
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
52 Chs

The nameless hero

Later that night after I came back home, I went straight to Illya's room. I stop before the door and knocks on it.

Shirou: "Illya, are you alright. I heard you running into the room and slamming door."

Illya: "Leave me alone."

I open the door.

Shirou: "How could I leave you alone when you look like something terrifying happened to you."

She looks up to me with tears in her eyes.

Illya: "Onii-chan!"

She hugs me tightly and then we sat down on her bed.

Shirou: "Does it have anything with you going out at night?"

She seems suprised.

Shirou: "You think I wouldn't notice. Your big brother is quite observant.

I pat her head.

Shirou: "Do you want to talk about it?"

Illya: "Sorry Onii-chan but I can't tell you anything."

Shirou: "And why is that?"

Illya: "I can't tel yo that either."

She looks guilty not talking about it.

Shirou: "I see, how about I'll tell you a story?"

She looks at me curiously. Looks like the fish took the bait.

Illya: "What kind of story?"

Shirou: "It's a story about nameless hero. Do you want to hear it?"

Illya nods.

Shirou: "One time there was a boy who survived a great catastrophe. He was the only survivor. It made him feel guilty. Why was he the only to live while all the others died, he thought.

To make up for all the lost lives he promised himself to help all the people in his reach but it didn't end at only helping, he also wanted to save them. He literally wanted to become a hero.

When he grew up, he became a firefighter just to save people in need but one there was another catastrophe. 100 people could die at any moment and he couldn't do anything. It made him feel helpless.

Suddenly a devil appeared to make him an offer. I'll give you a power to save these people but you need to work for me as a guardian of humanity, said the devil. The boy who was now a man accepted the offer without any hesitation. That's exactly what I want to do, the boy thought.

After he saved these 100 people he started to travel through time to guard humanity. What he didn't now was that to do that he needed to kill all threats.

From now on he killed and saved many people but he was still satisfied knowing that he could save people but it ended when said o

people decided to kill him.

Unfortunately for him even after his death he still needed to fulfil his role as a guardian until the end of time.

After many years the nameless hero had a chance to free himself. He was at time where he was still a boy. He decided to kill his younger self. He didn't even mind if it didn't work for him. At least there would be one of him who wouldn't go through what he did.

His assassination wasn't successful and the boy lived making the same choices as he did before but what surprised him was the different outcome that came from said choices.

He noticed that through his younger self journey someone was always next to him. The nameless hero understood that if he wouldn't push away people from him he wouldn't have to suffer such fate but he still was satisfied knowing that at least one of himself was happy.

After that the nameless hero went back to his duty to protect humanity."

With that my story ended.

Shirou:"Do you know what I want to tell you with this story?"

Illya shakes her head.

Shirou: "It means that even one person can make a difference. People around you can make your life better the same way you can make some else's life better yourself."

Illya starts thinking about something intensively but I stop her.

Shirou: You don't need to think about so much. It was some story that I thought was good at the moment. I just want you to know that you definitely won't become a nameless hero because there are a lot of people around you who cares about your well being and that includes me, our parents and your classmates. "

I stood up from her bed.

Shirou: "I made listen to my boring story long enough so I'll leave you alone for now but one more thing I want you to remember. With great power come great responsibilities."

With these words I exit Illya's room.

The next day as I was about to go to retrieve the 'last' card, Irisviel came back home.

Irisviel: "Shirou, come hug mama."

She is as lively as ever if not more.

Shirou: "Irisviel-san can you stop hugging me. I'm not little kid anymore."

Irisviel: "Nonsense, you'll always be my little Shirou."

Shirou: "Nevermind me, go talk with Illya. I did what I could but I think it's better for you to have a talk with her."

She makes a fist and bumps her breast.

Irisviel: "Leave it to mama and in the first place I came back for that purpose."

I let a small smile from on my face.

Shirou: "That's good then. I need to leave now take care of the rest."

Irisviel: "Be careful out there."

She waves her hand at me as I exit the house.

Few minutes later we all met at the place we earlier decided. Rin, Luvia and Miyu arrived after short while. We all teleport inside the mirror world. It is a lot smaller than the last time.

Rin: "So where is the servant?"

Shirou: "He'll come soon."

I start to ready myself by projecting Bakuya and Kanshou. I'm aware that these weapons can't even hurt Hercules but they are good enough to defend myself.

Suddenly berserker broke the wall and attacked me. I managed to block his attack but he still send me flying.

Rin, Luvia and Miyu: "Archer!!!"

Rin and Luvia ran to me to check my condition meanwhile Miyu tried to keep berserker in one 0lace with range attacks. Unfortunately for her all her efforts were deemed useless because she can't do any real damage using only mana.

Miyu: "My attack do nothing against him."

Miyu then summon Gae Bolg and manages to pierce berserker.

Shirou: "It isn't over yet, don't let your guard down!"

With my words Hercules started to regenerate. All the girls look shocked.

Luvia: "Regeneration!?"

11 times more. I project Balmung and take my stance.

I start to exchange blows with berserker but his battle instincts are better than mine. He kicks me in the torso and send me flying again.

Shirou: "I liked you more as a berser-car."

I don't know wh but after my comment he became even more agitated.

Nevermind that, if slashing doesn't work then use big sword beam. I start to charge the attack and realise it a short while later. The beam killed Hercules so it's 10 lives left.

Originally I planned to just buy time for Illya to get here and kill berserker but I have too much fun fighting him so fuck cannon.

Shirou: "Buy me a few seconds!"

Rin and Luvia and Miyu: "On it!"

Rin and Luvia started to use their gems to bind him while Miyu isolated him with her blasts.

Shirou: "I am the bone of my sword. Steel is my body and fire is my blood. I have created over a thousand blades. Unknown to Death, Nor known to Life. Have withstood pain to create many weapons. Yet, these hands will never hold anything. So as I pray, Unlimited Blades Works."

Once my incantations was completed, the whole are became foggy. There was no sun, no moon, just fog with small rain but you could still see countless swords anchored in the ground.

Rin: "No..."

Luvia: "...way"

Miyu: "What is happening?"

The only one confused was Miyu as the other two were looking at me in disbelief.

Miyu: "Can someone explain what is happening right now?

Luvia: "What Archer used just now is called a Reality Marble. It is manifestation of magus inner world. It's the closest magecraft to real Magics. It can be said that is pinnacle for magi but there are many mysteries about because Mage's Association banned research on it.

Rin: And this guy whips out one an knowing him he won't tell us anything about it. Maybe I realy should make the list of his mysteries."

I ignored their exchange and started talk to berserker.

Shirou: "In these world there countless swords and each one of them is a grave. After this battle there will be one more sword on this hill."

I project my nameless bow together with Caladbolg. While I was aiming I project a lot of weaker sword to annoy berserker. While he was defending himself I shot Caladbolg and killing him in the process. 9 lives left.

Shirou: "Trace on!"

I start tracing berserker's axe-sword analysing his history and techniques.

I project his weapon.

Shirou: "Nine lives blade works!"

I rush at berserker and use Nine lives to get rid of the 9 remaining lives and finally killing Hercules.

My Reality Marble starts disappearing revealing building we where in before.

The girls started to run in my direction but suddenly Illya teleported near ready to battle.

Illya: "Miyu, Rin-san, Luvia-san, Archer-san are you all alright? Where is the enemy?

Shirou: "Alredy took care of it."

She looks at me as if her as if her while world was crushed.

Illya: "Give me back my resolve!!!"

After we came back to the real world Luvia took all the cards and tried to escape using helicopter but while fighting with Rin she crushed.

I was pretty tired so I just went home without anyone noticing my disappearance.