
Reincarnated as Emiya in Fate/kaleid [DROPPED]

Some guy was murdered by a truck just to wake up in a white room with just a desk before him. He realise that he have no memory of his life but still have all anime knowledge. ROB spinned the wheel to decide to which world he is gonna reincarnate and it landed on Fate franchise. After a long thought process our protagonist decided to choose Fate/kaleid as his new home and Emiya's powers as his gift only to be reminded that cooking with Emiya was an option. In the new world he trains his powers to be ready for all the danger that will come his way but instead of that he is the one who charges right at them. He is also antagonized by his murder from the previous life which is of course the Truck that killed him. This is my first novel and english is not my first language so don't expect masterpiece.

kurit_kun · Anime & Comics
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52 Chs

Meeting old acquaintance

(Shirou's pov)

Shirou: "Well then Kaguya-san, it was nice meeting you and all but I have competition coming soon and I need to readied myself so if you exuse me..."

I wanted to escape this situation as fast as possibl. Having two Ojou-sama in my life is too much.

Kaguya: "Wait, even if your help was not needed you still helped and I as a member of Shinomiya family I need to express my gratitude so thank you Shirou Emiya for your unwanted assistance."

Shirou: "You are very welcome."

I said with a smile. As they say kill them with kindness.

She looked at me with a cold gaze. I also looked at her. We had a staring contest until we heard something.


It was Kaguya's stomach that made that noise. She started blushing and lowered her head.

Shirou: "Well, I'm starting to get hungry but I made too much. Can you help wit it? You can can think of it as repaying me for the help earlier."

Kaguya: "So you want to eat with me that much, how cute."

She did her signature pose but sorry Kaguya it doesn't work on me. I have experience with tsundere. She even is my girlfriend.

Shirou: "Yeah yeah I want to eat with you so come with me."

I started walking away where I left my lunch box leaving Kaguya who didn't know how to react to me not reacting to her words the way she thought. She quickly recovered though and followed me.


The competition was held in one of the school near Fuyuki city and we could use the the lunch room there. We sat at the table and I gave part of my lunch box to her. She quietly took the bite and her eyes widened significantly.

Kaguya: "Who made this? It's even more delicious than the dishes made by my family's chefs."

Shirou: "I did."

She looked as if her while world fallen apart.

Kaguya: "Are you a professional chef by any chance?"

Shirou: "Nope, just big brother in charge of making food."

As Kaguya wanted to say something someone interrupted is.

???: "Kaguya-sama here you are. Please don't disappear like this again."

Kaguya: "I just wanted to buy myself something to drink, it's not like I run away. The competition didn't even started."

???: "And who is this gentlemen accompanying you?"

Shirou: "This gentlemen's name is Shirou Emiya. I'm as well participating in this competition as representative of Homurahara Academy, boys division, or at least one of them."

???: "Nice to meet you, my name is Ai Hayasaka. I act as Kaguya-sama's personal maid."

She bowed slightly.

Shirou: "Nice to meet you too."

In that moment Kaguya had a face of realisation.

Kaguya: "Hey Hayasaka, try this."

She fed Hayasaka a piece of omelette I made. Hayasaka's eyes widened slightly but quickly returned to normal.

Ai: "It's quite delicious. Where did you get this from?"

Kaguya: "Emiya-kun made it."

She had a proud expression on her face and I dont know why. I was the one who made it.

Ai: "You have quite big talent for cooking Shirou-san."

Shirou: "I try my best, now if you exuse me."

Then I noticed two figure that shouldn't be there or should I say I hoped not to see them here.

My voice became colder instantly scaring Kaguya and making Hayasaka be on guard.

Shirou: "Angelica, Beatrice, what are you doing here?"

Beatrice: "What can't we just enjoy competition like the rest of people here, hmm?"

Shirou: "You know what I mean."

I was ready to start a fight at any moment.

Beatrice: "Geez, you don't need to be this tense. If we wanted to attack you, youcwould be already on the floor."

Shirou: "Funny that you say that. Last time we fought you were the ones on the floor if I remember correctly."

Beatrice smile vanished hearing that.

Beatrice: "But this time your little girlfriend isn't here to help you."

We stared at each other for a while. My eyes were cold, big difference to the eyes I usually have, full of warmth and kindness. She on the other hand had playfully expression, probably thinking how can she hurt me.

Beatrice was the one who broke the silence.

Beatrice: "As a celebration for our reunion I wanted to give you a piece of advice. Don't trust everyone around you."

Shirou: "And why would you tell me something like that? Aren't we enemies?"

Beatrice: "That's exactly why I told you. Just imagining you suspecting everyone around you is wonderful."

She had a light blush on her face as she explained herself.

Shirou: "And how can I believe you?"

Beatrice: "You can't but if you ignore my advice then you will be back stabbed and that's fine too. I don't personally care about you that much, we only want Miyu back.

Shirou: "Do something to her and I can promise you that no amount of cards will be able to save you."

My killing intent leaked out making Angelica and Beatrice open their eyes wider. Angelica even reach out for her card.

Beatrice: "It seems that you aren't some goody two shoes but don't worry we aren't here for her this time."

Ahe turned away from me and started walking away.

Beatrice: "We are leaving Angelica."

And so they left, leaving me, Kaguya and Hayasaka alone in the lunch room.

I turned to the two girls trying to look as unaffected by the situation as possible.

Shirou: "Excuse me but my division will start soon so I need to readied myself."

And so I left them.

(Ai Hayasaka's pov)

I was looking for Kaguya-sama as she wondered around the school. I found her in lunch room with a boy with red hair.

There was nothing unusual about him besides his above average cooking but the moment he notice two figure aura around him changed completely. He was ready to defend himself at any moment. He was like a warrior ready to battle but as they mentioned the name Miyu air around him changed once again but this time to the one of a killer.

I was trained as bodyguard for Kaguya-sama so I have some experience with killing interior but what I felt was stronger than anything I felt before. It's good that he didn't direct it at us otherwise I'm not sure what would happen.

Kaguya-sama didn't notice the killing intent as only someone trained would be able to do it in situation it's not directed to them but she still felt uncomfortable.

He left shortly after leaving me only with one thought. This man is dangerous.

(A/N I created discord server, here's link


For now it's a little basic but I'll try to improve it with time.

Thanks for reading.)