
Reincarnated As Muichiro Tokito

What happens when someone reincarnates as Muichiro Tokito in Demon Slayer, but things in this world are different from the original story. Please note I'm just writing this for fun. P.S: English is my 3rd language so there will be quite a few of mistakes but it should be readable. [Cover is not mine] Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T

FallenEclipse · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

First Mission (3)

Muichiro, Makomo, and Sabito were sitting on a roof watching the people passing by. They didn't have anything to do, the demon obviously wouldn't come out until it was dark, and they already made a plan on how to kill it.

Makomo said, "I wonder why he became a demon, and what about the kid."

"The child is probably dead," Muichiro said throwing a rock at someone walking by, the person looked around but didn't see them. Muichiro sat up straight and put his sword on his lap.

Sabito sighed and said, "I hate to say it, but he is probably right. All we can do is kill it tonight and stop it from happening to anyone else, after which we leave this place. We should have already left."

Muichiro looked at the sky and said, "It'll be 5 hours until dark, imma go get food." he stood up and jumped into the ally. "Me too," Makomo said following behind him. Sabito sighed and decided to tag along, it's not like he had anything else to do.

A few hours passed, Muichiro eat food a d threw rocks at people from rooftops. Makomo and Sabito left him to go do their own thing until it was dark.

Makomo, Sabito, and Muichiro were in different towns. They had no way of knowing which one the demon would go to do they split up and each one took one town to stay at for the night. It was a simple plan but it worked out in their favor since each one of them could take the demon.

Muichiro was walking through the town, he was about to lead back to the cafe but stopped. He looked around and didn't see anyone looking at him, Muichiro jumped onto a roof then shoot forward to the edge of the town.

He sensed two presences, one was the demon and the other was human. He got to the forest and jumped off a building. The demon was there carrying a little girl, its eyes widened when it looked back and saw Muichiro.

[Mist Breathing. First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze]

Muichiro held the hilt of his sword, he then thrust his sword at the demon's head. It titled its head avoiding his sword, the blade switched directions and slashed to its neck.

White flames burst from its body and Muichiro's sword passed through it, the little girl also fell to the ground, 'So it can't interact with anything when it does that,' Muichiro thought.

He landed on the ground and caught the girl, Haru jumped back and landed on a tree and looked at Muichiro. His eyes were literally on fire. Muichiro put the girl down and said, "Go home child." she was shaking frantically but nodded and said, "T-Thank you, big brother." then she ran back to the village.

Muichiro looked at the demon and said, "Didn't you say you were going to eat everyone here alive, a little girl isn't everyone you know. Why is it you go after children, are you scared or something."

Haru's eyes burning brighter as he gritted his teeth, Muichiro titled his head, "Is that really it, are you just a coward with only bark. Waw, what kind of man are you, now I'm going to take pressure in severing your head."

"Watch what you say, boy! I'll kill you and those other slayers tonight!!" he screamed as his flames burned even brighter.

Muichiro said, "Then let's see who survives tonight, spoilers, you die."

Haru roared and shoot forward, orbs made out of white fire formed and shoot at him as well. Muichiro followed his lead and kicked off, he held his sword with both hands.

[Mist Breathing. Fifth Form: Sea of Clouds and Haze]

Muichiro slashed all around him splitting all of the orbs of fire in half, when he was in front of Haru he slashed to his neck. Flames, again, burst from his body and his sword went right through.

He smiled and looked down at Muichiro, the orbs behind his then exploded. Muichiro frowned feeling the heat behind him, hearing the explosion only confirmed it.

His sword kept going and he turned around, he was met with a wall of flames. His sword sped up and he released a horizontal slash, the wall of flames parted. Muichiro then changed the direction of his sword.

[Mist Breathing. Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash]

He released a circular slash in front of him, the flames traveling close behind his sword. Muichiro's eyes widened slightly, he turned around and faced Haru.

Muichiro couched down and slashed upwards, his sword pasted right through his arm, but the flames that followed his sword severed his arm. Both Muichiro and Haru's eyes widened.

Haru jumped back and was even more alert. Muichiro thought, 'So his own flames are his weakness, no, it's probably just fire in general.'

Haru's eyes darted around, then he kicked off the ground and ran away. Muichiro could only sigh, he then followed after him, it didn't take long for him to catch up.

Haru looked back then a huge ball of fire formed and shoot at him followed by any smaller one. He grinned and kept running.

[Mist Breathing. Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist]

Muichiro released eight consecutive slashes and the huge orb split into pieces, he flipped forward and over the orb. He turn his body and his eyes darted around, he counted 107 smaller orbs.

[Mist Breathing. Sixth Form: Lunar Dispersing Mist]

He released countless slashes all around him in an instant, every orb split into pieces. Muichiro landed on the ground facing all of the orbs, then, they exploded.

[Mist Breathing. Third Form: Scattering Mist Splash]

Muichiro slashed his sword in a circular motion once more, again, the flames followed close behind his sword. He back stepped quickly and was next to Haru, whose eyes widened.

Muichiro's feet touched the ground and he lowered his body and slashed to Haru's chest, his sword went through but the flames that followed cut him in half.

Muichiro swung his sword around him and jumped up, he bent his knees and was at the same level as Haru. White flames still followed as he slashed to his neck, "Did you think I didn't notice, that thing you do only works on one part of your body at a time, huh?"

Haru's eyes widened, he glanced at Muichiro who had his useful static expression. Then, Muichiro's sword reached his neck, this time the blade connected and Haru's head flew into the air.

Muichiro looked around and saw the forest was covered in flames, he said, "It'll be fine, maybe, probably not."

The Next Day

Muichiro, Makomo, and Sabito were walking down the street, "Good job defeating the demon. I didn't think you were strong due to your age, my apologies." said Sabito.

Muichiro stopped and looked at Makomo and Sabito who also stopped, he looked at them closely and said, "Who are you again?"

Sabito blinked and sighed loudly, then he walked away. Makomo and Muichiro followed behind while Makomo was reminding him who they were.

Ginko flew down and landed on Muichiro's should, they looked at Makomo and snorted, "Muichiro-sama, go south, the other 2 as well. People are going missing on a mountain, over 50 people have been reported to be missing in the last week."