
Reincarnated as Rimuru in Tensura with wishes but god played with me

First few is mostly following the story I was just your average worker, I owned a million dollar business. That business was my life so I didn't have much of a life and it was boring. That was until a truck hit me at a stop light. I'm doing this for my entertainment so if you don't Like how it's going I don't care, please don't complain in the comments because they will be ignored. Thanks I hope you enjoy. I don't own the original work all credit goes to the author of that time I got reincarnated as a slime.

Busy_Driver · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Becoming Kijin

After we made it back to the town the Goblinas started to fix the food right away, the Ogre Princess insisted she helped and hoped it would help them say sorry for the mix up.

A lot of the Goblins were standing in front of me as I was about to take my first bite of food in this world.

I took a bite of the meat and I can't describe how amazing this food taste.

I don't know if it's because it's been months since I've tasted anything or they are just this good, I mean they could improve but they just started to experiment with different ways of cooking since they evolved so they aren't that bad.

Rigurd look at me with bated breath. "Well lady Rimuru is it good?"

I hate that name. "It's amazing!"

"I'm very happy it's to your liking."

I raised my shish kebab. "Let's celebrate."

For a while after that I ate like I've never ate before and it was amazing.

I looked off to the side and seen the Ogre leader. Kaijin and some Goblins talking and decided to say hi.

As I was walking up I over heard the Ogre talk. "All I know is out of 300 of my brotheren only 6 are alive."

My words just kinda slipped out of my mouth. "So that's why you attacked us, especially after you seen me."

"Are you finished feasting lady Rimuru?"

"I'm just taking a break, the food over there is amazing, your sister is an amazing cook.

And can we not do the lady thing I'm perfectly fine with just Rimuru."

"She always loved cooking but as a princess she never got to use any of it."

"So, where are you all headed now?

If you don't plan on going anywhere you're always welcomed to stay here, I'd love 6 more people especially at your level."

"I don't know what we're doing yet, probably just going to regroup and get revenge."

"And just die?

Why don't you stay here and get some rest and get stronger and when they inevitably come to attack us I'll help you get your revenge."

"I wouldn't want to get your people in our mess."

"It seems like they are going through all the powerful beings in the forest so eventually they will make it to us, so you're not getting us into anything."

"Are you sure about this?"

"I always think about what I say before I say it, you 6 are strong and I'm not going to lie my people aren't made to be powerful so I need strong worriers and you guys would be immensely helpful in that front.

All I can give you is a place to stay and clothes to wear and maybe a family."

"Can I think about it, it's a big decision to make all of a sudden."

"Take all the time you need, talk to your people and come to me when you decide."

"Thank you."

"Well I took my break so I'm going back for round two."

With that I went back to fill my face.

The next day I was sitting in my hut in my slime form when the Ogre leader came to talk to me.

"Have you come to a decision?"

"Yes, we Ogres are a warring clan and we do follow strong leaders when needed."

He went to one knee. "So I'd like to join you if you'd have us?"

"I already asked so of course you're more then welcome to stay and help us."

"But if It's not to early to ask you of anything I have a request."


"Can this only be till we defeat the Orcs?"

I'm so going to have to change there minds. "Of course, if that's what you wish I'm not into forcing anyone to do anything."

"Great I'll tell the others."

"You all don't have names correct?"

"Yes, but we all communicate just fine."

"Ok, bring the others in here for me please."

"Right away."

I can't have them not have names It's to weird for me.

When they all came I was in my human form sitting on my bed.

When they all were staring at me. "Ok, to start this partnership off right I'll give you all names."

They all looked shocked, the red one spoke. "Are you sure my lady?"

"Why not it'll be easier."

The pink one spoke next. "Please don't we are already strong, naming a monster takes a lot of power and can be dangerous."

"Would you rather pass on a name?"

"Well,, not really but."

The red one cut her off. "We will gratefully take the names." He said wait a determined face.

The white one spoke. "We will do whatever the young master wishes."

I looked at the red haired one. "Since you're the leader I'll start with you you'll be." I'm thinking of naming them in a Japanese way due to how they dress and the swords they used so let's see, I think Benimaru would work for him but that's to long so I'll name him. "Benny."

Next let's move to his sister. "You'll be Shuna."

I'm on a roll let's move on, purple hair will be. "Shion."

Let's move to the old Ogre. "Hakeroe."

Two more, this is way easier then last time, let go blue I call you. "Souei."

(Warning; magicule levels are running low any more naming will be unadvised.)

(So close, wait that's weird I only named 5, last time I named way more.)

(Stronger the monster is the more Magicules it takes to evolve.)

(I'll keep that in mind.)

Looking at the tall black haired one, "Sorry I'll have to name you tomorrow or something naming the others almost ran me dry."

"Completely understandable."

Shuna spoke. "It's still amazing that you could named 5 of us and still be talking."

"Well I'm just that amazing."

Benny bowed toward me. "We are honored and will cherish our names."

"No need for all that, I named you all because it's easier to communicate and hopefully to make you stronger, so when the time comes you're more prepared."

"We will live up to the names we are given."

"Well go talk to Rigurd about finding you all a place to stay on a more permanent basis."

All of them. "yes."

The rest of the day wasn't much just helping where I'm needed and did a little training with my skills and martial arts, can't forget those in this world.

The next day I had a huge surprise, I mean I shouldn't have after the Goblins changes but woah, Benny was shorter and had more of a human face with two small horns on his head surrounded by red hair.

Then we have Shuna, she was cute before hand but now she's almost to much she also looks more human with small white horns on her head and her hair isn't as pink but still has a shade of pink in it.

Shion also got a little shorter and not so wild her single horn also got smaller and her purple hair isn't so unkept.

Hakeroe did really change much besides his horns got smaller and it looks like he got younger, maybe just after his prime.

Souei also got shorter and his horn got slimmer but that's about it.

I walked up to Benny. "You look so different, I can't believe you changed so much."

"It's thanks to our evolution to a Kijin."

(Kijin- being's uncommonly born of Ogres.)


"Has your strength grown any?"

"I still have to test my new strength to tell how much, but I can tell I've grown."

"Good, I have a task for you all, test your new strength I want you all to get use to the new strength."

"Yes, is there any place you'd recommend."

"Yes, the caves near by, there are monsters you can test your strength on."

"Rigur, please led these 5 to the caves."

After I left them I headed to Kaijin and his brothers to see if my clothes and throwing daggers I requested are done.

Unfortunately my clothes wasn't done but my daggers are, I'm happy because now I can test some things I had in my head, I want to wrap thread around the daggers and use it as a long range weapon, I could lace it with something with a sleeping effect or something to that effect as a added punch.

I went to head to the cave myself to have fun when I seen the Ogres come out.

"You guys are quick."

Shion came to me. "Mine is mostly strength so it was easy."

Hakeroe chuckled. "I myself haven't changed to much, it just feels like I'm younger and quicker I quite miss the feeling."

Benny spoke next. "We came out to get new clothing our old ones seem to be a tad bit to big after our evolution."

"Oh I'm so sorry I didn't notice, let's head that way now."

We walked into Garms shop and got them quickly measured.

The men walked out first with some fur clothing.

"Where are the ladies?"

"Oh." Benny scratched his head. "Not to be rude but Shuna thought these clothing was to scratchy so she decided to alter her old clothing for her and Shion."

"She can make clothes?"

"It was one of her hobbies, she's the one who originally made her and Shions clothing, it's made out of silk."

They have those here I didn't see any in the Dwarf kingdom.

"There's a special creature that produces what's needed to make it, when they are young it's easy to get but once they grow up you'd have to be careful."

"Is it possible for us to still get it?"

"Yes, Souei knows where they are located and could lead a team there."

"Amazing, Souei could you find Rigurd and tell him to gather a team for you to lead there."

"Right away."

Not to long later the women came out and Shuna almost took my breath away. "Amazing."

She blushed. "Thank you I tried my best."

Shion got in my face. "How do I look?"

"You look amazing too."

After that a couple days passed and we got Hakeroe to train a couple Goblins in the way of the sword, Gobta was stupid enough to say he wished to learn, I want to learn myself but I'm unsure it looks like a hellish training.

Another thing that happened is that I named the last one Kurobe and he looks like an average guy after he evolved, and luckily for me he's a black smith himself and he knows how to make katanas so I tasked him to teach Kaijin how to and for them to work together to make better weapons.

I always was fascinated by that type of sword so of course I requested one for myself.

Ah life couldn't get any better, only if war wasn't over the horizon.