
Reincarnated As Muichiro Tokito

What happens when someone reincarnates as Muichiro Tokito in Demon Slayer, but things in this world are different from the original story. Please note I'm just writing this for fun. P.S: English is my 3rd language so there will be quite a few of mistakes but it should be readable. [Cover is not mine] Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T

FallenEclipse · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

First Mission (2)

Muichiro, Makomo, and Sabito were sitting in the cafe, Muichiro's face may have looked calm while he drank his milk tea but he was actually having an inner turmoil.

'A, wake the fucking fuck up.'

[What *yawn*. I need my beauty sleep so make it quick]

'You're a fucking... never mind. How are Makomo and Sabito alive, didn't the hand demon kill them?'

[Oh, well it's simple. This world is different, some events changed even before you woke up. It's like the multiverse theory, the are many worlds that are different. Some key events will happen but some may happen earlier or later, I don't know. I'm just a voice in your head until you unlock the system functions, and you could just ask them how they lived]

'*Sigh*, whatever. Just go back to sleep.'

[With pleasure~!]

Makomo was the one to break the silence, "As I'm sure you know, what's your name?" "Muichiro Tokito."

She nodded, "Then Tokito-san would you like to work together to kill the demon, from the reports we got the mission seems to be a troublesome one."

"Sure," said Muichiro. Makomo said, "When what do you know about the demon?" Sabito who was listening in paid even more attention.

"Not much, I just got here yesterday. Children from 5 to 10 years old go missing every night in one of the villages, it's random every time. It started in this village a month or so ago, I fought it last night but the sun was coming up and it ran away. I don't think anyone can track it unless it shows itself. And a lot of people walk about this Yuki person." Muichiro said.

Sabito spoke for the first time since meeting Muichiro, "I also hear about her quite a lot. What about its blood demon art?"

"I think it can control white flames, that's how it escaped last night. My attack went through it, and it made this white flower made of fire that exploded." Muichiro said as he drank more tea.

Makomo and Sabito fell into deep thought so Muichiro just ordered more tea and mochi. After a few minutes, Makomo said, "Let's go speak to this Yuki person, she seems to be in the middle of all of this for some reason. Do you know when the demon might attack again, Tokito-san?"

"Probably tonight," Muichiro said. Sabito said, "Let's go talk to Ms. Yuki now."

"No," Muichiro said. Sabito was slightly surprised, then he said, "Why not?" "Simple, it's 9 a.m and I want to eat breakfast."

Sabito and Makomo blinked and stared at Muichiro for a few seconds, that was the last thing they were EVER expecting him to say. Who could have anticipated that?

"You drank 3 cups of milk tea and eat 2 plates of mochi, that's not enough for you?" said Sabito. Muichiro looked at him as if he was a fool and shook his head, "First, it was 4 cups of milk tea, can you not count. Second, I like to eat sweets thing before breakfast and after dinner."

Makomo snickered from the side while Sabito said, "How old even are you, you act like a child." Muichiro looked up and him and blinked, "I'm 12 and I will be 13 in 10 days. So yes, I am a child."

"You're very young for a slayer," Makomo said, Sabito nodded and sigh. He sat down and closed his eyes. Muichiro and Makomo looked at him then they shrugged and ordered breakfast.

Two Hours Later

Muichiro, Makomo, and Sabito were walking down the street on their way to Ms. Yuki's house. Sabito said, "It took you both TWO hours to eat breakfast, we are one the clock."

Makomo said, "We were enjoying it, it was very good. You should have eaten instead of just sitting there with your eyes closed."

This time it was Muichiro's turn to speak, "And we are not on the clock, we have HOURS before dark. You wanna go search for a demon in the middle of the day? If so go ahead, let's see where that gets you."

Sabito groaned and walked faster, Muichiro said, "Why was I here again?" Makomo tilted her head and said, "The mission?"

"Oh yeah," said Muichiro as they followed behind Sabito. They asked around and easily found out where Ms. Yuki lived, a small town really.

Muichiro said, "Did they really just tell us where this woman lived?" Makomo said, "Well the only danger these people know of is the recent disappearances, everyone knows each other so I wouldn't be surprised if they are a bit clueless. We are also hiding or swords and just look like a bunch of kids."

Muichiro shrugged and said, "I guess." After a few minutes, they were in front of a small house. It wasn't in the village, but it was only a 5-minute walk

Sabito said, "I'll do the talking, you..." he looked and saw Muichiro and Makomo walking away. Muichiro said, "You look like a mature adult, we don't. It would be better if you talk to her alone." Makomo nodded.

Sabito looked at them and said, "You are just going to eat more food, aren't you?"

"No, actually. We are going to go search for any orphanages, the demon goes after children so it might go there tonight." Muichiro said seriously.

Sabito nodded, at least Muichiro was taking this seriously. He watched as Muichiro and Makomo left, Sabito looked back at the door. He knocked on it and waited, after a few seconds the door opened.

He saw a woman with black hair and pink eyes, she was 5.5. Sabito said, "Hello miss, I am here to ask you a few questions about your son."

The woman frowned, "Are you of the people here to take pity on me, well you can just leave." she was about to close the door when Sabito said, "No, I just wish to ask you some questions. That's it."

The woman looked up at him, after a few months she sighed and moved out of the way. Sabito walked in and froze, inside her house was a mess. He sighed, she did just lose her son. Of course, she wasn't going to be in the right state of mind.

"Sorry about the mess, do you want tea," she said. Sabito shook his head, "No thank you." She lead him to a different room and they sat by a table.

"Do you know exactly when your son went missing, and where?" he said.

"Yes, it was three days ago. That day his father, Haru, I went to his house that night to pick him up but no one was there. Not even Haru, I haven't seen him since." she said.

"This Haru, do you know where he could have gone? Or, has he been acting strange lately?" asked Sabito.

"Uhm, he lever went out during the day. It wasn't really odd though, she works as a candle maker. He had insomnia so he hardly slept during the night and mostly during the day, about 3 years ago he started to go to the other towns more often. Oh, and his skin got paler as well." she said.

Sabito frowned deeply, he said, "Do you know what he looked like recently?"

"Yes, very pale skin and white hair. He also got taller, about 6.2 maybe. Why?" she looked at him, Sabito said, "I need to go, apologizes." "What..."

Sabito walked out of the house then shot forward, he took and deep breath, his body got close to the ground then he kicked over moving at blinding speeds.

Not long after he got to town and saw Muichiro and Makomo sitting on the roof, he appeared in front of Muichiro who just looked at him.

"Muichiro, what did the demon look like, give me details," said Sabito with urgency in his voice. Muichiro tilted his head and thought for a few seconds before he said, "Hm, he had white hair and skin, sharp nails, and was pretty tall. I think he was 6 feet, maybe taller, I don't know. He was hunched over, why? I don't think you need to know how it looks to know it's a demon, right, it's not a demon that can blend into human society very well, if at all"

Sabito cursed under his breath and said, "I think Ms. Yuki's ex maybe the demon." Muichiro and Makomo blinked and Muichiro put his chin on his palm and spoke, "What a turn of events, now is it?"