
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 108 "Hogwarts Secrets"

Exiting the History of Magic classroom, Skyler suddenly felt the flying eagle mark on the back of his neck grow warm—a sign that Aquila was calling to him.

Spotting Daphne and Morag in the corridor, he gestured for them to proceed ahead as he had some matters to attend to. Finding an empty corner, he summoned Aquila.

"Well, it's splendid to see an interest in ancient history," Aquila's phantom gracefully circled around Skyler. "Recall when I mentioned that once you can fully inherit Ravenclaw's knowledge, I'd reward you with a secret? Now is the time for me to fulfill that promise."

"You must be aware that Hogwarts Castle was constructed by the four great founders in the late tenth century. Having weathered over a millennium, it has witnessed countless events, endured various changes, and accommodated numerous notable headmasters, professors, and students. Consequently, the castle is an extensive heritage repository, rivaling even the most ancient pure-blood families. Despite numerous excavations and transformations over the centuries, many of the castle's secrets remain hidden," Aquila explained.

Though Skyler attempted to maintain a facade of composure, his heart raced uncontrollably. Could Aquila's purported secret be related to the castle? The prospect was undeniably astonishing!

"Yes, your intuition serves you well. The secret I am about to reveal pertains to Hogwarts itself," Aquila affirmed. "Let's begin with the seven secret rooms. I'm sure you're aware of two that you've already accessed—Ravenclaw's and Slytherin's Secret Chambers."

Skyler's heart pounded wildly; he had never fathomed the existence of seven secret rooms! Beyond those associated with the four founders, there were evidently three more concealed chambers!

Aquila reveled in Skyler's eager anticipation and shared, "The remaining four secret rooms are Hufflepuff's Secret Chamber, Gryffindor's Treasure, Merlin's Secret Chamber, Pear Portrait, and the Room of Requirement."

To Skyler's surprise, it dawned on him that he had already uncovered three of these secret rooms, including the Room of Requirement.

Observing the change in Skyler's eyes, Aquila exclaimed, "No way! Have you discovered the secret of the Room of Requirement?"

Upon Skyler's affirmative response, Aquilla expressed, "It's amazing, truly remarkable! Now, all that remains is for you to explore the three remaining secret rooms. Due to the constraints of ancient magic, I can't directly reveal the secret rooms or treasures. Instead, I can provide you with clues. Pay close attention—Hufflepuff's clue is the kitchen, Gryffindor's clue is the horseman, Merlin's clue is Peppy, and Pear's clue is half-length likeness."

This unexpected revelation left Skyler immensely satisfied with his newfound knowledge. However, Aquila wasn't done surprising him.

"Do you believe the castle harbors only this many secrets? A grave misconception!" Aquila, delighted by Skyler's astonished expression, continued, "Have you ever pondered the Principal's Office—where successive headmasters left instructions for their successors? What lies beneath?"

"Have you contemplated the origins of the Nearly Headless Nick ghost? And the mysterious giant squid in the Black Lake—ever wondered about its genesis? What secrets does the small island in the middle of the Black Lake hold?"

"Lastly, consider the enigma of Professor Binns. As the longest-serving Hogwarts professor, his office has remained untouched by students. Rumor has it he doesn't even work there, given his inability to interact with the physical world. What mysteries lie within his office?"

Skyler, now intrigued, had never considered what might be in Professor Binns's office. Reflecting on it, he found himself genuinely curious about the contents of the elusive professor's workspace.

In any case, Skyler had the entire day free from classes, so he decided to seize the opportunity and explore the mysterious office today.

Considering that Morag shared a rare interest in the history of magic and had no classes for the day, Skyler approached her with a secretive air. He inquired, "Morag, do you happen to know where Professor Binns's office is?"

Morag scrunched up her cute nose, responding, "Well... I've never heard that Professor Binns has an office... I think no student has ever thought to seek his advice after class?"

Skyler grinned sneakily, "Every professor has an office, without a doubt. It's just that Professor Binns, unable to interact with the physical world, doesn't need to use the office for work. Have you ever wondered what might be in his office?"

"Why the sudden interest?" Morag gave a peculiar expression, then chuckled. "Are you plotting to explore the professor's office? Curious if there's anything valuable? Is that it, young Master Malfoy?"

Skyler shrugged, "I don't see why not. I don't think Professor Binns would mind at all. Although the items in his office belong to him, he can't touch, use, or employ them. If others can make use of them, it might be the best way to honor his memory. Perhaps it would even bring him some joy!"

Morag tilted her head, contemplating for a moment, as if finding merit in Skyler's reasoning. She then asked, "So, why did you come to me?"

"Exploring the entirety of Hogwarts Castle has always been part of my plan. Would you like to join me?" Skyler asked with anticipation.

Morag looked blankly at him, as if finding Skyler's proposition rather trivial. "What do you mean?" she questioned. "I'm willing to assist you, whether it's exploring the castle or forming a group for more significant endeavors. Exploring castles is just child's play in comparison."

The duo dedicated an entire afternoon to their quest. Their first step involved scouring the library for information in "Hogwarts: A School History." Despite having previously perused this book, the ongoing authorship of Bathilda Bagshot ensured no regular updates or patches for the content.

In the magical world, a book can withstand the "variable curse" as long as its author remains alive. Any modifications to the manuscript prompt instantaneous reflections in all copies. Thus, the two embarked on their search for the most recent information within this book.

Armed with the latest clues, Skyler seized the opportunity to gather information from the ghosts they encountered. Through several inquiries, they successfully narrowed down the possible location of Professor Binns's office to three spots within the castle. Surprising for her usual well-behaved and quiet demeanor, Morag embraced the adventure wholeheartedly, accompanying Skyler with flushed cheeks, radiating an endearing cuteness.

Their journey eventually led them to a concealed wooden door in the corridor of Gregory the Flatterer on the sixth floor. Though the door was protected by an anti-Alohomora curse, it proved no match for Skyler's skills. In the astonished eyes of Morag, Skyler used a Muggle's universal unlocker to pry open the wooden door.

With no one in sight, the two stealthily entered. Rumors had suggested that Professor Binns did not use this office. The room was in disarray, filled with opened books and scattered parchment, shrouded in a thick layer of dust, indicative of prolonged abandonment.

Morag patted her chest, finding the clandestine entry into the professor's office a bit too exhilarating. Observing Skyler's calm demeanor, she deduced that he must have engaged in similar exploits before.

Observing Morag's flushed face, Skyler couldn't help but chuckle. The castle corridors' sprint had left a thin layer of sweat on her forehead, and her chest rose and fell rapidly. Amused, Skyler reassured her, "Don't be nervous. If the professor catches us, just say you were held hostage by me. Haha!"

Rolling her eyes at Skyler, Morag took a few deep breaths to regain composure, calming her nerves. Having vented their grievances to each other, she had mentally prepared for this endeavor. Yet, her well-behaved nature, molded by thirteen years of growth, couldn't be instantly reversed by a change of mindset.

As the realization sunk in that she was about to violate school rules and compromise her longstanding principles, Morag expected to feel nervous or even repulsed. Strangely, these sensations eluded her. Instead, participating in these activities with Skyler brought an unexpected sense of exhilaration.

Now holding the stature of a masterful wizard, Skyler noticed the subtle shift in Morag's expression. He remained silent, quietly observing her.

Uncomfortable under Skyler's scrutinizing gaze, Morag blushed and asked, "Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Thank you, Morag," Skyler replied softly.

"Hmph, I told you not to say thank you anymore," Morag grumbled, then her eyes filled with determination. "You don't need to say anything. I believe you, Skyler. Even if you were to tell me that I need to raise an army for you, I would gladly do it in the blink of an eye, just for you."

Skyler smiled and waved his magic wand at Morag, who, with a flick, saw her long hair and sweat vanish, leaving her clean and tidy. Magic certainly had its conveniences!

Skyler perused the rows of books neatly lined on the shelves. Most of the content pertained to fairy rebellions and giant wars, topics covered in class. These seemed to be reference materials for lesson planning rather than valuable reads, and Skyler decided they weren't worth taking. Meanwhile, Morag explored the office with genuine interest, thrilled at her first visit to a professor's quarters.

Using the Eyes of Magic, Skyler discerned that most bookshelves contained ordinary history books. However, a subtle magical fluctuation emanated from an inconspicuous corner. Brandishing his wand, he tapped the spine of the book, causing the entire bookcase to rumble and shift to the left, revealing a small wooden door.

To their surprise, even Professor Binns had a secret room, and the door wasn't locked. Gleefully, they entered to discover a round table at the center, upon which two sets of books rested—an unexpected treasure trove of language research notes on ancient dragons and giants.

There were ten hefty volumes on ancient dragon language and six on ancient giant language. Skyler wasted no time, unceremoniously claiming them for his portable library.

["The Book of Ancient Dragons" has been obtained!]

["Book of Ancient Giants" has been obtained!]

Observing Morag's gaze, Skyler felt a twinge of embarrassment. "The saying goes, a seer shares a fortune... Or, how about we split these books evenly?"

Morag huffed in mild dissatisfaction. "Do you think everyone is as studious as you? Fourth-grade coursework is demanding enough. I don't have time for these time-consuming extra studies."

With an awkward smile, Skyler asked, "So, how can I repay this lovely lady for her company throughout the afternoon and making my day so enjoyable?"

Morag found Skyler's proposition amusing and burst into laughter. "I want you to teach me that spell—the one for a quick haircut and a clean, tidy restoration. Don't be fooled by those common spells. What I want is your unique technique. Don't think I don't know; your spellcasting technique is different, and that's why your casting speed and effects are outstanding. I've read about Finkley's spellcasting technique but can't replicate it like you. It's so delicate," she said with anticipation. "How about it? Can you teach me?"

Since the day the two had confided in each other, Skyler had considered Morag his girlfriend. He wasn't secretive about sharing his techniques—Daphne, Meredith, and Astoria had already mastered his spellcasting method.

"Fool, given our relationship, even if you hadn't asked, I planned to take the time to teach you recently," Skyler said with a smile. "What kind of request is this? Or would you like to change it?"

"Well, let me think..." Morag tilted her head. "It seems I have nothing to learn for now."

"Why not? There must be something," Skyler's eyes lit up. "I can teach you how to kiss."

Skyler reached out, pulling Morag into his arms. Caught off guard, Morag exclaimed and tried to stand still but found herself being led into a kiss. As she looked up, she noticed Skyler's dark eyes flashing with an inexplicable light. Her whole body stiffened, heat rushed to her face, and her heart raced uncontrollably.

Before she could speak, Skyler had already kissed her lips.

Their four red lips pressed together, and Morag's initially stiff body gradually relaxed. She closed her eyes, meeting Skyler's deep kiss awkwardly.

Skyler invested a considerable amount of time in teaching Morag his spellcasting techniques. His spellcasting method had long surpassed the framework of Voldemort's technique. Over the past three years, Skyler had read Professor Filch's duel notes, the duel records of the Silver Spear organization sent by Sister Giuliana, and Rowena Ravenclaw's spellcasting method.

Combined with his experiences in successive real battles, he had improved his spellcasting method at least twenty times.

Confident that his spellcasting technique was on par with anyone, Skyler believed that, had Voldemort not attempted to enhance his own technique over the past ten years, he could confidently surpass him.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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