
Reincarnated As Jasper Whitlock

In the shadows of vampire existence, where eternity and bloodlust intertwine in an eternal dance, two souls crossed paths in an unexpected twist of fate. Jasper Whitlock, a brave soldier turned vampire during the American Civil War, and Marcus, a twilight fan fiction fan. To also declare that I do not own any copyright on the Twilight book series and I am only writing a fanfiction about this book series, all credit and recognition belongs to its corresponding writer Stephenie Meyer.

Zorkel · Book&Literature
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Capítulo 7 Confrontation

They advanced steadily toward the entrance of the warehouse, their minds attuned to the approaching presence of Mary. The night was closing in on them, and the tension in the air was palpable. They knew that meeting their former leader would not be easy, but they were determined to face it with courage and determination.

As they got closer to the outside, Marcus felt Maria's surge of emotions more intensely. Lust for power, bloodlust and cruel indifference towards others were the dominant emotions in her. Her empathic ability gave them a crucial advantage, allowing them to anticipate Maria's movements and intentions.

When they finally stepped outside, they saw her standing in the distance, Maria emanating an imposing and dangerous presence. Her dark hair cascaded over her shoulders, and her red eyes flashed with an agreement that made Jasper shudder.

"Jasper," Maria murmured with a sinister smile. "I thought I would arrive before you woke up, sorry for my rudeness but I had to go out to eat. I hope you don't mind, tell me how you feel."

At that moment, Jasper came up with a plan, although he didn't know if it would work, he asked Marcus to let him control his body since apparently, Maira didn't know yet that it was no longer just Jasper who inhabited this body, Marcus without knowing very well that The only thing he could think of to do was to stop controlling Jasper's body and let him take the reins and apparently it worked because when Marcus wanted Jasper to take control, Jasper was able to do so and although intrigued about this new development of his they decided to find out. later what was the reason for their shared body?

"Who are you?" Jasper repeated, keeping his voice steady. "And what have you done with me?"

Maria laughed softly, her laughter echoing like a chilling echo in the night. "Oh, dear Jasper, you are still the same. Always so defiant. But, as I said, I have turned you into a vampire, an immortal being. You have been reborn in true darkness, far from the weakness of humans."

Marcus remained silent, watching the interaction between Jasper and Maria. He knew Jasper had a plan, and he trusted his ability to handle the situation. Meanwhile, her senses remained tuned to Maria's emotions, trying to detect any sign of threat.

Jasper kept his gaze fixed on Maria, searching her crimson eyes for clues. "Why? Why did you do this?"

Maria tilted her head slightly as if she was enjoying the game. "Because I saw potential in you that I couldn't waste. You were a born leader, Jasper, but you were trapped in the chains of humanity. Now, you are free. You are powerful."

The tension in the air deepened, and Marcus could feel Jasper's agitation. He knew his friend was struggling internally, debating whether he should keep his true nature hidden from him or reveal his connection to Marcus. But before he could make a decision, Jasper's voice cut through the silence.

"If you've turned me into this, why are we here? What do you want from me now?"

Maria smiled, a smile that seemed to contain a mixture of satisfaction and malice. "Oh, Jasper, you're not here just by chance. I have a plan, a plan that involves you and your special gift. There is an army that needs to be built, and you will be the commander of my new troops. The most powerful vampires, under your leadership."

Jasper nodded, keeping his enigmatic expression. "I'm willing to listen to your plan, Maria, but don't be confused. I don't trust you."

The night stretched before them, full of uncertainty and tension. Jasper and Marcus knew they faced a formidable enemy in Maria, but they were also determined to protect their own secrets and goals. The fate of all involved hung in a delicate balance as they continued their dangerous game of vampire chess.