
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Before competition

(Shirou's pov)

After school I went to my training place to summon the demon. I was there together with Rin since she was curious what I was doing in my free time. Now that I think about it since the time I woke up in this body all my free time was allotted to training and doing whatever Shirou would do. That was until I started my tea hobby last week. I also started to spend more time with Rin when both of us had time since she had her job to do.

Our next date is going to be after the archery competition. I'll probably need to hold back a little there because of I was to be serious I would have 100% marksmanship. I could also shot arrow on arrow on arrow if I wanted.

Going back to the situation at hand I summoned my demonic techer. Rin seemed interested in the process but didn't say anything. Card shined brightly and from light emerged the figure.

The figure looked at me and then at Rin and back to me.

Scathach: "..."

Shirou: "She is Rin Tohsaka and she I'd my girlfriend. She was curious what I was doing here so she came here together with me."

Rin: "Hello I'm Rin To..."

Before Rin could introduce herself Scathach the demon nodded her head, summoned a weapon and started our sparring session. She rushed at me leaving Rin dumbfounded.

Rin: "...Does she always ignore people?"

Shirou: "I only saw her interacting with me and Cu-san so I wouldn't know but she just doesn't want to waste my training time so you would need to wait till the end if you want to talk to her."

I answered her question as I barely dodged the attacks coming at me.

Scathach: "Focus."

When she said it she kicked me in the stomach sending me flying into the tree. I slammed pretty hard but the techer fromchell wouldn't let me have time to recover. She thrusted her spear at my head. I tilted my head a little but her weapon managed to leave a mark on my cheek. Blood started to run down my face.

Shirou: "You know that you can kill me if you smash my head... right?"

Scathach: "If you wouldn't be able to dodge it it only meant I was wrong about you."

She said as emotionlessly as usual.

All that while Rin was worring on the side. The moment she saw me my wound she looked ad if she wanted to say something but before she could I spoke up.

Shirou: "Don't worry, it's not that bad. There were worse days during my training. Besides she won't kill me."

I said not believing my own words. Every time my training ended I thought I was on brink of death.

Unfortunately for me saying that was a mistake.

Scathach: "Hoh~ It looks like I need to increase intensity of your training if you don't find it challenging enough."

Shirou: "No no no, I was just reassuring Rin. You don't need to do that."

I started panicking a bit and hoping that Scathach was joking but true to her word my training was harder than before.


After coming back from hell Rin didn't asked the demon any questions out of pure shock of seeing my 'torture'. She did howere let me rest on her lap which was nice.

The day was coming to an end and we went back while holding hands. She asked me to do that in the most tsundere way possible. 'It's not like I want to hold your hand but you were injured not long time ago so...', adorable.


The next day was the day of archery competition. I was together with the other club members preparing ourselves. Most of them were really nervous. I can't blame them for this. The competition was held in Fuyuki city so everyone's family would probably watch us and they would want to look good in front of them.

I on the other hand was calm. I couldn't get nervous even if I wanted. I faced Hercules, Altoria and Gilgamesh wannabe. If small competition would make me nervous it would be strange. The only irritating thing was that Shinji was also here. I swear I have big urge to just punch his face but he did nothing wrong, or at least I didn't see him do anything wrong. I shouldn't judge him just because most... okay, all his other selves were assholes. But the moment he slips up is the moment I'll end him without any mercy..

As I was meditating before so no one would bother me I got up and started exploring a little.

During my walk I noticed a group of men surrounding one girl. I wouldn't call myself a knight in the shining armor but I just don't like these types of people. Do they really think that if they surround a girl she will suddenly want to go on a date with them or in the worse case they will just force themselves on her. In any case I'll beat theup. As someone wise once said 'If violence didn't solve your problem you didn't use enough violence'.

Shirou: "Three guys and one girl, it sound like a beginning to a dirty joke but it looks like she doesn't appreciate your company so you can back off a little."

I made shoo movement with my hands.

??? 1: "And who do you think you are, pretty boy!?"

Shirou: "I appreciate a complement but I don't swing that way."

??? 1: "What are you on about?"

??? 2: "Let's just beat him up and take this chick back with us."

He pointed to girl now noticing who she is. Long black hair, red eyes , an archery uniform and uninterested look in her eyes. Why us she here without any bodyguards and if there any I can't sense them.

While I was in my thoughts one of the guys threw a punch at me. I effortlessly dodged it without even thinking. I countered it with my own punch hitting him straight in the face. He fell on his back and didn't went up. It's hard to say of I used to much force or it was exactly how much i needed but it doesn't matter if I accomplished what i wanted.

??? 2: "You asshole!!!"

??? 3: "Don't think that you'll walk away with your legs intact!!!"

Both of them were defeated with one punch the same way the first guy was. I then turned towards the girl.

Shirou: "Are you alright?"

???: "I didn't ask for help."

Shirou: "And I didn't ask for your gratitude. By the way my name is Shirou Emiya."

She looked at me for a bit without blinking.

???: "Kaguya Shinomiya."

(A/N As someone guessed ROB's eyes are All Seeing Eyes of God, Truck-chan on the other hand has All Fiction.

I noticed that some people don't like ROB and Truck-chan and I can understand that. You signed up for a Fate fanfic but you are getting something else but you need to know how I write. In my opinion everything need to make sense. Why ROB didn't want to give out system, why Truck-chan is obsessed with Shirou, why did Truck-chan gave Shirou amnesia and other things. I would like to think that when this fanfic ends all questions are answered.

Of course some things are more interesting than the others and I'm still experimenting so bear with me a little.

By the way do you want me to make a discord server?



Thanks for reading.

Ps. At chapter 50 there will be Q&A so prepare questions if you have any.)