business was my life so I didn't have much of a life and it was boring. That was until a truck hit me at a stop light. I'm doing this for my entertainment so if you don't Like how it's going I don't care, please don't complain in the comments because they will be ignored. Thanks I hope you enjoy. I don't own the original work all credit goes to the author of that time I got reincarnated as a slime.

Busy_Driver · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Goberu shows up

It didn't take to long for the new recruits to master there skills Benny and Souei still practice in the cave but everyone else has gotten use to there new strength.
One night I was standing in the cliffs thinking of ways to get through this coming battle without much loss when Benny came up to me to speak.
"Lady Rimuru, I hope I'm not bothering you in any way."
"No, you're fine, do you have something to say?"
"Yes I do I'd like to ask you something."
I waved my hand as a gesture to go on.
"I'd like to change out agreement."
Does he wish to Leave now?
"What would you like to change about it?"
"I've talked to everyone and we all agree that we'd like to stay even after we defeat the coming army,
This place has became a home to most of us and we don't wish to part."
"Are you all sure?"
"Yes if you'd allow is to stay?"
"You crazy! I'd love for you all to stay."
"I'm glad to hear that."
"Ok, since you're staying permanently I'd love for you to gather all your people and have them meet me in my house at first light tomorrow."
"Will do." Then he walked away.
I'm so glad they are staying, not only due to there strength but in the last couple days I've grown to really like them.
I also started to learn under the old man and that's not fun but luckily due to my old martial arts training and Great Sage I've learned very quickly.
Shuna has really gotten popular in these days to with her cooking and sowing ability most of the females has been looking up to her.
Luckily Souei's task was completed very easily with no one stopping them, after the Goblins where shown where they are located it was decided they can go by themselves to gather the material which is a good thing with the silk like material and I added some of my thread we are having Shuna make us some clothing out of them.
The next morning I gathered every new member to my house to give them Titles for two reasons one to see if they will evolved any more, Rigurd did so I'm curious if it's just Goblins or any monsters if given a title,
And two because it will suit them very well in the tasks they will be given.
"I looked at them all. "Benny- from today on you will be my General, you will lead the army and be in charge of making sure they know what to do when called."
"As you wish."
"Souei- you will be my Spy Master, you will do recon and keep watch over the village and report only to me if there's a issue."
"Hakeroe- you will be my Head Instructor, eventually I want you to teach others to help you but as of now you'll do all the teaching of the people who are willing to learn."
"I'll whip them into shape."
"Kurobe-you will be one of the Head Blacksmiths, you and Kaijin will teach and guide the new Blacksmiths along with any projects that might come from me."
"With honor."
"Shuna- you are many things and I thank you for the effort you've put in ever since you've joined us, you are Head Chef and Head Seamstress, you can choose where you'd like to work at the most but I'd love for you to at least guide both until you think you can find a suitable replacement for the one you don't focus on the most.
"Yes, thank you"
"Shion- you'll be my royal Guard, you will be there to protect me but unless it looks like I can't react please don't move."
"Yay, I get to be my Lady Rimuru's side all the time."
Did I make a mistake on this one, hopefully not.
"With that being said I know you'll do your job perfectly and I can't wait to see what will become of it."
All. "Thank you Lady Ruimuru."
"You are all dismissed."
After that conversation not much has really happened.
Currently I'm on the cliff again watching the Goblins getting trained while talking to Benny.
"It's a slim possibility."
"But why attack your village?"
"It's possible they are getting help, before the attack there was a mask Magic Born who came to our village and he said he'd give me a name, but of course I refused, only certain people will I be willing to take a name from."
"I feel honored, so you think it's because you refused a name?"
"I don't know, I think his name started with a G maybe Gelmad Gel,"
Souei used Shadow Travel to appear in front of us.
"That's right, that's his name Gelmud."
I've heard that, (Sage?)
(He's the one who named the original Rigur.)
That right, why is he passing out names like candy to random monsters?
I looked at Souei. "You come to me for a reason?"
"Yes, there are lizardmen going to Goblin settlements to recruit them, because of this I came to inform you I have a feeling they will make their way here eventually."
"Keep watch."
"Yes." Then he disappeared into his shadow.
I turned to Benny. "That doesn't look good for the forest."
"No it doesn't."
It's been a couple more days since we've been notified of the presence of the Lizardmen.
Currently the six Kijin and myself are in Shuna's office, she informed us that our new clothes are ready.
I was first, I got handed a plain white shirt and some pants, a long almost trenchcoat like jacket and some armor from Kaijin for underneath the clothes.
I've been told that once I wear it, it'll like merge with my aura and change to my will a little.
"Amazing work Shuna I'll try them on now.
After I put them on I was amazed at how comfortable they are, I honestly think it's better than my clothing in my old life.
After I stepped out of the changing room, I noticed the others have already changed .
Benny was in a bright red Komoda style clothing with gold accents, anyone else and I'd think it's too much but for him it actually works.
Souei had on a dark blue almost cloak like bottom with a regular shirt.
Shion- wore a purple suit, I just threw out the idea and used Thought Communication to send her the idea, I just didn't think she'd use it.
I thought about it when I was thinking about the secret service.
Hakeroe- has a almost pure white shirt and coat.
After we got our new clothing i went to go eat.
Apparently Shion made me something, so to be nice I decided to have a bite.
As I sat down I noticed Benny, Souei and the old man beat me to
The hall.
Benny looked at me. "Hungry lady Rimuru?"
"Yeah, Shion said she made me something special so I'm here to try it, you eating with me?"
Souei suddenly got up. "I have to go watch the village it's been a while." Then he made body doubles and disappeared.
Benny looked nervous. "No I'm not hungry."
"Your loss."
Seconds later Shion brought out a bowl.
I looked at it and know why everyone disappeared.
It's purple and Is it moving, how did she even do this.
I looked back at Benny who was acting like he saw nothing.
Come on you could of warned me, look at me as I die.
Come on old man you're watching me while hiding your presence.
"Are you going to take a bite?"
"Yeah I'm just looking at how good it is."
(Sage any help?)
(Unable to answer.
Wait, Try putting the spoon in at a angle to hopefully live.)
(Your so much help.)
"Man I'm hungry what are they serving."
My savior.
"Gobta, come try Shion's cooking."
I put it in his mouth and he instantly turned purple and started to foam at the mouth.
That was close, we will remember your sacrifice Gobta.
"From now on Benny is to have a taste of your cooking before anyone else."
He looked at me scared.
It's what you get.
The next day I went to see how my sword was coming along, that was two hours ago somehow the two of them got into talking about anything and everything about blacksmithing and I haven't found a good time to leave.
Rigurd came inside asking for me because there are Lizardmen outside the village.
I changed into my human form, it make it easier to talk in this form.
I walked outside the building to see Benny, Shion and Hakeroe waiting on me.
They wish to come only just in case so of course I allowed them to join.
We are all at the entrance and in front of us are a bunch of Lizardmen standing in a row.
"Are they going to move or talk?"
Suddenly the all stared to hit the ground with there weapon then they moved out of the way so a single Lizardmen could ride through them, he got close to us when he jumped off and landed to close for my comfort.
" dramatic much."
"I am the great Goberu and I'm here to have all of you serve underneath me and you'll love it."
All of the others cheered him.
One of the men kneeing in front of the idiot spoke. " cherish this, and remember the time you got to speak to the great and future leader of the Lizardmen."
We all had dumbstruck looks on our face.
"Serve under you and love it dream on."
Rigurd tried to calm the atmosphere down. "You said your name is Goberu correct, isn't this offer to serve you a little much?"
"Are you that stupid, isn't it obvious, you heard the rumors by now correct."
"What rumors?"
"The orcs marching as a army, so I'm gathering other to help, so it's be of your best interest to come with me."
I looked at Benny. "Our guesses are correct."
"It seems so"
With his hands spread out Goberu continued. "I'm strong much strong then you weakling so it wise to serve me because I'm strong….. much stronger…. Then you." He suddenly ran and huddled with his other men, they talked about how they didn't see any Goblins.
"I think we should form an alliance if there truly is a orc lord, your thoughts?"
Before anyone spoke Goberu spoke again. "I've been told one of you tamed the direwolves, go and fetch him, he could I let's see, I guess be a general under me."
Benny looked at me with a face that looks like he's trying to charm me. "Can I please go kill him."
Shion added. "And I join."
"Go right ahead." They started to move.
"Wait! I didn't mean to say that come back."
"Listen we didn't tame them I just befriended them."
"Oh please a weak human couldn't do such a thing."
"Ok I'll make you a deal, I'll let you speak to the leader if he agrees to go with you he's free to go."
"Ranga, come out this guy wishes to speak."
He shoots out of my shadow and lands in his original 9 feet tall form.
"Speak, before I get hungry." He used Menace and all the Lizardmen but Goberu goes to there knees.
"I have to give it to him, he might have something going for him."
"So you're the leader?
Your fur is amazing, your aura is intimidating, but you still lower yourself to serve a weak human."
"You're making it really hard to not allow these guys to kill you."
"I feel that you've been deceived but fear not I'm here to save you, so you can come serve me."
He points at me. "And to do so I'll fight him to free you."
All he's people cheered for him.
In a low tone Ranga spoke. "You dare to speak that way to my master." And as he spoke the aura he released started to rise.
All of a sudden Gobta came out of nowhere asking what's going on.
"How are you alive?"
(Notice to counteract Shions cooking he gained the skill Poison Resistance.)
Great, I don't even have that, good for him.
Ranga came and grabbed Gobta and put him in front of Goberu.
"If you can beat this Hobgoblin I'll consider you request."
Gobta looks so confused.
Goberu arrogantly spoke. "Sure I'll fight him, I'm guessing the human is to afraid to fight so he sent him out."
"Why am I fighting again?"
"If you win you'll get a special weapon."
"Great that's sorta motivates me."
"If you lose you'll have to eat Shion's cooking for a weak."
In a dark menacing tone. "I'll destroy this weak Lizard."
"Why is my cooking a punishment."
"I yield, I yield release me." That actually hurt man she's strong.
Goberu made a show with his weapon. "Are you ready."
Gobta just screamed.
Ranga. "Ready…fight."
Gobta threw his spear at Goberu but missed on purpose to make him look, Goberu tried to slash at him for Gobta to not be there, Gobta came out of Goberus shadow and kicked him in the back of his head knocking him out.
"When did Gobta learn Shadow Movement?"
Everyone started to cheer like they knew he would win all along.
Am I the only one who thought he'd lose.
Let's call upon my short time in acting class. "Great job as I said you'll get a special weapon as promised."
"And you Lizardmen you lost, so scram."
I looked at my people. "I think if there's truly a orc army we need to make an alliance." They all agreed.
This will be fun.