
Reincarnated as Draco's Twin To Dominate Hogwarts

Finding himself getting thrown into the wizarding world of Harry Potter and being reborn as Malfoy's brother, Skyler, our protagonist, shall unravel the perilous path before him to prevent the resurrection of the Dark Lord and to raise Slytherin's honor. Using his knowledge before traversing, Skyler, who's known as a famous archaeologist from our world, will use all his knowledge to aid him in learning the magical spells. Born from the same mother, how can Skyler deal with the perk of being born as Draco's brother? Will he grow up to be as kind and loving as Narcissa, or will he grow into the proud Pure-Blooded figure of Lucius? This is a translated work with over 400+ Chapters The chapter will be updated every day on 23:00 GMT+7 You can read future 40 chapters ahead at [p][a][t][r][e][o][n].com/Scaramousse !

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Chapter 106 "Another List To Cross"

Skyler stared at the letter in his hand, absorbing the news of Kingsley Shacklebolt's demise. Even though he had achieved his goal, successfully eliminating the character that stood as the biggest obstacle to the pure-blood cause in the original book, Skyler found little joy in the accomplishment.

He was acutely aware that Kingsley had committed no wrongdoing; he simply acted according to his convictions. Blame was a matter of perspective, and Skyler and Kingsley held opposing viewpoints.

In the original storyline, after Voldemort's defeat, Kingsley ascended to the position of Minister of Magic. This decision led to the appointment of Harry, Ron, and Hermione, pro-Muggle wizards, as the political backbone. Subsequently, a series of measures, such as the Pure-Blood Family Bill, weakened the influence of pure-blood families, with Kingsley playing a pivotal role in these changes.

Skyler acknowledged that great ambitions often required sacrifices. While he didn't regret his choices, the emotional toll weighed on him. He couldn't help but reflect on the sacrifices made by members of the Order of the Phoenix, realizing the emotional burden Dumbledore likely carried as each member made their sacrifice.

Occasionally, Skyler mused about an alternative scenario where he traversed the Weasley, Longbottom, Shacklebolt, and Prewett families.

He chuckled at his own fanciful thoughts, acknowledging that such pondering might be going too far.

Bringing himself back to the present, Skyler unfolded a parchment with an extensive list of pure-blood families. He methodically crossed out the name "Lestrange"—with the two brothers incarcerated, there was little left to fear.

Next, he marked off the name "Rowle" once again—the Rowle family now only had Thorfinn Rowle, the lone seedling, left in prison.

In the aftermath of Voldemort's return, the available soldiers at his disposal dwindled significantly, creating a momentum far less formidable than in the original book.

This shift in power dynamics raised the possibility of the Dumbledore faction gaining the upper hand, a scenario that Skyler did not desire.

Skyler's ideal scenario involved both Dumbledore and Voldemort maintaining a delicate balance, showcasing his value to both factions. He aimed to exploit the chaos and profit from the ongoing struggle, not wanting either side to dominate completely.

He was well aware that he lacked the inherent protagonist's aura in this world. Despite his rapid growth, catching up to Dumbledore and Voldemort in the near future seemed implausible. Skyler's immediate goal was clear—he sought the power to defend himself.

Achieving this was feasible by strategically weakening both factions and ensuring a delicate balance, granting him time to mature without attracting unnecessary enemies.

However, Skyler kept his long-term goals close to his chest. The complexity of his plans and aspirations remained undisclosed.

With this in mind, Kingsley, a member of the Shacklebolt family and the Order of the Phoenix had another reason for his demise. Skyler lowered his gaze, purposefully crossing out the name "Shacklebolt" in the "Order of the Phoenix Faction" column.

Collecting the parchment, Skyler sighed softly, noting the recent increase in such sighs. Kingsley's death, while a part of a well-executed plan, weighed on Skyler's conscience.

He orchestrated the scheme during the summer vacation, providing the Ministry of Magic with anonymous information about nearby villages and using his influence to direct Scrimgeour to dispatch Kingsley to the designated location.

Little Wolf had fallen prey to Bathory and Annis in Knock Down Alley earlier. Little Wolf underwent extensive brainwashing through their combined magical efforts, turning him into an unwaveringly loyal servant.

Deep-seated fear was implanted in his heart, extinguishing any remnants of courage to resist orders.

Initially, Little Wolf had participated in the Battle of Lestrange at the Quidditch World Cup camp alongside other werewolves.

However, after the confrontation, he was dispatched to Knockturn Alley and integrated into Fenrir Greyback's werewolf community. Originally intended as a means to infiltrate the werewolf ranks, Little Wolf's role evolved unexpectedly.

As time passed, the Rowle family met its demise, altering the dynamics of the werewolf community. When Fenrir proposed joining another pure-blood family, Little Wolf played a significant role in the division among the werewolves.

Faced with helplessness after the split, the werewolves naturally gravitated towards a path of criminal activities. It was at this juncture that Skyler's plan to eliminate Kingsley took shape.

Utilizing Little Wolf as bait, Skyler orchestrated a scheme that involved luring back a few werewolves desiring a return to Fenrir's fold.

Simultaneously, Kingsley was assigned a task in the vicinity, and the rest unfolded according to the intended script. In exchange for the lives of four disloyal werewolves, Skyler successfully eliminated an elite Auror—Kingsley—a trade-off deemed worthwhile.

With a snap of his fingers, Shining and Dobby materialized, accompanied by a middle-aged man sitting on the ground with a sullen expression. Dobby reported, "Following the master's instructions, we lay in ambush in the men's toilet of the Ministry of Magic, capturing him precisely at the appointed time."

Skyler narrowed his eyes slightly, observing the astonishing strength displayed by the brainwashed little elf. Once liberated from the ingrained awe of wizards, the elf's capabilities were truly remarkable.

The captive in question was the elderly Barty Crouch, an employee at the Ministry of Magic. As the head of a pure-blood family, old man Barty possessed considerable strength, making a successful sneak attack challenging.

Nevertheless, the combined efforts of the two elves managed to apprehend him.

House elves operated under a distinct magical system compared to wizards. They had an innate affinity for magic, wielded formidable magical power, and enjoyed a longer lifespan than wizards.

However, their preference for playful, peaceful, and obedient behavior made them less adept at physical combat. Their innate reverence for wizardry's majesty further hindered their combat prowess.

The original work showcased Dobby, who, having liberated himself from the master-slave contract, effortlessly defeated the Death Eater Lucius, an adept in dark magic. This served as a testament to the potential combat prowess of freed house elves.

Currently, Dobby, Shining, and the absent Dino had all been stripped of their will by Skyler, instilling in them unwavering loyalty to their master alone.

Skyler's intention in having them capture Barty Senior was twofold: to gauge the extent of the original plot's deviation and to determine whether Barty Senior remained under the influence of the Imperius Curse.

Using his magical insight, Skyler confirmed that Barty Senior was indeed still under the sway of the Imperius.

Skyler had no intention of lifting the Imperius Curse from Barty Senior. With Voldemort's formidable power, attempting to dispel the magic might alert the Dark Lord to the interference, potentially causing more harm than good.

To avoid stirring the proverbial hornet's nest, Skyler opted for a different approach, unwilling to risk alarming Voldemort prematurely.

Recognizing that Voldemort's constant companionship posed a risk of detection for Barty Senior, Skyler chose a hypnotic charm instead of attempting to tackle the Imperius Curse directly. Voldemort's astuteness made it crucial to proceed cautiously.

In a hypnotic state induced by Skyler's spell, Barty Senior began to divulge information. Skyler questioned him about recent events, prompting Barty Senior to recount an unsettling encounter with the mysterious man.

The old wizard revealed glimpses of an ominous plot and emphasized that Harry Potter was in danger, cautioning Skyler to inform Dumbledore and the Dark Lord.

With a wave of Skyler's hand, Barty Senior fell into a deep sleep, his revelations temporarily silenced. Assessing the situation, Skyler noted that the overall plot seemed intact—Voldemort's focus remained on Harry, while Moody's interest likely revolved around Barty Jr. masquerading as Moody.

However, the lingering question of Barty's distinctive Dragon Shadow aura persisted. This peculiarity, unnoticed by the original characters, raised doubts about potential alterations in the plot.

Skyler pondered whether Voldemort was aware of Barty's anomaly and to whom Barty's true allegiance lay with.

Lost in contemplation, Skyler decided to set aside these questions temporarily.

"Enough, we've gotten everything we wanted from him. Both of you return him to the place where you've caught him and made sure to do this away from the eyes of others!" He instructed Dobby and Shining to discreetly return Barty Senior to the men's room, emphasizing the need for absolute concealment to avoid any prying eyes.

"Yes! Yes!" Dobby and Shining chorused in unison, ready to execute their master's command.

After replying to Skyler's command eagerly, both the House-elves Dobby and Shining apparated away once again to return Barty Senior to the place where they found him—the men's room.

Chapters will be updated daily at 23:00 GMT+7!

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