
Reincarnated As A Wolf In The Magical World

The Level up and rank System? Sam gets hit by a Truck after Serving Korean Military Training, But in his Surprise he found himself as a Pup (Wolf Child/Baby Wolf),Sam Mother Wolf is a small Gray Wolf, Sam Found out he Can be strong And Survive through level Up and become human again, He needs to become strong to survive in this Cruel Magical World while helping his weak puppy brothers, Sam Decided to become the leader of his small pack and become the strongest. But humans constantly hunt wolves for their fur, Can they survive against humans who can use magic? Join the adventure of the little Wolf in the Magical world

GAB_SENSEI · Fantasy
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2 Chs


**The Enchanting Realm of Hildona**

In the heart of a realm shrouded in mystique and teeming with life, lies the enchanting world of Hildona. Here, myriad intelligent species coexist amidst lush forests, towering mountains, and sprawling civilizations, all bound by the intricate tapestry of magic that weaves through the very fabric of existence.

**System/Status Board:**

In the realm of Hildona, every intelligent being possesses a System or Status Board, akin to those found in tales of adventure and heroism. This digital interface allows individuals to monitor and manage their attributes, skills, and progress. Through the System, adventurers can track their growth, organize their abilities, and strategize their approach to challenges that lie ahead.

**Level Up:**

Leveling up in Hildona is a crucial aspect of growth and development. Each individual starts at Level 1 and progresses by accumulating experience points (XP) through various means such as combat, exploration, and completing quests. As adventurers gain experience, they ascend to higher levels, unlocking new abilities, increasing their attributes, and becoming more formidable in their pursuits.


At the heart of every inhabitant of Hildona lies the essence of skills, innate abilities that define their existence and shape their destiny. From the moment of birth, individuals are endowed with at least one skill, a unique trait that sets them apart in the grand tapestry of life. Whether it be the prowess of a swordsman, the grace of an archer, or the wisdom of a mage, skills serve as the cornerstone upon which civilizations are built and heroes are forged. Creatures may earn new abilities through repeated actions or defeating formidable opponents.


Magic flows like a river through the veins of Hildona, shaping the very essence of reality itself. From the humblest insect to the mightiest dragon, all creatures are touched by its mystical embrace. The practice of magic is ranked from 1 circle magic to 8 circle, with all intelligent creatures or monsters B rank and above being able to wield magic as long as they have enough mana. With magic, beings can cast spells, manipulate elements, and shape the world around them, adding an extra layer of wonder and power to the enchanting realm of Hildona.

**Evolution After Level 100:**

Once a creature reaches level 100 in Hildona, they have the potential to undergo a remarkable transformation known as Evolution. This process allows monsters to ascend to higher ranks, granting them increased power, new abilities, and sometimes even changes in appearance. However, Evolution requires fulfilling certain conditions and requirements, ensuring that only the most formidable and deserving creatures can reach new heights of strength and prowess.

**The Races of Hildona:**

**Coexisting Races:**

1. **Humans:** Versatile and adaptive, humans thrive in the diverse landscapes of Hildona, forming the backbone of its civilizations.

2. **Elves:** Graceful and attuned to nature, elves harmonize with the natural world, their ethereal presence adding a touch of magic to the realm.

3. **Dwarves:** Stout and resilient, dwarves carve their homes deep within the earth, their craftsmanship renowned throughout Hildona.

4. **Beast Men:** From the Wolf Tribe to the Cat Tribe, Beast Men embody the wild spirit of nature, their unique appearances adding diversity to the realm.

**Neutral Races:**

1. **Dragons:** Majestic and powerful, dragons command respect and awe, their territorial instincts often leading to clashes with other races. Though graceful, they are formidable in battle.

2. **Giants:** Towering beings of immense strength, giants roam the wilderness, their presence a testament to the primal forces that shape the realm.

3. **Znacs:** Mysterious and enigmatic, znacs traverse the shadows, their true nature hidden from prying eyes.

4. **Angels:** Celestial beings of divine power, angels watch over the realm, their interventions shaping the fate of civilizations.

**Hostile Races:**

1. **Vampires:** Immortal beings of the night, vampires command respect and fear in equal measure, their existence a delicate balance between darkness and light.

2. **Demons:** Infernal entities with varied forms and abilities, demons navigate the complexities of Hildona's hierarchy, their motivations often shrouded in mystery.

3. **Goblins:** Small and cunning, goblins scavenge and scheme, their ambitions often bringing them into conflict with neighboring settlements.

4. **Orcs:** Fierce and brutish, orcs roam the wilderness in warbands, their raids striking fear into the hearts of those who oppose them.

5. **Minotaurs:** Bull-headed and formidable, minotaurs guard ancient labyrinths and tombs, their presence a challenge to would-be adventurers.

6. **Lizardmen:** Reptilian and resilient, lizardmen adapt to various environments, their tribal societies often clashing with neighboring settlements.

7. **Ogres:** Massive and fearsome, ogres wield brute strength and primal fury, their rampages leaving destruction in their wake.

**The Hierarchy of Monsters:**

1. **Rank G:** Weak monsters, often harmless to humans and easily dealt with individually.

2. **Rank F:** Still weak monsters, not known to form groups or pose significant threats. Handled by individual adventurers.

3. **Rank E:** Low-tier monsters, slightly stronger than Rank F monsters and possessing skills. May pose a challenge to individual adventurers.

4. **Rank D:** Mid-tier monsters that may pose a challenge to individual adventurers but can be handled by a party of adventurers ranked at least Rank F.

5. **Rank C:** Intermediate-level monsters with advanced skills and the potential to attack in groups. Require a party of adventurers ranked at least Rank C or higher to deal with effectively.

6. **Rank B:** Dangerous monsters with advanced abilities and the capability to use both skills and magic. Formidable opponents requiring a skilled party of adventurers, preferably of Rank B or higher, to confront and defeat.

7. **Rank A:** Rare and powerful monsters that can pose a serious threat to settlements and towns. Require the intervention of elite adventurers or military forces to deal with effectively.

8. **Rank S:** Legendary monsters possessing immense power and the ability to devastate entire cities. Nearly unstoppable forces of destruction necessitating the combined efforts of multiple skilled adventurers or military units to defeat.

9. **Disaster Class:** Monsters of catastrophic proportions that can devastate entire regions or countries. Require the mobilization of armies and specialized tactics to subdue.

10. **Calamity Class:** Even more powerful than Disaster Class monsters, capable of causing widespread destruction and chaos on a continental scale. Lead armies of monsters and pose existential threats to human civilization.

11. **God Class:** Divine beings with unimaginable power, capable of bringing about apocalypse and reshaping the world. Intelligent and may exhibit compassion towards weaker beings.

**Adventurer Ranks:**

In the realm of Hildona, adventurers are organized into a hierarchical system of ranks that reflects their skill, experience, and accomplishments. These ranks serve as a measure of an adventurer's prowess and are essential for determining the difficulty and suitability of quests and missions.

1. **Rank F (Level 20):** Novice adventurers who have just begun their journey. They lack experience and are still learning the basics of combat and exploration.

2. **Rank E (Level 40):** Adventurers who have gained some experience and are starting to develop their skills. They may have completed a few quests and gained recognition within the adventurer community.

3. **Rank D (Level 70):** Competent adventurers who have honed their skills and proven themselves in various challenges. They are capable of handling moderate threats and are often sought after for their reliability.

4. **Rank C (Level 100):** Experienced adventurers who have distinguished themselves through their deeds and accomplishments. They are skilled in combat, magic, or other specialized fields and are entrusted with more challenging missions.

5. **Rank B (Level 150):** Elite adventurers who have reached a level of mastery in their chosen profession. They are highly skilled and capable of facing formidable foes and completing dangerous quests.

6. **Rank A (Level 200):** Strong individuals who are as formidable as a small army unit. A rank adventurers are very experienced in battle and are recognized for their exceptional skills and achievements.

7. **Rank S (Level 250 and above):** Legendary adventurers who are revered as heroes. They possess unparalleled abilities and have faced and overcome the most daunting challenges imaginable. Each country typically has only 10 to 15 S-rank adventurers, making them a rare and invaluable asset.

**Adventurers Guild:**

The Adventurers Guild is a prestigious organization that serves as the central hub for adventurers in Hildona. Founded to promote cooperation, camaraderie, and the pursuit of adventure, the guild provides various services and resources to its members.

1. **Quest Board:** The guild maintains a quest board where adventurers can find a wide range of missions and tasks to undertake. These quests vary in difficulty and reward, catering to adventurers of all levels.

2. **Training Facilities:** The guild offers training facilities where adventurers can hone their skills, spar with fellow guild members, and learn new techniques.

3. **Resource Exchange:** Adventurers can exchange resources, information, and equipment with other guild members, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

4. **Rank Assessments:** The guild conducts rank assessments to evaluate the skills and abilities of adventurers and determine their eligibility for advancement. Each rank has specific qualifications that adventurers must meet to progress to the next level.

5. **Guild Hall:** The guild hall serves as a meeting place for adventurers, where they can socialize, rest, and plan their next adventure. It also houses administrative offices and facilities for guild events and gatherings.

6. **Support Services:** The guild provides support services such as healing, item identification, and storage for adventurers embarking on quests. Additionally, it offers insurance and assistance for adventurers in need of aid during their missions.

Overall, the Adventurers Guild plays a vital role in the realm of Hildona, fostering a sense of community among adventurers and facilitating their quests for glory and adventure.

**The Vibrant Realms of Hildona**

Welcome to Hildona, a sprawling world teeming with adventure, magic, and diverse cultures. Across its eight continents, each brimming with wonders and mysteries, lie countless countries and empires, each with its own rich history and unique customs.

**Continents and Societies:**

Hildona is divided into eight vast continents, each home to a multitude of countries and empires, each with its own distinct culture and society. From the bustling cities of Arathia to the ancient forests of Thalos, each continent offers its own adventures and challenges to those brave enough to explore its depths.

**Social Status:**

Within the diverse societies of Hildona, individuals are often categorized into various social classes, each with its own privileges and responsibilities.

1. **Royalty:** At the pinnacle of society are the royals, rulers of kingdoms and empires, whose bloodlines trace back through centuries of history. They wield immense power and influence, guiding the destiny of nations with wisdom and authority.

2. **Nobles:** Beneath the royalty are the nobles, aristocrats who hold titles and estates granted by the crown. They enjoy wealth, privilege, and social standing, often playing key roles in politics, commerce, and culture.

3. **Commoners:** The backbone of society, commoners make up the majority of the population, toiling in fields, workshops, and markets to sustain the economy and infrastructure of their nations.

4. **Peasants:** At the lowest rung of society are the peasants, laborers who work the land or perform menial tasks to eke out a living. They often live in poverty, struggling to make ends meet in the harsh realities of Hildona.

**Monetary System:**

Across Hildona, a standardized monetary system facilitates trade and commerce, ensuring smooth transactions between countries and empires.

1. **Copper Coins:** The smallest denomination, copper coins come in two sizes: small and big. Thirty small copper coins equal one big copper coin.

2. **Silver Coins:** Fifty copper coins equal one silver coin.

3. **Gold Coins:** Forty silver coins equal one gold coin.

4. **Platinum Coins:** One hundred gold coins equal one platinum coin, the highest denomination of currency.

**Average Wage and Cost of Living:**

In Hildona, the average wage for a worker varies depending on factors such as location, occupation, and skill level. A typical salary for a male worker is one big copper coin per day, while female workers earn 25 small copper coins per day. A standard workday consists of nine hours with a one-hour break.

The cost of living in Hildona also varies, with basic necessities such as food and water priced accordingly. A loaf of bread may cost 10 small copper coins, while a bucket of water fetches 2 small copper coins. More substantial purchases, such as a sack of wheat, may require 2 big copper coins.

**Prohibition of Slavery:**

In Hildona, slavery is strictly prohibited by law, with harsh penalties imposed on those who engage in such practices. However, despite these laws, illegal activities such as human trafficking and forced labor persist in the shadows, posing a constant threat to the freedom and dignity of vulnerable individuals.

**The Divine Pantheon of Hildona:**

In the celestial realm above, eight powerful deities watch over the realm of Hildona, each embodying aspects of creation, nature, and the human experience.

1. **Aurora, Goddess of Creation (Female):** Revered as the most revered and strongest deity, Aurora is the embodiment of creation itself. With her gentle touch, she breathes life into the world, shaping its landscapes and guiding its destiny.

2. **Pyron, God of Fire (Male):** Pyron is the fiery embodiment of passion and destruction, his flames both beautiful and deadly. As the god of fire, he brings warmth and light to the world, but also unleashes devastating infernos upon those who dare to challenge his might.

3. **Aquaria, Goddess of Water (Female):** Aquaria reigns over the vast oceans and shimmering rivers of Hildona, her waters a source of life and renewal. As the goddess of water, she embodies fluidity and adaptability, guiding the ebb and flow of existence.

4. **Zephyrus, God of Wind (Male):** Zephyrus is the swift and elusive master of the skies, his breath shaping the currents of air that sweep across the land. As the god of wind, he embodies freedom and change, his whispers carrying secrets and promises to those who listen.

5. **Terra, Goddess of Earth (Female):** Terra is the steadfast and nurturing guardian of the earth, her embrace cradling the mountains, forests, and valleys of Hildona. As the goddess of earth, she embodies stability and growth, her roots reaching deep into the soil of existence.

6. **Bellator, God of War (Male):** Bellator is the fierce and relentless god of war, his thundering footsteps shaking the very foundations of Hildona. As the god of war, he embodies courage and strength, his presence inspiring warriors to rise to glory on the battlefield.

7. **Amora, Goddess of Love (Female):** Amora is the tender-hearted mistress of love and compassion, her gentle touch soothing the wounds of the heart. As the goddess of love, she embodies empathy and connection, her embrace uniting souls in bonds of affection and devotion.

8. **Vulcanus, God of Blacksmiths (Male):** Vulcanus is the skilled artisan of the divine forge, his hammer ringing out in the halls of creation. As the god of blacksmiths, he embodies craftsmanship and ingenuity, his creations shaping the tools and weapons of mortals.

**Divine Influence on Mortals:**

The gods of Hildona are not distant observers but active participants in the lives of mortals. It is they who provide humans with mana, skills, and the system that governs their abilities. Through their divine essence, they infuse mortals with the power to survive and thrive in the harsh world they have created.

Moreover, the gods are responsible for the creation of monsters, mysterious beings that roam the wilds of Hildona. While the origin of monsters is attributed to an unknown god, it is believed that originally, there were nine such deities, each contributing to the diverse and dangerous fauna of the realm. These monsters serve as both adversaries and challenges for mortals, testing their strength, courage, and resilience in the face of adversity.