
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 230 "Future Plans"

Let's set aside Harry's trio's story for now.

Crouch left the school hospital at midnight, taking advantage of Hogwarts Castle's curfew with no one in sight. Crouch Jr., the sole possessor of the Marauder's Map, had relaxed his vigilance due to injuries and fallen asleep, making his whereabouts undiscovered.

The next challenge was how to contact young Malfoy. Being a Slytherin House member, he knew the Slytherin common room's location but lacked the password for entry. Trespassing without the password risked triggering warning magic and attracting professors, which outweighed the benefits.

Crouch's eyes showed no hesitation but occasionally flashed a shrewd look. He considered whether this situation might be a test of his ability by young Malfoy, entertaining the absurd idea that he was being assessed. "If I failed to anticipate this, wouldn't my value diminish in Malfoy's eyes?" This thought, seemingly out of character for the experienced Crouch, sent a chill down his accustomed-to-the-elements demeanor.

Crouch composed himself and silently approached the entrance of the Slytherin common room.

As expected, when he reached about ten steps away, the stone wall automatically opened, revealing Skyler Malfoy waiting at the door. Skyler wore a calm, peaceful smile, seemingly anticipating Crouch's arrival.

Skyler was well aware of Crouch's purpose.

The newly implanted memory in Crouch's mind was Skyler's masterpiece. Beyond that, he used absolute dominance to reshape Crouch's inner personality, unearthing deep-seated ambitions and desires, particularly the lingering impact of familial disappointment.

While part of Ron's deductions from the previous night were accurate, Skyler didn't directly orchestrate the attack. However, Skyler's involvement in creating turmoil wasn't idle. His target, as Ron speculated, was indeed Barty Crouch.

Crouch, possessing resourcefulness, ambition, capability, courage, shrewdness, and decisive decision-making skills, was a valuable talent in Skyler's eyes.

Assessing his ability to resist both Voldemort's Imperius Curse and the Oblivion Curse cast on Bertha Jorkins. Crouch displayed a commendable magical proficiency and a strong-willed personality. Skyler's primary focus lay in Crouch's talent; his status as the head of a pure-blood family and director of the International Cooperation Department merely added to his appeal.

Skyler checked the alchemy watch on his wrist, which was enhanced with additional functions. The dial transformed with a casual sweep of his finger over the watch mirror, seemingly without casting any visible magic.

Now adorned with twelve hands, each engraved with a name—Daphne Greengrass, Morag McDoug, Astoria Greengrass, Luna Lovegood, Cho Chang, Susan Bones, Draco Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Dobby, Silver Paw, Barty Crouch Jr. The edge of the dial no longer displayed various stars but featured descriptions of different states or behaviors.

At this moment, most of the hands on the dial pointed to the "sleeping" state, including Barty Crouch Jr., prompting Skyler to check his watch.

Having defeated and captured Crouch Jr. in the Forbidden Forest, Skyler initially modified his memory and implanted a "suppression" command that induced extreme fatigue and drowsiness. Skyler then returned him to resume his role as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

At this specific time, the commands in Crouch Jr.'s mind should have been triggered, leading him to fall into a deep sleep.

Despite his careful planning, Skyler, naturally cautious, ensured the certainty of Barty Jr.'s sleep. Aware of Crouch Jr.'s access to the Marauder's Map and Hogwarts' secret passages, he needed to confirm that Barty was genuinely asleep.

Most needles aligned with Skyler's expectations, bringing relief. However, two surprised him—Luna and Susan's needles pointed to "Practice Magic." Practicing magic after midnight? Quite dedicated!

Irrespective of Luna and Susan's diligence, let's delve into the meeting between Skyler and Crouch.

Skyler placed his finger on his lips, signaling silence. Even though everyone in Hogwarts was asleep, secrecy was crucial as portraits, statues, armor, and ghosts could potentially act as Dumbledore's informants.

To ensure utmost confidentiality, Skyler cast an invisible phantom and silent spell on them. Silently, he guided Crouch towards the secret mirror passage on the fifth floor. Passing through the mirror, they proceeded to the underground room in the Miracle Alchemy Workshop, where Skyler dispelled the invisibility magic.

"Sir, have you made your decision?" Skyler, sacrificing his sleep, aimed for efficiency. He inquired if Crouch was ready to represent the Crouch family forces, aligning with Skyler's cause.

Having already decided in the hospital, Crouch affirmed, "I have a condition..."

"Do you want me to take care of your son?" Skyler accurately inferred Crouch's request.

Initially unsettled by Skyler's ability to perceive people's thoughts, Crouch found reassurance in the potential benefits of aligning with someone as influential as Skyler. The more adept Skyler was at manipulating minds, the more advantageous this alliance appeared. His initial apprehension faded as he became more resolute in following Skyler's lead.

Affirmatively, Crouch spoke with a stoic tone, devoid of emotion, treating the matter as if discussing the disposal of an insignificant entity. "Yes, as long as his life ends, we can erase this secret of mine from the world. On behalf of the Crouch family and all affiliated families, I pledge allegiance to you, even through a magical contract."

Skyler promptly agreed, "Yes. What are your plans now? Are you still at Crouch Mansion? It's not safe for you to return there. The Aurors have picked our scent lately. I'm afraid that we will run into them sooner than we will have an encounter with those Death Eaters."

Crouch contemplated for a moment before inquiring, "Is this one of your safehouses?"

"No, this is one of my peripheral strongholds, specifically for I use this place for the students who follow me to gather and practice magic, mainly because of the convenience of this location. Because of the existence of the secret passage, forces inside and outside the school can come into contact here, but in fact it is a stronghold that can be abandoned at any time. You If you want to stay here, I have to put a shielding spell on your name to prevent others from using owls to find you."

Skyler thought for a moment, "I do have a real safe house outside the school. You have to hide there. There's no problem in going there. The highest level of defensive magic has been cast there, so no one can't find you. Not even Dumbledore himself."

What Skyler was thinking about was the cabin he inherited from his grandmother, Ella. He had cast the most complete "Loyalty Curse" there. If Crouch hid there and never came out, no one would be able to find him. .

Crouch pondered for a while. If he were replaced by Karkaroff, who was timid and afraid of death, he would immediately agree without even thinking about it, as if he was afraid that Skyler would suddenly regret it. However, Crouch didn't think so –

Although Crouch lost his ambition after experiencing the pain of losing his wife. But he did not hesitate to get back up and tie the loose end for good. From the fact that he still holds the power of the head of a department and takes his work a little too seriously, it can be seen that deep down in his heart, he still has an inseparable attachment to powerful causes.

"Let me ask you a few questions first. I am pretty sure you could answer those," Crouch asked as he stared Skyler in the eyes.

"Go ahead, I'll answer as best as I can," Skyler replied with his hands open, inviting Crouch to ask him the things burdening his heart.

"How far have your influences in the Ministry of Magic gone, and how future would it be for me to keep working for them if I don't know of your existence at all?" Crouch asks, squinting his eyes, trying to observe Skyler's body movement.

Skyler started explaining to Crouch with a slight smirk on his face, "Well, it goes like this..."

When Crouch was working at the Ministry of Magic, he was not just dawdling around. Instead, he was as clear as a mirror to everything around him. At that time, he was frustrated with chasing power and felt that it was no longer important to him.

Since the matter has nothing to do with him, Crouch just doesn't bother to pay attention to it.

During the summer vacation last year, on the day when Skyler was awarded the Order of Merlin, Third Class, in the Wizengamot, Fudge's prestige was greatly damaged by the Black escape incident.

Fudge tried to win over Skyler to get close to the Ministry of Magic and improve the Ministry of Magic. His image in the eyes of the public is just like the way he used Dumbledore's banner to finally elect the Minister of Magic. Crouch knew this.

Later, Skyler took this opportunity to visit the Ministry of Magic from time to time, talking to and asking questions from the staff of each department.

On the surface, he was studying and understanding the operations of the Ministry of Magic, but in fact, he used Mrs. Bones. Using Rufus Scrimgeour as a bridge, he began to establish contacts in the Ministry of Magic and used various coercion and inducement methods to build a close and broad interest alliance.

"That idiot Fudge probably doesn't know what kind of being he has introduced to the Ministry of Magic, and he still thought that he is in control while trying to make everything go his way!" Crouch interrupted furiously before looking at Skyler and apologized, "I am sorry."

"Don't be, Mr. Crouch. I, too, would be annoyed if someone as incompetent as Fudge is left in charge of the Ministry," Skyler replied while raising his palm, saying it confidently with a smile to assure Crouch that they were on the same page.

Contrary to those entrenched in the heart of power, Crouch, observing from a distance with detached interest, gained a comprehensive understanding of the unfolding situation. He meticulously observed Skyler's infiltration, noting subtle yet frequent changes in personnel across various departments.

The Law Enforcement Reconnaissance Team's captainship switched unexpectedly, followed by alterations in the intelligence leadership of the Auror Logistics Force.

Subsequently, the directors of both the Beast Branch and Alien Branch within the Department of Biological Management and Control experienced changes.

He discerned that the Malfoy family wasn't Skyler's sole support.

Based on his scrutiny at the Ministry of Magic, Crouch surmised with over 90% certainty that the Bones family, Wakanda family, Osbot family, Runcorn family, and McLaggen family had allied with Skyler.

This assessment didn't include those influential officials in the Ministry whose family backgrounds remained unknown but held tangible authority—figures such as Rufus Scrimgeour, Arnold Peacegood, Bernie Pillsworth, Bertie Seager, and others.

Outside the Ministry, Crouch, as the head of one of the 28 esteemed pure-blood families, maintained his intelligence network. While he might not avidly engage with supporters of pure-blood supremacy, it didn't imply a complete lack of interaction with them.

He had long been aware of the remarkable connection between the Greengrass family, the Nott family, and Skyler. It was evident that more than just these two families had discreetly allied themselves with Skyler.

Skyler's allies and followers were plentiful; what he truly lacked and sought were talented individuals—exceptional people capable of accomplishing tasks for him. He desired genuine talent, not mere placeholders for the sake of numbers.

Crouch was certain that if he readily agreed to the proposal of seeking refuge in a safe house, his standing in Skyler's estimation would likely diminish by at least one rank, if not worse. There was a possibility of losing the value that made him a desirable recruit.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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