
Reincarnated As A Wolf In The Magical World

The Level up and rank System? Sam gets hit by a Truck after Serving Korean Military Training, But in his Surprise he found himself as a Pup (Wolf Child/Baby Wolf),Sam Mother Wolf is a small Gray Wolf, Sam Found out he Can be strong And Survive through level Up and become human again, He needs to become strong to survive in this Cruel Magical World while helping his weak puppy brothers, Sam Decided to become the leader of his small pack and become the strongest. But humans constantly hunt wolves for their fur, Can they survive against humans who can use magic? Join the adventure of the little Wolf in the Magical world

GAB_SENSEI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
2 Chs


-Commander Baek Hyun:Good morning, this is Commander Baek Hyun. All of you are now soldiers of the Korean army. As your commander, I am very proud of every single one of you for surviving this harsh training.

I would like to announce that all of you are now discharged, and your training has now come to an end. But the next time we meet, I hope we are still friends with each other. I will salute everyone to show my deepest respect.

Commander Baek Hyun poses his head salute.

*Every cadet salutes their commander.*

Cadet 1:Hey, Sam! Can you believe we made it through that insane training?

Sam: Haha, barely! Feels like a miracle, doesn't it? Never thought I'd see the end of those early morning drills.

Cadet 2: Tell me about it. But hey, we're officially soldiers now!

Sam:Yeah, officially unemployed soldiers. Guess I'll have to figure out what to do with all this newfound free time.

Cadet 1:Oh, right, Sam's got a hot date lined up! Finally gonna put that charm to good use, huh?

Cadet 3:yeah, I remember you said your blind date is an idol right.

Cadet 4:she must be a beauty, to be worthy of our young master hahahah.

Sam:Hey now, don't jinx it! But yeah, thought I'd take a shot at finding love, you know?

Cadet 2: Well, look at Mr. Smooth over here! Bet you'll be married by next month.

Sam:Haha, slow down there, Romeo! Let's see if I can even get through dinner without spilling something on myself first.

Cadet 1: Ah, don't worry, Sam. With your dad being one of the richest guys in Seoul, you'll have women lining up for miles!

Sam:Oh come on, guys, don't make it sound like I'm trying to audition for a reality show!

Cadet 2:Relax, Sam. We're just messin' with ya. But seriously, if things don't work out tonight, you can always marry into royalty or something.

Sam: Ha, thanks for the vote of confidence, fellas. Guess I'll just have to wait and see.

Cadet 1:Alright, wish me luck, boys. Time to go charm the socks off someone.

Sam: Knock 'em dead, buddy! And if all else fails, just flash 'em that winning smile of yours.

Cadet 2: Ha, will do. Catch you two on the flip side!

Cadet 1:Later, Sam! Don't forget to update us in a the group chat

Cadet 4:bye the way, later on I will play League of masters, wanna join?.

Sam:yeah, I'm in, by the way guys bye.! (He said it with teary expression, inside the barracks they are closer than brothers.)

His friends bid the farewell and decide to meet up in the winter.


After the program, every cadet leaves the camp and goes back to their everyday lives.

Some of the cadets are doctors, nurses, lawyers, engineers, teachers, and even idols.

But Sam Jun-Seo is different. He's 23, jobless, and lives with his dad, a rich man who spoils him. Sam's an otaku, ogling anime girls daily, yet he's never had a girlfriend.

Despite his wealth, Sam keeps a low profile. Few know he's the sole heir to his tycoon father.

He's afraid to date real-life girls, being short and average-looking. In Korea, girls often reject such guys, but some value kindness over looks.

Now, Sam's set to meet a woman arranged by his father, a model who topped the bar exam at Korea National University.

Sam's confidence grew after military training. He feels more assured, especially wearing his military uniform for this date, following advice from a former classmate.

As Sam heads to the restaurant, chaos erupts on the street. A truck veers out of control, smashing everything in its path.

Sam freezes as the truck barrels towards him. He tries to run, but it's too late.

The impact sends him crashing to the ground, pain shooting through his body.

Jun-Seo (panicked): "Why is this happening to me? I wanted to meet her. I wanted to have a girlfriend."

A strange voice intrudes on his thoughts, but Sam's too overwhelmed to heed it.*

As Sam lies on the ground, his mind races with regret and fear.

Jun-Seo (frantically): "Next time I'm reborn, I'll be a womanizer..."

The world blurs around him, and memories flood his mind.

Jun-Seo (reflectively):** "I remember... stealin

In the midst of his turmoil, a strange sensation washes over him, as if his very being is being rewritten.

System:Creating a body suitable for a Hunter.

Jun-Seo (voice trembling):"Creating... a body... for a Hunter...?"

*Despchaos around him, Jun-Seo feels a surge of energy coursing through him.

Jun-Seo saw his legs was been cut off (sthis mangled legs, severed by the brutal impact of the truck.

Jun-Seo (struggling to comprehend): "What... What's happening to me?!"

His mind reels, unable to grasp the reality of his situation. The pain is excruciating, but the shock of seeing his own body torn apart eclipses all else.

*System:Successfully acquired passive Skill - Quick Reflexes.

Sam's mind reels as he tries to process the sudden change.

Jun-Seo (bewildered):"Quick reflexes...? Is this real?"

In the midst of his confusion, another surge of energy courses through him.

System:Successfully acquired passive Skill - Strong Legs.

Jun-Seo (gasping): "Strong legs... Quick heal... What's going on?"

Despite the overwhelming sensations, Sam's consciousness begins to fade.*

He hears distant voices, the frantic shouts of rescuers trying to save him.

But it's too late.

As darkness consumes him, Sam Jun-Seo takes his final breath.

As darkness edges in on the periphery of his vision, Jun-Seo's thoughts spiral into oblivion, his consciousness slipping away as the world fades into darkness.

Emerging from sleep, Jun-Seok blinks against the bright sun and feels a chilly breeze on his skin.

A rustle nearby catches his attention,he saw a big gray wolf and it's bigger than him,he freezes, heart pounding with apprehension.

But to his surprise, the wolf doesn't pounce.

His breath catches in his throat as the wolf, instead, extends its tongue, tentatively licking his hand.

Shock reverberates through him as he gazes down, expecting to see human fingers, only to find a furry paw in their place.

he started to panic and be afraid, but he choose to called down.

Realization dawns—he's no longer human, panic subsides, replaced by a newfound determination to adapt.

With a shaky breath, he tries to speak, only to emit a soft bark—a sound foreign and strange.

Jun-Seok (bewildered): "What... What's happening to me? I'm... I'm not human anymore..."

Jun-Seok looks around, taking in the sight of his new surroundings - the snow-covered pine trees, the small cave, and a cute little pups he realize it was his adorable siblings.

Jun-Seok (thoughtfully):"I... I guess I'm a wolf now... How... How am I supposed to survive like this?"

Just as Jun-Seok starts to gather his thoughts, a voice echoes in his mind, causing him to jump in surprise.

System:You need to level up and evolve.

Jun-Seok (alarmed): "Who... Who's there? What do you want from me?"

His siblings watch him curiously, wondering why he's suddenly on edge.

Jun-Seok (tentatively): "Who... Who are you? When I was dying, I heard your voice. What are you doing inside my head?"

System:I am your system. You can give me a name to use your Status board.*

Jun-Seok (skeptical):A system? Inside my head? This has to be some kind of joke..."

System:Your System has been successfully named System. You can now use your Status Board.

Jun-Seok (dubious):** "Fine, if you're real... How do I use this... Status board?"

System:You only need to think of opening your status board, or saying 'Status open'.

Jun-Seok (uncertain):"Status open?"

A transparent blue screen materializes before him, displaying his newfound attributes.

Sam Jun-Seok (bewildered):

**Name:** Sam

**Rank:** F

**Race:** Ice Wolf [CHILD]

**Gender:** Male

**Level:** 10

**HP:** 100

**MP:** 100

**MANA:** 100

**AURA:** 100

**SP:** 10

**AGI:** 21

**STR:** 16

**DEX:** 11

**INT:** 6



- System Communicate


- Skill Stealer


- Heal

- Dash


- Strong Legs

- Quick Reflexes


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