
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Being a brother

(Shirou's pov)

The next day in the morning I woke up earlier than normal. I said to Rin, Luvia and Miyu that it wasn't any need to worry about Illya but as her brother I can't calm down unless i check on her.

I went to Illya's room and she was sleeping peacefully there. I walked up to her and patted her head.

In these three years I started to think of her as my real sister so no matter what I'll protect her.

While I was patting her head she woke up.

Illya: "Onii-chan, what are you doing?

Shirou: "I was going to wake you up but it seems that you have a fever. I'll tell Sella to give you some medicine for cold meanwhile I'll make breakfast.

Illya: "Ok, thank you Onii-chan."

She gave me the sweetest smile a man can imagine.

Shirou: "No problem, I'm your brother afterall. It's my duty to help my little sister."

With that said I went to kitchen to prepare food.

(Illya's pov)

Onii-chan taking care of me. Maybe I should be sick more often but I don't want to worry him. What to do?

I was rolling on bed and thinking about yesterday's event. I don't remember what happened after Arxher was kicked by Saber. I hope he is alright.

Now that I think when Archer patted my head it was a similar feeling to when Onii-chan does it but the way they talk and behave is completely different. Thinking about too much won't help.

After that I went to sleep.

(Shirou's pov)

Once again we all meet at night to retrieve a class card.

While I talk (tease) with Rin Miyu stares at me intensively.

Shirou: "Do you need anything from me?"

She looks at me without any expression, tilt her head and asks.

Miyu: "Do I know you from somewhere. You seem familiar."

Scary, woman's intuition is scary and she isn't even a fully grown one.

Shirou: "I don't think we met before that day when I showed up. Maybe I'm just similar to someone you know."

I simile at her gently and pat her head. Even if she doesn't see my smile she could still hear how gentle my voice become.

(title acquired: headpat master)

What was that? I feel like I heard some voice inside my head and I don't like it.

I suddenly hear a truck horn. I start sweating and my hand shaking. It shouldn't be possible, we are in the woods. There aren't any roads nearby. That means she is here. It makes sense, she is the only one who would do this just to annoy me.

I am aware that I give a lot of head pats but if loli is sad what should I do, let her be sad. This is not an option.

Wait a minute, does it mean that she follows me everywhere. I was aware that she stalks me but how did I not notice a big truck driving around.

Rin: "-er, -cher, Archer

Rin shakes me and wakes me up from my inner thoughts. I look around and everyone is looking at me worried.

Rin: "What happened to you and why are you look so scared."

Shirou: "It's nothing important, I just thought I heard something."

Rin: "What could you possibly hear to scare you som much?"

I get my composure back.

Shirou: "I'm flattered, to think that you would want to know about me. Maybe someday I'll tell you my story."

I then headpat Rin. It looks that the legendary skill work on anyone because Rin start to blush.

Rin: "D-d-don't touch my head without permission!"

Shirou: "Ooh, does that mean I can do that after you give me your consent? I'll work hard then.

Rin starts to mumble something about her heart belonging to Emiya-kun. It's really fun to see her flustered but we have a job to do.

Shirou: "Enough of that, we need to focus on task at hand."

We teleport into the mirror world. Inside the woods is only silence. I project Bakuya and Kanshou. The whole time I'm on my guard. I look around but can't notice anyone. Suddenly I hear I a screaming. Illya was attacked by a blade. Shit, we are already surrounded. They are not assassins for nothing.

I try to throw both of my swords at them but they easily avoid them and even if I manage to hit them theirs numbers are to high for me defeat them all. I would need to use UBW to do that.

While I was thinking about my options, energy around Illya starts to go wild.

Oh shit, I forgot about it. I try to project Rho Aias to protect Rin Luvia and Miyu from the explosion but they are not close enough to protect all of us. Deploying it will leave my unprotected but I should love with avalon inside me.

Shirou: "Rho Aias!"

I open my eyes after dust clear up to see that I'm not as harmed as I thought I would be. I look then in the direction of girls to see them unharmed. Miyu had her want pointed at me. It seems that she tried to also protect me. What a nice girl she is.

Illya also open her eyes to see Rin, Luvia and Miyu without any injuries but then she looks at me and she was terrified.

She escaped afterwards.

All the girls run towards me.

Rin: "Are you alright?"

Shirou: "I'm as alright as bleeding man can be."

I try to joke to loosen atmosphere but it does not work. It only makes it worse.

Rin: "Sorry... stupid question."

Miyu: "If only I was stronger you wouldn't get hurt."

They all look down blaming themself for your condition. You smile at them.

Shirou: "You don't need to worry about my wounds. I heal faster than normal people. Didn't you notice that in yesterday's fight?"

They look at you shocked.

Rin: "I didn't know you could make such a gentle smile."

Shirou: "What do you mean?"

Rin: "Didn't you notice? Bottom of your mask is cracked and we can see your mouth now."

Shirou: "What!!!"

I touch bottom of my face to confirm theirs words. It's true everything under the nose is exposed but fortunately everthing above is still under the mask.

Rin: "Now that I see a bit of your face you seem familiar. Haven't we met before?

Luvia: "I cant believe what I'm saying but I agree with Rin. You remind me of someone but I can't think of anyone right now."

Shirou: "Maybe I'm your first love?"

Rin and Luvia: "Impossible!!!"

They say it at the same time.

Shirou: "Nevermind that you should focus all your thoughts on Illya now. She is devastated after today and probably will want to quit being magical girl. Do what you think is best. I wont question your decision. Bye."

And just like that I left.