
Reincarnated As Muichiro Tokito

What happens when someone reincarnates as Muichiro Tokito in Demon Slayer, but things in this world are different from the original story. Please note I'm just writing this for fun. P.S: English is my 3rd language so there will be quite a few of mistakes but it should be readable. [Cover is not mine] Discord: https://discord.gg/7Zws4xjx8T

FallenEclipse · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

First Mission (1)

Muichiro was sitting in a cafe looking at a menu, he thought for a while before a lady walked over to his desk in the corner of the room and said, "Do you know what you want to order?"

It was a bit odd for her, Muichiro was obviously a child and her first thought was that he was lost but it wasn't uncommon for children to come in, either to talk to others their age or simply eat some snacks or drink some tea.

Muichiro said, "Yes, can I get 2 sets of milk tea and a lot of mochi please. Make the tea very sweet too." he had a big sweet tooth, even in his past life he would always eat a lollipop or something.

A small smile formed on the woman's lips as she heard this, it was the exact thing a lot of kids would say. She nodded and left Muichiro to his thoughts.

Muichiro put down the menu and sat back, three days. That's how long it took him to arrive here, he was currently in one of the three villages that children were apartment disappearing from.

It should have taken him a week to arrive but he was pretty fast. When Muichiro arrived he came to this place first to try and gather information, I can't be in 3 places at once so he came to the village where the disappearances started according to Ginko.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head down listening to the people around him. He picked up many conversations but only a few stood out.

"Did you hear, they say Ms. Yuki's son went missing 2 days ago." bystander 1 said.

"I heard, it's sad really. He was such a nice boy, and she was a nice woman as well. Too mad that snake left her." bystander 2 said.

"Right, after the incident he became such a jackass." bystander 1 said.

Muichiro focuses on another pair of people speaking.

"Hey man, they're saying more kids went missing in the other towns nearby." bystander 3 said.

"Yup, I heard. I was there this morning, but who is doing this? And why our three towns, are towns have always been on good terms, we help each other out when needed so why would someone do this." bystander 4 said.

"True, and it's not like our towns have much, to begin with. This has been the best year in a long time but this incident is killing it." bystander 3 said.

Muichiro listen in on other conversations pertaining to the topic for a few minutes before he opened his eyes, then the woman came back. He cut 2 puts on the table along with 3 plates with mochi on them.

"Thank you." Muichiro said, to which the woman said, "No problem at all," before she left. Muichiro took a sip of his tea then eat his mochi while thinking about this whole situation.

From what he heard, children from the ages of 5 to 10 are going missing every night. So far, no one knows who or why. All they know is that it started in the village he was currently in, which is more well off than the other 2 nearby.

Then children go missing it never happens in the same village twice from the pattern he has gotten. It's about a 30-minute walk between all of the towns so they are all very close.

But, Muichiro didn't get why. Why would a demon rotate between towns, granted, the towns are very close to each other so it probably has more options but it seems very inconvenient.

It could just stay in one town and go hide in the other one if a slayer makes an appearance, which it probably is doing. And why children, does it have a preference or some shit.

He doubted it was even a Lower Moon, maybe a demon close to being one. If so then Muzan probably gave this demon a visit at some point.

Muichiro sighed, he needed more information. What a way to start, he thought this mission would be simple. In and out, slayer the demon then move on but no, now he has to go play detective.

He sighed softly, but there was a plus. It was the fact that this milk tea was great! The mochi was good as well, he never had mochi until now and damn was he missing out in his past life.

Muichiro finished his snack and tea before he left money on the table before leaving, he thought for a bit and decided to go to the next town. It only took Muichiro ten minutes to get there.

The village looked very similar to the last one, which made sense. Towns usually have similar layouts and these were right next to each other. Muichiro frowned and looked at the sky, he saw the that sun was setting and hummed.

Maybe the demon will make a move, but he just had to hope it was in this one. If not he would have to go to the others and might miss the demon. Muichiro appeared on a rooftop and sat down.

Three Hours Later

Muichiro was still on the roof with his eyes closed, suddenly, his eyes shout open. He stood up and his eyes darted from building to building.

Then his eyes landed on a house, Muichiro frowned and dash to it. He didn't even sense it until now, most likely it's blood demon art but still. He should of at least felt its presence but he didn't.

Muichiro landed next to the house and got on through an open window, then he saw 2 people on the floor, a man and a woman. A person with white skin and hair, its nails were sharp.

It was looking at 2 children crying on the floor, "Come come children, it wouldn't hurt. Just... huh." he then looked at Muichiro.

"You... are a child. Who would force a child be become a demon slayer, my master was right, you slayers are so vulgar. I know, why don't you come with me, I'll take you away from the bad people." he said.

Muichiro looked at him and said, "Uhm, no thank you. Fucking creep, why do you go after children?" he wasn't a good person, not by any means but he still had SOME morals.

He wouldn't kill a child, that might not stick later on but for now, he wouldn't kill a child. Unless they are crazy but you get the point.

The demon frowned and said, "Well you see, when I was..."

[Mist Breathing. Fourth Form: Shifting Flow Slash]

Muichiro held the hilt of his sword and dashed forward, he lowered his body as close to the ground as possible. When Muichiro was in front of the demon, he slashed upwards at the demon's neck.


The wall behind them broke apart and the demon black flipped out, he landed in the street and look at his severed arm, 'Fast, is he a Hashira? No that can't be, he is too young. I refuse to believe that!'

Muichiro came out of the house through the hole in the wall and said, "You dodged, why did you do that. Just die, it would benefit everyone here, just trust me. I get to leave, you get to die, no one else gets to die... I think that's about it."

"You asked me why I eat children! I didn't say..." the demon screamed. Muichiro tilted his head and bit his thumb, he went into deep thought for a good 40 seconds before he said, "Really, I did? Are you sure?"

"YESSS!!!" the demon screamed.

"Well, if I forgot that must mean it really wasn't that important. What I'm trying to say, is that you are irrelevant," said Muichiro dashing forward.

[Mist Breathing. Second Form: Eight-Layered Mist]

Muichiro appeared in front of the demon and released eight slashes, each one on top of the other at high speed. Just when his attack was about to connect white flames burst from the demon's body, all of Muichiro's slashes went through him.

He jumped back and landed on a roof, the flames got more violent as she spoke, "I'll kill you, you and everyone else in these damn towns! I'll feed on your corpse while you're still alive then burn this place to the ground!"

Muichiro blinked and said, "Well that's morbid, don't you think?" then they both looked up, the sun was about to rise. The demon cursed and turned into ash before it completely vanished.

Muichiro sighed, he was about to leave when he looked to the side and saw a white flaming flower. It got brighter and his eyes widened.


Muichiro was back in the cafe he was in yesterday, he took a handkerchief and wiped some ash from his face. Muichiro groaned and open the menu, he wanted to eat some breakfast.

After the demon ran away he was pissed, but he just had to wait for now. Suddenly he heard, "Hello there." he looked but and he froze on the spot.

He saw 2 people, a man and a woman, both of them were in a slayer uniform with their own haori. The girl said, "My name is Makomo and this is my very close friend Sabito."

As you obviously know by now, this fic has many differences from the actual Demon Slayer story, makes things more fun, no?

[Chapters will be about this length from now on]

FallenEclipsecreators' thoughts