
Reincarnated as a Swordsman

I got reincarnated after I died at my world and left by my new family at a church. I grew up with a simple life and so-called family with everyone there. My world is surrounded by a formless energy and we call it [Mana]. But we can't directly use it on our body we need to use a 'special things' we call [Armas]. We use those weapons to channel the [Mana] to become a [Magic Attack]. But in order for you to get an [Armas] you must train your body and mind because if your body is weak the [Armas] you contracted will devour your body and overtake it. Then after obtaining an [Armas] you must achieve great victory in every battle to become the most famous and powerful individual that will be known across all four layers of Verdelen. and that is to become... the God of War.

Deadsky_Ruler · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Playful Fate (Part 2)

Right after I was reincarnated here in this world. I learned the gist of this world but still not quite deep to comprehend the entirety of all things that are happening here. Like, this world has magic and in my past life don't so there's still a lot of things I need to understand.

"But with my 18 years of being here with my memories intact... I adapted well." Zenon said while walking away to thr tree with a little girl that were also abandoned at the church.

The warm breeze of thr air brings back his memory when he was 7 years old when he finally asked why he's at the church. Then when the priest heard that, he thinks that it's the right time for him to know such a thing before it's too late.

"There's nothing much to tell but it was in winter when I heard you cry at the doorstep. Then in the morning, I asked everyone in the village if they saw someone put you infront of the doorstep but I failed and all I can remember is that you have a letter in the basket containing your name.

It says something like this: "My name is Zenon Ansel and I hope you can take care of me until I reach 18 years of age." Then after than, there's also a written message for you and it says: "When you reach the Capital that is where your 'real journey' will begin. Especially, do not show that sword tattoo on your back."

Well that's all I can remember about that and nothing more." Priest Riley said while picking some vegetables in the backyard garden while Zenon is sitting right beside him and just looking.

It is now almost sunset when Zenon and the little girl called Fey reaches the church where Priest Riley is waiting for them at the doorstep.

A genuine smile is seen on the face of Priest Riley as Fey rush towards him with a big joyful smile.

"See... I told you I can get brother Zenon here all by myself." Fey said with those cute little confidence on his face as Priest Riley hugged her and carry her.

"Ohh really? That's our good girl. Let's go now Zenon, dinner's ready." Priest Riley said as he turn his back towards Zenon who is just looking at them with a smile.

Then finally the dinner is served on their hot plate where some orphans like Zenon are sitting with them like a family.

But sadness is seen on their faces while slowly eating as if they have no urge to eat.

"Hey don't act like that in front of your food. Zenon is going to leave tomorrow for his adventure we should be happy for him." Priest Riley said. But unable to take the situation, Neer who is at the age of 14 speaks up about the departure of Zenon tomorrow.

"Brother Zenon, do you really need to leave? How about us? your family here? are you really going to leave us?" Neer said while tears a dripping on her eyes along with the others who are crying about Zenon.

Then Zenon tapped his head to comfort her and the others and state his reasons.

"Don't worry, I'll still visit you all as often as I can. I just have to find some answers and I can't get it here. So after I leave, you're going to be their Big sister so you must not act weak. You're going to protect them when I'm gone." Zenon said.

The night have passed and it's time for Zenon to leave the church. Deep, genuine emotion is painted in every faces of the children and Priest Riley. Then, it's time to say the final goodbye... for now.

"I'll get going now Priest Riley and you kids so I can arrive at the Capital in 3 days. I promise, I'll visit as often as I can so don't cry anymore kids and don't give Priest Riley a headache, okay!" Zenon said with a smile on his face while tapping everyone's head to say his goodbye.

"Promise us that you'll be safe and visit as often as possible. Okay?" Neer said while wiping her tears.

"Hmm... I'll promise. Well then... see you guys again." Zenon said as he finally turns his back to the place he called home for 18 years.

Our province is located far away from the Capital that is 200 km away. If I want to ride a carriage, I need to play 20 silver coins and that is more than the money of our church for the whole three months. So I have no choice but to walk that would take more or less three days. But that's perfect fine.

Then as Zenon is walking under the warm sunrise near at the forest. A loud sound of an eagle is circling above him with a red apple on its claws.

As it fly over Zenon, it releases the apple on its claws that were cought by Zenon and finally eats it.

"Thanks for this, Avel." Zenon said as he continuously walk inside the forest as Avel is still soaring at the sky.

When I was young, I saw an egg is the forest while getting some berries for dinner. I tried to look for it's nest on the trees but I couldn't find any. So I brought him home, incubate him until his egg hatches and it did. So I raised him like my own child and named him Avel that means 'Wind.'

[3 Days Later]

Days have passed and Zenon is just continuously doing his everyday routine — catching prey and then eats it, rest and walk again.

He's finally at the Capital City of Dasma, he were greeted by the huge metal wall where numerous people are on the line for identification-check outside the gates.

He can see everything where people are riding their floating seahorse that are carrying their carriage. And some people who are just walking with their teams.

[Floating Seahorse] is a magic beast that have a shining crystals on it's back as they they are floating above the ground.

Just as usual, Zenon is always composed and relaxed while standing at the line while looking at everyone.

My goal into this Capital is to join and apply as an [Adventurer] the and do missions for the [Guild]. What I heard about this is: The [Guild] is an organization for [Adventurer] to do missions and get paid depending on its difficulty. Inside that [Guild] there are [Squads] where you will choose to join in. But the main criteria for joining is for you to have an [Armas].

[Armas] is a weapon that you will form a [Contract] with for you to use in a battle. Using this, you can finally use [Mana] as a means of magic attack because the [Armas] will give you an enormous power. Plus, it can also be in different forms like swords, spear, a bow or even a gauntlet, the [Armas] will be in a form that is suited for its [Contractor].

As Zenon is thinking deeply, it's finally his turn to show his Identification card that will allow him to enter the huge metal gate.


"Here..." Zenon replied.

The checker put his I.D in a scanner where his other information is written.


Name: Zenon Ansel

Age: 18

Place of Birth: Paronga Province

Occupation: None]

It only takes his for a few minutes for scanning his identification and the checker allows him to enter the City.

His eyes widens with astonishment while looking at the tall building and large floating airship. A City filled with prosperity and joyful ambiance, there are also stores and other buildings and houses.

This is much better than expected for a fantasy world. Now... where can I find the Guilds Hall?